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Last active October 14, 2021 10:29
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vim configuration file
set hlsearch "Highlight searches
set incsearch "Incremental search
set ls=2 "Always show status line in all windows
set autoindent "Auto indent on new line
set smartindent
set expandtab "tabs to spaces
set tabstop=2 "Tabs are 2 spaces in width
set shiftwidth=2 "Autodindent to 2 spaces width
set scrolloff=10 "Start scrolling when 10 lines close to the bottom
set ruler "Shows current file position
set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%y%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
set cursorcolumn "Highlight current column
set cursorline "Highlight current row
set novisualbell "Don't shake the screen
set number "show line numbers
set title "Change title of window based on file
set ttyfast "Smoother display for fast terminals
set hidden "Don't close buffers when changing files
set fileencoding=utf8 "Unicode man
set nocompatible "Get all of vim's awesomeness
set backspace=indent,eol,start "Allow backspacing over tabs end of lines and start of insert
set wildmode=longest,list "Better tab completion of filenames (like bash)
set wildmenu "as above
set wildignore+=node_modules/**,tmp/**,*.tmp
set rtp+=/usr/local/opt/fzf
"Allows use of %/ for current directory
cmap %/ %:p:h/
"256 coloras
if $COLORTERM == 'gnome-terminal'
set t_Co=256
set background=dark "Tell vim I'm using a dark background
colorscheme desert
syntax on "syntax highlighting
" autocomplete
autocmd FileType javascript set omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
autocmd FileType html set omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading = 1
autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global = 1
autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_rails = 1
"custom colors
hi CursorLine ctermbg=234 term=none cterm=none
hi clear CursorColumn
hi CursorColumn ctermbg=234
hi LineNr ctermfg=237 ctermbg=233
hi Visual term=bold cterm=italic
"indent guides
let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1
let g:indent_guides_start_level = 1
hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=black
hi IndentGuidesOdd ctermbg=grey
let mapleader = "," "Leader from \ to , - means stuff like Command-T plugin becomes ,+t rather than \+t
let g:ackprg = 'ag --nogroup --nocolor --column'
filetype plugin indent on "Detect filetype indentations
"Custom filetypes
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ctp set filetype=html
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ui set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead Fudgefile set filetype=ruby
"Tabs and traling space highlighting and sorting out - :retab sorts out tabs
set list lcs=tab:·⁖,trail:¶
autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e
"Emacs indenting
map <Tab> ==
"NERDTree toggle
map <c-T> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
"Easy file switching
nnoremap <leader>. <C-^>
"Ctrl-P fuzzy matching
let g:ctrlp_map = '<leader><leader>'
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 0
:command! -range=% Snip '<,'>w! /tmp/snippet
:command! Unsnip r /tmp/snippet
:command! Q qa!
:command! WQ wqa!
" Get yankring out of the way
let g:yankring_history_dir = '~/.vim/tmp'
" Set minium window size
set wmh=0
" Maximise or minimise current window
if bufwinnr(1)
map [ <C-W>=
map ] <C-W>_
nnoremap <F2> :set invpaste paste?<CR>
set pastetoggle=<F2>
set showmode
"Toggle Highlights
nnoremap <F3> :set hlsearch!<CR>
"Toggle text wrap
nnoremap <F4> :set wrap!<CR>
"Select open file in nerdtree
map <Leader>f :NERDTreeFind<CR>
"NERDTree toggle
map <c-U> :FZF<CR>
" Start NERDTree when Vim starts with a directory argument.
autocmd StdinReadPre * let s:std_in=1
autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 1 && isdirectory(argv()[0]) && !exists('s:std_in') |
\ execute 'NERDTree' argv()[0] | wincmd p | enew | execute 'cd '.argv()[0] | endif
" Open nerd tree on the right side
let g:NERDTreeWinPos = "right"
" Set specific linters
let g:ale_linters = { 'javascript': ['eslint'], 'ruby': ['rubocop'],}
" Only run linters named in ale_linters settings.
let g:ale_linters_explicit = 1
let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1
let g:ale_sign_column_always = 1
let g:ale_set_highlights = 0
" Vim-rspec mappigns
map <Leader>t :call RunCurrentSpecFile()<CR>
map <Leader>s :call RunNearestSpec()<CR>
map <Leader>l :call RunLastSpec()<CR>
map <Leader>a :call RunAllSpecs()<CR>
let g:rspec_runner = "os_x_iterm2"
let g:rspec_command = "!bundle exec rspec {spec}"
execute pathogen#infect()
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