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Created April 13, 2020 15:28
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Big rationals, much like big integers.
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigRational implements Comparable<BigRational> {
public static BigRational ZERO = new BigRational (0);
public static BigRational ONE = new BigRational (1);
BigInteger num;
BigInteger den;
public BigRational(long n) {
this (BigInteger.valueOf(n));
public BigRational (long num,long den) {
this (BigInteger.valueOf (num),BigInteger.valueOf (den));
public BigRational (BigInteger n) {
this (n,BigInteger.ONE);
public BigRational (BigInteger num,BigInteger den) {
if (den.equals (BigInteger.ZERO))
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("zero denominator");
BigInteger gcd = num.gcd (den);
this.num = num.divide (gcd);
this.den = den.divide (gcd);
if (this.den.signum () < 0) {
this.den = this.den.negate ();
this.num = this.num.negate ();
public String toString () {
return num + "/" + den;
public boolean equals (Object o) {
BigRational r = (BigRational) o;
return r.num.equals (num) && r.den.equals (den);
public static BigRational sum (BigRational r1,BigRational r2) {
return new BigRational (r1.num.multiply (r2.den).add (r1.den.multiply (r2.num)),r1.den.multiply (r2.den));
public static BigRational product (BigRational r1,BigRational r2) {
return new BigRational (r1.num.multiply (r2.num),r1.den.multiply (r2.den));
public BigRational negate () {
return new BigRational (num.negate (),den);
public BigRational reciprocal () {
if (num.equals (BigInteger.ZERO))
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("reciprocal of zero");
return new BigRational (den,num);
public BigRational pow (int exponent) {
return new BigRational(num.pow(exponent), den.pow(exponent));
public double doubleValue() {
boolean negative = num.signum() < 0;
BigInteger [] d = (negative ? num.negate() : num).divideAndRemainder(den);
double result = d [0].doubleValue();
BigInteger r = d [1];
if (!r.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
double bit = 1;
for (;;) {
bit /= 2;
r = r.shiftLeft(1);
if (r.compareTo(den) >= 0) {
double was = result;
result += bit;
if (result == was)
r = r.subtract(den);
if (r.equals(BigInteger.ZERO))
return negative ? -result : result;
public int compareTo(BigRational r) {
return num.multiply(r.den).compareTo(r.num.multiply(den));
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