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Last active September 27, 2017 15:47
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function sid2bin($sid) {
if (!preg_match('/^S-(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})(-[1-9][0-9]*){3,255}$/', $sid)) throw new Exception('Not an sid');
$segments = explode('-', $sid);
$str = pack('hhnN', $segments[1], sizeof($segments)-3, $segments[2] >> 32, $segments[2]);
for($i=3;$i<sizeof($segments);$i++) {
$str .= pack('V', $segments[$i]);
return $str;
function bin2sid($bin) {
if (strlen($bin) % 4) throw new Exception('Not an sid');
$authority = unpack('J', "\0\0" . substr($bin, 2, 6));
$segments = ['S', ord($bin[0]), $authority[1]];
for($i=8;$i<strlen($bin);$i+=4) {
$data = unpack('V', substr($bin, $i, $i+4));
$segments[] = $data[1];
if (ord($bin[1]) !== sizeof($segments)-3) throw new Exception('Not an sid');
return implode('-', $segments);
function objectguid2bin($objectguid) {
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-z]{8}(-[0-9a-z]{4}){4}[0-9a-z]{8}$/i', $objectguid)) throw new Exception('Not an objectguid');
$bin = hex2bin(str_replace('-', '', $objectguid));
return reverseguid($bin);
function reverseguid($bin) {
return $bin{3} . $bin{2} . $bin{1} . $bin{0}
. $bin{5} . $bin{4}
. $bin{7} . $bin{6}
. substr($bin, 8);
function bin2objectguid($bin) {
if (strlen($bin) !== 16) throw new Exception('Not an objectguid');
$bin = reverseguid($bin);
$segments = str_split(bin2hex($bin), 2);
$segments[3] .= '-';
$segments[5] .= '-';
$segments[7] .= '-';
$segments[9] .= '-';
return implode('', $segments);
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