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Last active September 22, 2017 09:57
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import cats.Functor
import shapeless._
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Unfix[A] {
type F[_]
def apply(a: A): Fix[F]
object Unfix {
type Aux[A, F0[_]] = Unfix[A] { type F[x] = F0[x] }
def apply[A](implicit unfix: Unfix[A]): Aux[A, unfix.F] = unfix
trait In[A, B] {
type F[_]
def apply[G[_]](b: B, rec: A => Fix[G]): F[Fix[G]]
trait InHl[A, B] extends (A In B) {
type F[_] <: HList
trait InCo[A, B] extends (A In B) {
type F[_] <: Coproduct
object In extends InLP {
type Aux[A, B, F0[_]] = In[A, B] { type F[x] = F0[x] }
def apply[A, B](implicit in: A In B): Aux[A, B, in.F] = in
implicit def reflexive[A]: A In A = new In[A, A] {
type F[x] = x
def apply[G[_]](a: A, rec: A => Fix[G]) = rec(a)
implicit def functor[A, G[_]](
implicit fg: Functor[G]
): A In G[A] = new In[A, G[A]] {
type F[x] = G[x]
def apply[K[_]](ga: G[A], rec: A => Fix[K]) =
implicit def generic[A, B, R](
implicit gen: Generic.Aux[B, R], ar: A In R
): A In B = new In[A, B] {
type F[x] = ar.F[x]
def apply[G[_]](b: B, rec: A => Fix[G]) = ar(, rec)
implicit def hnil[A]: A InHl HNil = new InHl[A, HNil] {
type F[x] = HNil
def apply[G[_]](nil: HNil, rec: A => Fix[G]) = nil
implicit def cnil[A]: A InCo CNil = new InCo[A, CNil] {
type F[x] = CNil
def apply[G[_]](nil: CNil, rec: A => Fix[G]) = nil
implicit def hcons[A, H, T <: HList](
implicit ah: Strict[A In H], at: A InHl T
): InHl[A, H :: T] = new InHl[A, H :: T] {
type F[x] = ah.value.F[x] :: at.F[x]
def apply[K[_]](l: H :: T, rec: A => Fix[K]) =
ah.value(l.head, rec) :: at(l.tail, rec)
implicit def ccons[A, L, R <: Coproduct](
implicit al: Strict[A In L], ar: A InCo R
): InCo[A, L :+: R] = new InCo[A, L :+: R] {
type F[x] = al.value.F[x] :+: ar.F[x]
def apply[K[_]](c: L :+: R, rec: A => Fix[K]) = c match {
case Inl(l) => Inl(al.value(l, rec))
case Inr(r) => Inr(ar(r, rec))
trait InLP {
implicit def const[A, B]: A In B = new In[A, B] {
type F[x] = B
def apply[G[_]](b: B, rec: A => Fix[G]) = b
implicit def unfix[A, R](
implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, R], ar: A In R
): Aux[A, ar.F] = new Unfix[A] {
type F[x] = ar.F[x]
def apply(a: A): Fix[F] = Fix(ar(, apply))
sealed trait IntTree
case object Leaf extends IntTree
case class Node(l: IntTree, v: Int, r: IntTree) extends IntTree
object IntTree extends App {
val unfix = Unfix[IntTree]
println(unfix(Node(Leaf, 42, Leaf)))
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