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Created October 30, 2020 07:59
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bs4breadcrumbs for wp
* Retrieve category parents.
* @param int $id Category ID.
* @param array $visited Optional. Already linked to categories to prevent duplicates.
* @return string|WP_Error A list of category parents on success, WP_Error on failure.
* file name: bs4breadcrumbs.php
function custom_get_category_parents( $id, $visited = array() ) {
$chain = '';
$parent = get_term( $id, 'category' );
if ( is_wp_error( $parent ) )
return $parent;
$name = $parent->name;
if ( $parent->parent && ( $parent->parent != $parent->term_id ) && !in_array( $parent->parent, $visited ) ) {
$visited[] = $parent->parent;
$chain .= custom_get_category_parents( $parent->parent, $visited );
$chain .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="' . esc_url( get_category_link( $parent->term_id ) ) . '">' . $name. '</a>' . '</li>';
return $chain;
function bootstrap_breadcrumb() {
global $post;
$html = '<ol class="breadcrumb">';
if ( (is_front_page()) || (is_home()) ) {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Home</li>';
else {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="'.esc_url(home_url('/')).'">Home</a></li>';
if ( is_attachment() ) {
$parent = get_post($post->post_parent);
$categories = get_the_category($parent->ID);
if ( $categories[0] ) {
$html .= custom_get_category_parents($categories[0]);
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink( $parent ) ) . '">' . $parent->post_title . '</a></li>';
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . get_the_title() . '</li>';
elseif ( is_category() ) {
$category = get_category( get_query_var( 'cat' ) );
if ( $category->parent != 0 ) {
$html .= custom_get_category_parents( $category->parent );
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . single_cat_title( '', false ) . '</li>';
elseif ( is_page() && !is_front_page() ) {
$parent_id = $post->post_parent;
$parent_pages = array();
while ( $parent_id ) {
$page = get_page($parent_id);
$parent_pages[] = $page;
$parent_id = $page->post_parent;
$parent_pages = array_reverse( $parent_pages );
if ( !empty( $parent_pages ) ) {
foreach ( $parent_pages as $parent ) {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink( $parent->ID ) ) . '">' . get_the_title( $parent->ID ) . '</a></li>';
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . get_the_title() . '</li>';
elseif ( is_singular( ) ) {
$categories = get_the_category();
if( !empty( $categories ) ) {
$html .= custom_get_category_parents($categories[0]);
} else {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="'.get_option('home').'/'.get_post_type_object( get_post_type($post) )->name.'">'.get_post_type_object( get_post_type($post) )->label.'</a></li>';
// if ( $categories[0] ) {
// $html .= custom_get_category_parents($categories[0]);
// }
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . get_the_title() . '</li>';
elseif ( is_tag() ) {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . single_tag_title( '', false ) . '</li>';
elseif ( is_day() ) {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="' . esc_url( get_year_link( get_the_time( 'Y' ) ) ) . '">' . get_the_time( 'Y' ) . '</a></li>';
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="' . esc_url( get_month_link( get_the_time( 'Y' ), get_the_time( 'm' ) ) ) . '">' . get_the_time( 'm' ) . '</a></li>';
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . get_the_time('d') . '</li>';
elseif ( is_month() ) {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="' . esc_url( get_year_link( get_the_time( 'Y' ) ) ) . '">' . get_the_time( 'Y' ) . '</a></li>';
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . get_the_time( 'F' ) . '</li>';
elseif ( is_year() ) {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . get_the_time( 'Y' ) . '</li>';
elseif ( is_author() ) {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">' . get_the_author() . '</li>';
elseif ( is_search() ) {
elseif ( is_404() ) {
$html .= '</ol>';
echo $html;
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