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Created October 11, 2015 13:23
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import akka.typed._
import akka.typed.ScalaDSL._
import akka.typed.AskPattern._
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await
object AkkaTyped extends App {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
// 1. First simple example, we'll create a typed actor
// which just prints out the received message.
println("Step 1: Using static Actor")
// which can only receive HelloMsg message.
sealed trait HelloMsg
final case class HelloCountry(country: String) extends HelloMsg
final case class HelloCity(city: String) extends HelloMsg
final case class HelloWorld() extends HelloMsg
final case class Hello(msg: String) extends HelloMsg
// simple static actor, which just prints out the message
val helloSayer = Static[HelloMsg] { msg =>
println("Msg received:" + msg);
// create a new root actor and send it types messages
val helloSystem: ActorSystem[HelloMsg] = ActorSystem("helloSayer", Props(helloSayer))
helloSystem ! HelloCountry("Netherlands")
helloSystem ! HelloWorld()
helloSystem ! HelloCity("Waalwijk")
helloSystem ! Hello("HelloHelloHello")
// 2. Now we use an actor that responds to the sending actor using the
// ask pattern.
println("\n\nStep 2: Using reply Actor")
// Simple case class, which is used for the ask pattern
final case class HelloReply(say: String, replyTo: ActorRef[HelloMsg])
// static actor that responds to the passed in actorRef
val helloReplyer = Static[HelloReply] {msg =>
msg.replyTo ! Hello(s"You said: ${msg.say} ")
// create a new system and use the ask pattern to send it messages.
val replySystem: ActorSystem[HelloReply] = ActorSystem("hello", Props(helloReplyer))
val response = replySystem ? { f:ActorRef[HelloMsg] => HelloReply("Hello", f)}
// or use a shorter form: val response = replySystem ? (HelloReply("Hello", _))
val res = Await.result(response, 5 seconds)
println("Response recevied: " + res)
// 3. now lets create an actor that switches behavior
println("\n\nStep 3: Using switching behavior")
// two functions which we'll switch in the actor implementation. One
// prints everything in lower case, the ohter in uppercase
val f1 = (msg: HelloMsg) => {println(s"In total function: $msg".toLowerCase)}
val f2 = (msg: HelloMsg) => {println(s"In total function: $msg".toUpperCase)}
// create a new Total 'Actor'. It runs the first function and returns the second one
// effectively switching the implementation between the two functions. Note that we use
// the Total behavior for this example. With a Total we don't handle any system messages
// of type [Signal], if we want to do that we could use the FullTotal instead
def newTotal(f1: HelloMsg => Unit, f2: HelloMsg => Unit): Total[HelloMsg] = Total[HelloMsg] { msg =>
newTotal(f2, f1)
val behavior1: Behavior[HelloMsg] = newTotal(f1, f2) // normally we can send all the base traits
val behavior2: Behavior[HelloWorld] = newTotal(f1, f2).narrow // by using narrow we can limit the behavior to a type
// now create a new actor, and use the function to create the stateless total
val totalSystem: ActorSystem[HelloMsg] = ActorSystem("hello", Props(behavior1))
totalSystem ! HelloCountry("Netherlands")
totalSystem ! HelloWorld()
totalSystem ! HelloCity("Waalwijk")
totalSystem ! Hello("HelloHelloHello")
// 4. Creating a Full actor with access to the context
println("\n\nStep 4: Using full Actor")
val fullBehavior = ContextAware[HelloMsg] { ctx =>
println(s"We can access the context: $ctx")
Full[HelloMsg] {
case msg: MessageOrSignal[HelloMsg] => println(s"Recevied messageOrSignal: $msg"); Same[HelloMsg]
val fullSystem: ActorSystem[HelloMsg] = ActorSystem("hello", Props(fullBehavior))
fullSystem ! HelloCountry("Netherlands")
fullSystem ! HelloWorld()
fullSystem ! HelloCity("Waalwijk")
fullSystem ! Hello("HelloHelloHello")
// 5. combining behavior using && and ||
println("\n\nStep 5: Using Combinators")
println("Step 5a: Use the && combinator")
// messages are passed to both
val andCombined = helloSayer && behavior1
val andSystem: ActorSystem[HelloMsg] = ActorSystem("and",Props(andCombined))
andSystem ! HelloCountry("Netherlands")
andSystem ! HelloWorld()
andSystem ! HelloCity("Waalwijk")
andSystem ! Hello("HelloHelloHello")
println("\n\nStep 5a: Use the || combinator")
// first try the left one, if it is unhandled tries the right one
val orCombined = Total[HelloMsg]{
case _ => {println("Can't handle it here!");Unhandled}
} || fullBehavior
val orSystem: ActorSystem[HelloMsg] = ActorSystem("or", Props(orCombined))
orSystem ! HelloCountry("Netherlands")
orSystem ! HelloWorld()
orSystem ! HelloCity("Waalwijk")
orSystem ! Hello("HelloHelloHello")
// shutdown everything and end the systems when done.
for {
_ <- helloSystem.terminate()
_ <- replySystem.terminate()
_ <- totalSystem.terminate()
_ <- fullSystem.terminate()
_ <- andSystem.terminate()
_ <- orSystem.terminate()
} println("systems terminated")
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