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Last active October 8, 2015 06:23
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import akka.routing.{RemoveRoutee, ActorRefRoutee, AddRoutee}
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* for now a very simple actor, which keeps a separate buffer
* for each subscriber. This could be rewritten to store the
* vmstats in an actor somewhere centrally and pull them from there.
* Based on the standed publisher example from the akka docs.
class VMStatsPublisher(router: ActorRef) extends ActorPublisher[String] {
case class QueueUpdated()
import scala.collection.mutable
val MaxBufferSize = 50
val queue = mutable.Queue[String]()
var queueUpdated = false;
// on startup, register with routee
override def preStart() {
router ! AddRoutee(ActorRefRoutee(self))
// cleanly remove this actor from the router. To
// make sure our custom router only keeps track of
// alive actors.
override def postStop(): Unit = {
router ! RemoveRoutee(ActorRefRoutee(self))
def receive = {
// receive new stats, add them to the queue, and quickly
// exit.
case stats: String =>
// remove the oldest one from the queue and add a new one
if (queue.size == MaxBufferSize) queue.dequeue()
queue += stats
if (!queueUpdated) {
queueUpdated = true
self ! QueueUpdated
// we receive this message if there are new items in the
// queue. If we have a demand for messages send the requested
// demand.
case QueueUpdated => deliver()
// the connected subscriber request n messages, we don't need
// to explicitely check the amount, we use totalDemand propery for this
case Request(amount) =>
// subscriber stops, so we stop ourselves.
case Cancel =>
* Deliver the message to the subscriber. In the case of websockets over TCP, note
* that even if we have a slow consumer, we won't notice that immediately. First the
* buffers will fill up before we get feedback.
@tailrec final def deliver(): Unit = {
if (totalDemand == 0) {
println(s"No more demand for: $this")
if (queue.size == 0 && totalDemand != 0) {
// we can response to queueupdated msgs again, since
// we can't do anything until our queue contains stuff again.
queueUpdated = false
} else if (totalDemand > 0 && queue.size > 0) {
* Just a simple router, which collects some VM stats and sends them to the provided
* actorRef each interval.
class VMActor(router: ActorRef, delay: FiniteDuration, interval: FiniteDuration) extends Actor {
context.system.scheduler.schedule(delay, interval) {
val json = Json.obj( "stats" -> => el._1 -> el._2))
router ! Json.prettyPrint(json)
override def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case _ => // just ignore any messages
def getStats: Map[String, Long] = {
val baseStats = Map[String, Long](
"count.procs" -> Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors(),
"" -> Runtime.getRuntime.freeMemory(),
"count.mem.maxMemory" -> Runtime.getRuntime.maxMemory(),
"count.mem.totalMemory" -> Runtime.getRuntime.totalMemory()
val roots = File.listRoots()
val totalSpaceMap = => s"${root.getAbsolutePath}" -> root.getTotalSpace) toMap
val freeSpaceMap = => s"${root.getAbsolutePath}" -> root.getFreeSpace) toMap
val usuableSpaceMap = => s"count.fs.usuable.${root.getAbsolutePath}" -> root.getUsableSpace) toMap
baseStats ++ totalSpaceMap ++ freeSpaceMap ++ usuableSpaceMap
* Simple router where we can add and remove routee. This actor is not
* immutable.
class RouterActor extends Actor {
var routees = Set[Routee]()
def receive = {
case ar: AddRoutee => routees = routees + ar.routee
case rr: RemoveRoutee => routees = routees - rr.routee
case msg => routees.foreach(_.send(msg, sender))
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