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Created December 17, 2020 01:25
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TypeScript Fast Crash Course Annotations
// TypeScript Fast Crash Course Annotations
// Type inference
const car = {
brand: 'BMW',
engine: '3.4',
run: () => {
console.log(`Running ${car.brand}`);
// Types I (Similar to Kt declaring variables)
let firstName: string = "John";
let age: number = 18;
let isStudent: boolean = true;
let height: number = 1.83;
let notes: number[] = [7.6, 9.5, 7.1];
// Types II (any type)
let anyValue;
anyValue = 1;
anyValue = "John";
let anyValues: any[] = [1, "John", 1.83, 18, [7.6, 9.5, 7.1], true];
// Types III (Kt-like function parameters)
// Obs: without specify parameters type, Ts will infer that is any type.
function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
// Functions as types
function mod(a: number, b: number): number {
return a % b;
const func = mod;
let f: () => string;
f = () => "hello";
function fold(onLeft: (a: number) => number) { // Function as parameter
return onLeft(1);
function a(): () => number { // Returning function
return () => 1;
// Objects as types
const dog: { name: string, bark: () => any } = {
name: "Rex",
bark: () => console.log('Au Au')
let cat: { name: string, meow: () => any };
// Union types
let eitherNumberOrString: number | string;
eitherNumberOrString = 1;
eitherNumberOrString = "I'm string";
// Tuple typle
const point: [number, number, string] = [20, 45, "#ffffff"];
// Defining and using Interfaces
interface Person {
name: string,
age: number,
talk: () => void
const student: Person = { // Object implementing Person interface
name: "John",
age: 15,
talk: () => console.log('Hi!')
interface Animal {
name: string,
eat(): void,
sleep(): void
const dog2: Animal = { // another way to implement methods (more spaced)
name: "Rex",
eat() {
sleep() {
// Interfaces to functions
function bath(animal: Animal) {
console.log('You are a good boy, take a biscuit, ' +;
// Interface to classes
class Bird implements Animal {
name: string;
// name = "Blu"; or
constructor(name: string) { = name;
eat = () => { console.log('Biadsada') } // this
sleep() { // or this
} // bath(new Bird("Blue")); // test this
// bath(dog2); // and this
// Interface inheritance
interface Employee extends Person {
salary: number,
hasBenefit: boolean
} // A employee is a person
class Recepcionist implements Employee {
hasBenefit: boolean;
constructor(public name: string, public age: number, public salary: number) {
this.hasBenefit = salary < 500;
talk() {
console.log('Hello, welcome!')
// Class definition (basic)
class Tree {
name: string;
constructor(name: string) { = name;
class Tree2 {
constructor(public name: string) { }
} //console.log(new Tree2("sad").name) // try this
// Access modifiers
class BankAccount {
constructor(private total: number = 100.0) { }
private getSomeMoney(value: number) { -= value;
// Abstract class
abstract class Device {
abstract emitSignal(): void; // abstract method = without impl
class Phone extends Device {
emitSignal() {
console.log('[run signal]');
} // new Phone().emitSignal(); // test this
// Generics
function identity<T>(value: T): T {
return value;
}// identity(1); // try this returns 1
// Class Generics
// My exercise was create a Either type from FP :)
// This applies generics, inheritance and polymorphism
interface Either<L, R> {
fold<B>(onLeft: (left: L) => B, onRight: (right: R) => B): B;
class Left<L, R> implements Either<L, R>{
constructor(private value: L) {}
fold<B>(onLeft: (left: L) => B, onRight: (right: R) => B): B {
return onLeft(this.value);
class Right<L, R> implements Either<L, R> {
constructor(private value: R) {}
fold<B>(onLeft: (left: L) => B, onRight: (right: R) => B): B {
return onRight(this.value);
// Generics constraints
function conversationBetweenPeople<T extends Person>(people: T[]) {
for(let person of people){;
// Namespaces
namespace arithmetic {
export function sum(a: number, b: number){
return a + b;
export function times(a: number, b: number){
return a * b;
export function div(a: number, b: number){
return a / b;
export function minus(a: number, b: number){
return a - b;
export function mod(a: number, b: number){
return a % b;
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