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Last active August 13, 2021 23:51
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2D Array Binary Search Golang
package main
import (
func main() {
array := [2][8]int{
{17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10},
{9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2},
x, y, err := find(array, 2)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\ninput array: %+v", array)
fmt.Printf("\nfound value %d in position: %d,%d", array[x][y], x, y)
// find recieves a 2x8 array and a key integer to search.
func find(array [2][8]int, key int) (x int, y int, err error) {
columnLength := len(array[0])
low := 0
high := columnLength - 1
// As we only have two rows, we can figure out in
// which row the number is positioned in O(1).
if key < array[x][columnLength-1] {
// Then we do the binary search in only one row
// in O(Log(n)).
for low <= high {
// In golang `/` on an int works the same way as `//`
// in python.
y = (low + high) / 2
if array[x][y] == key {
return x, y, nil
} else if array[x][y] > key {
low = y + 1
} else {
high = y - 1
return 0, 0, errors.New("the number doesn't exist")
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