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Last active October 13, 2015 21:38
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An (intended to be generic) Python XML client. It can be customized for different types of simple RESTful XML APIs.
from lxml import etree
import requests
class XMLClient(object):
Generic XML client. All the different provider's API implementations must
inherit from it to create its own client implementation.
def __init__(self, username, password, url):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.url = url
def _envelope(self, resource):
Creates the envelope for the request. One subclass which implements
the XML client for a specific API will override this method and make a
call to `super` to generate the root of the XML document. Then, it can
create the envelope for the corresponding API, adding the username and
the password or whatever
:param resource: Root of the XML document. Usually, this is the name
of the API resource to be called.
:return: `etree.Element` object representing the root of the document.
root = etree.Element(resource)
return root
def _build_xml(self, resource, params=None):
Builds the XML to be sent to provider API.
:return: String containing the XML request.
root = self._envelope(resource)
def read_params(params, parent, position=None):
if position:
position_related = etree.SubElement(parent, position)
position_related = parent
for key in params:
if isinstance(params[key], dict):
read_params(params[key], position_related, position=key)
elif isinstance(params[key], list):
for element in params[key]:
read_params(element, position_related, key)
if position:
related = etree.SubElement(position_related, key)
related = etree.SubElement(root, key)
if isinstance(params[key], tuple):
related.text = unicode(params[key][0])
for attribute in params[key][1]:
related.set(attribute, params[key][1][attribute])
related.text = unicode(params[key])
# Adding parameters to the specific request.
if params:
read_params(params, root)
return etree.tostring(root, encoding='iso-8859-1',
def request(self, endpoint, resource, params=None):
Performs a request in the remote API using the credentials and URL set
up in settings.
It's intended to override this method in subclasses, since each API
will require a different POST request, this means a different Python
dictionary in the `data` argument of the `` call.
:param endpoint: The endpoint of the resource in the API.
:param resource: Name of the resource.
:param params: A dictionary of XML parameters included in the request.
Dictionary must be built in this way: Each key in the dictionary will
be a string representing the XML parameter to be sent (e.g.
'LanguageCode'). The value of each key can be a single string with the
value of the XML parameter or a tuple, containing two elements: the
value of the XML parameter and another dictionary containing the
parameter attributes. This dictionary is totally optional, since not
every parameter in this XML API has extra attributes.
:return: HTTP object containing a string with the full XML response.
xml = self._build_xml(resource, params=params)
response = + endpoint, data=xml)
return response
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