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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Experimentando con y (va ganando haskell)
main = animationOf mover
pared = color(solidRectangle (4,2),light yellow)
tejado = color(solidPolygon[(-2,1),(0,2),(2,1)],red)
puerta = translate(color(solidRectangle(0.6,1),brown),0,-0.5)
ventana1 = translate(color(solidRectangle(0.6,0.6),light blue),-1,0)
ventana2 = translate(color(solidRectangle(0.6,0.6),light blue),1,0)
mover a = rotate (casa,100*a)
casa = pictures [ventana1,ventana2,puerta,tejado,pared]
rec x y = solidRectangle(x,y)
cir = solidCircle
pol = solidPolygon
col c d = color(d,c)
pos x y d = translate(d,x,y)
rot a d = rotate(d,a)
sca e d = scale(d,e,e)
(>>) a b = b a
main = animationOf mover
servicio = rec 4 4 >> col yellow
mando = pol [(-2,2),(0,5),(2,2)] >> col blue
tobera = pol [(-1,-3.5),(0,-0.5),(1,-3.5)] >> col green
apolo = mando & servicio & tobera
mover = \y-> let z = y*y*y/20 - 8
in apolo >> sca 0.5 >> pos 0 z >> rot y
(define componer-imagenes (lambda (fondo cosas)
(lambda (cosa fondo)
(let* ((imagen (vector-ref cosa 0))
(ancho (image-width imagen))
(alto (image-height imagen))
(x (+ (vector-ref cosa 1) (/ ancho 2)))
(y (+ (vector-ref cosa 2) (/ alto 2))))
(place-image imagen x y fondo)))
fondo cosas)))
(define fondo (componer-imagenes
(rectangle 600 300 "solid" "sky blue")
(list (vector (rectangle 600 150 "solid" "blue") 0 150)
(vector (circle 20 "solid" "yellow") 500 50)
(vector (ellipse 80 20 "solid" "white") 300 50)
(vector (ellipse 100 30 "solid" "white") 320 30)
(vector (star 20 "solid" "white") 60 40))))
(define barco1 (image-url ""))
(define barco2 (flip-horizontal barco1))
(define-struct mundo (t x1 y1 x2 y2))
(define redibujar (lambda(w)
(componer-imagenes fondo
(list (vector barco2 (mundo-x2 w) (+ (mundo-y2 w) (* 2 (sin (mundo-t w)))))
(vector barco1 (+ (mundo-x1 w) (* 2 (mundo-t w) )) (+ (mundo-y1 w) (* 2 (sin (+ 10 (mundo-t w))))))))))
(define mover (lambda (w)
(make-mundo (+ (mundo-t w) 0.1)
(mundo-x1 w)
(mundo-y1 w)
(mundo-x2 w)
(mundo-y2 w))))
(define teclear (lambda (w key)
(cond [ (key=? "left" key) (make-mundo (mundo-t w)
(- (mundo-x1 w) 2)
(mundo-y1 w)
(mundo-x2 w)
(mundo-y2 w))]
[ (key=? "right" key) (make-mundo (mundo-t w)
(+ (mundo-x1 w) 2)
(mundo-y1 w)
(mundo-x2 w)
(mundo-y2 w))]
[ (key=? "up" key) (make-mundo (mundo-t w)
(mundo-x1 w)
(- (mundo-y1 w) 2)
(mundo-x2 w)
(mundo-y2 w))]
[ (key=? "down" key) (make-mundo (mundo-t w)
(mundo-x1 w)
(+ (mundo-y1 w) 2)
(mundo-x2 w)
(mundo-y2 w))]
[ else w ])))
(big-bang (make-mundo 0 100 100 300 90)
(on-tick mover)
(on-key teclear)
(to-draw redibujar))
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