Although MeiliSearch offers steps to install via apt, there are some dependency libraries that are not installable on the server architecture we have availble on our Tighten Forge servers. However, the servers can run the program just fine with the binary. Here are the steps I took to make it work.
curl -L | sh
chmod 755 meilisearch chown root:root meilisearch
sudo mv meilisearch /usr/bin/
In the Forge Dashboard, click on "Daemons" under "Server Details". Fill out the following for a new daemon:
Command: meilisearch --master-key=SOME_MASTER_KEY --env=production --http-addr --db-path ./home/forge/meilifiles User: forge Directory: leave blank Processes: 1
I was getting an "Error: Permission denied (os error 13)" if I left the directory blank. It might have been because I didn't have the "default" site still in Forge. To get it working, I added "/home/forge" as the directory.