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Created April 22, 2020 14:13
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void fract_rand(double *re, double *im);
typedef struct s_arena *arena_t;
arena_t arena_create(int page_size, int max_pages);
void arena_clear(arena_t arena);
void arena_delete(arena_t arena);
void *arena_alloc(
arena_t arena,
int element_size,
int n_dimensions,
int *n_elements);
void array_get_int(
void *allocation, int n_dimensions, int *indexes,
int *pRetVal, int *pInBounds);
void array_get_double(
void *allocation, int n_dimensions, int *indexes,
double *pRetVal, int *pInBounds);
int array_set_int(
void *allocation, int n_dimensions, int *indexes, int val);
int array_set_double(
void *allocation, int n_dimensions, int *indexes, double val);
void *alloc_array1D(arena_t arena, int element_size, int size);
void *alloc_array2D(arena_t arena, int element_size, int xsize, int ysize);
void *alloc_array3D(arena_t arena, int element_size, int xsize, int ysize, int zsize);
void *alloc_array4D(arena_t arena, int element_size, int xsize, int ysize, int zsize, int wsize);
int read_int_array_1D(void *array, int x);
int write_int_array_1D(void *array, int x, int val);
int read_int_array_2D(void *array, int x, int y);
int write_int_array_2D(void *array, int x, int y, int val);
double read_float_array_1D(void *array, int x);
int write_float_array_1D(void *array, int x, double val);
double read_float_array_2D(void *array, int x, int y);
int write_float_array_2D(void *array, int x, int y, double val);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifndef PF_H_
#define PF_H_
/* C signature of point-funcs generated by compiler
This is essentially an opaque object with methods implemented in C.
Typical usage:
double pparams[] = { 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
double initparams[] = {5.0, 2.0};
int nItersDone=0;
int nFate=0;
double dist=0.0;
int solid=0;
pf_obj *pf = pf_new();
&nItersDone, &nFate, &dist, &solid);
// maximum number of params which can be passed to init
#define PF_MAXPARAMS 200
// number of positional params used
#define N_PARAMS 11
/* the 'fate' of a point. This can be either
Unknown (255) - not yet calculated
N - reached an attractor numbered N (up to 30)
N | FATE_INSIDE - did not escape
N | FATE_SOLID - color with solid color
N | FATE_DIRECT - color with DCA
typedef unsigned char fate_t;
#define FATE_UNKNOWN 255
#define FATE_SOLID 0x80
#define FATE_DIRECT 0x40
#define FATE_INSIDE 0x20
typedef enum {
INT = 0,
FLOAT = 1,
} e_paramtype;
struct s_param {
e_paramtype t;
int intval;
double doubleval;
void *gradient;
void *image;
struct s_pf_data;
struct s_pf_vtable {
/* fill in params with the default values for this formula */
void (*get_defaults)(
struct s_pf_data *p,
double *pos_params,
struct s_param *params,
int nparams
/* fill in fields in pf_data with appropriate stuff */
void (*init)(
struct s_pf_data *p,
double *pos_params,
struct s_param *params,
int nparams
/* calculate one point.
perform up to nIters iterations,
number of iters performed in pnIters
outcome in pFate: 0 = escaped, 1 = trapped.
More fates may be generated in future
dist : index into color table from 0.0 to 1.0
void (*calc)(
struct s_pf_data *p,
// in params
const double *params, int nIters, int warp_param,
// tolerance params
int min_period_iter, double period_tolerance,
// only used for debugging
int x, int y, int aa,
// out params
int *pnIters, int *pFate, double *pDist, int *pSolid,
int *pDirectColorFlag, double *pColors
/* deallocate data in p */
void (*kill)(
struct s_pf_data *p
struct s_pf_data {
struct s_pf_vtable *vtbl;
void *arena;
typedef struct s_pf_vtable pf_vtable;
typedef struct s_pf_data pf_obj;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* create a new pf_obj.*/
extern pf_obj *pf_new(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* PF_H_ */
typedef struct {
pf_obj parent;
struct s_param p[PF_MAXPARAMS];
double pos_params[N_PARAMS];
int f__bailout;
void *t__a__gradient;
double t__a_fbailout;
double z_re;
double z_im;
double t__f0;
double t__f1;
double t__f2;
double t__f3;
double t__f4;
double t__f5;
double t__f6;
double t__f7;
double t__f8;
double t__f9;
int t__f10;
double t__a_cf0_offset;
double t__a_cf0_density;
double t__a_cf0bailout;
double cf0ed;
double t__cf00;
double t__cf01;
double t__cf02;
double t__cf03;
double t__cf04;
double t__cf05;
double t__cf06;
double t__cf07;
double t__cf08;
double t__cf09;
double t__a_cf1_offset;
double t__a_cf1_density;
double t__cf10;
double t__cf11;
} pf_real;
static void pf_init(
struct s_pf_data *p_stub,
double *pos_params,
struct s_param *params,
int nparams) {
pf_real *pfo = (pf_real *) p_stub;
int i;
if (nparams > PF_MAXPARAMS) {
nparams = PF_MAXPARAMS;
for (i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) {
pfo->p[i] = params[i];
/* printf("param %d = %.17g\n",i,params[i]); */
for (i = 0; i < N_PARAMS; ++i) {
pfo->pos_params[i] = pos_params[i];
static void pf_get_defaults(
// "object" pointer
struct s_pf_data *t__p_stub,
// in params
double *pos_params,
// out params
struct s_param *params,
// in param
int nparams
) {
pf_real *t__pfo = (pf_real *) t__p_stub;
t__start_fdefault: ;
t__a_fbailout = 4.00000000000000000;
goto t__end_fdefault;
t__end_fdefault: ;
t__pfo->p[3].doubleval = t__a_cf0_density;
t__pfo->p[2].doubleval = t__a_cf0_offset;
t__pfo->p[4].doubleval = t__a_cf0bailout;
t__pfo->p[6].doubleval = t__a_cf1_density;
t__pfo->p[5].doubleval = t__a_cf1_offset;
t__pfo->p[0].gradient = t__a__gradient;
t__pfo->p[1].doubleval = t__a_fbailout;
static void pf_calc(
// "object" pointer
struct s_pf_data *t__p_stub,
// in params
const double *t__params, int maxiter, int t__warp_param,
// periodicity params
int min_period_iter, double period_tolerance,
// only used for debugging
int t__p_x, int t__p_y, int t__p_aa,
// out params
int *t__p_pnIters, int *t__p_pFate, double *t__p_pDist, int *t__p_pSolid,
int *t__p_pDirectColorFlag, double *t__p_pColors
) {
pf_real *t__pfo = (pf_real *) t__p_stub;
double pixel_re = t__params[0];
double pixel_im = t__params[1];
double t__h_zwpixel_re = t__params[2];
double t__h_zwpixel_im = t__params[3];
double t__h_index = 0.0;
int t__h_solid = 0;
int t__h_fate = 0;
int t__h_inside = 0;
double t__h_color_re = 0.0;
double t__h_color_i = 0.0;
double t__h_color_j = 0.0;
double t__h_color_k = 0.0;
*t__p_pDirectColorFlag = 0;
if (t__warp_param != -1) {
t__pfo->p[t__warp_param].doubleval = t__h_zwpixel_re;
t__pfo->p[t__warp_param + 1].doubleval = t__h_zwpixel_im;
t__h_zwpixel_re = t__h_zwpixel_im = 0.0;
/* variable declarations */
int f__bailout = 0;
void *t__a__gradient = t__pfo->p[0].gradient;
double t__a_fbailout = t__pfo->p[1].doubleval;
double z_re = 0.00000000000000000;
double z_im = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f0 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f1 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f2 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f3 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f4 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f5 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f6 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f7 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f8 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__f9 = 0.00000000000000000;
int t__f10 = 0;
double t__a_cf0_offset = t__pfo->p[2].doubleval;
double t__a_cf0_density = t__pfo->p[3].doubleval;
double t__a_cf0bailout = t__pfo->p[4].doubleval;
double cf0ed = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf00 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf01 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf02 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf03 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf04 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf05 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf06 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf07 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf08 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf09 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__a_cf1_offset = t__pfo->p[5].doubleval;
double t__a_cf1_density = t__pfo->p[6].doubleval;
double t__cf10 = 0.00000000000000000;
double t__cf11 = 0.00000000000000000;
double old_z_re;
double old_z_im;
int period_iters = 0;
int save_mask = 9;
int save_incr = 1;
int next_save_incr = 4;
int t__h_numiter = 0;
z_re = t__h_zwpixel_re;
z_im = t__h_zwpixel_im;
goto t__end_finit;
old_z_re = z_re;
old_z_im = z_im;
do {
t__f0 = z_re * z_re;
t__f1 = z_im * z_im;
t__f2 = z_re * z_im;
t__f3 = t__f0 - t__f1;
t__f4 = 2.00000000000000000 * t__f2;
t__f5 = t__f3 + pixel_re;
t__f6 = t__f4 + pixel_im;
z_re = t__f5;
z_im = t__f6;
goto t__end_floop;
t__f7 = z_re * z_re;
t__f8 = z_im * z_im;
t__f9 = t__f7 + t__f8;
t__f10 = t__f9 < t__a_fbailout;
f__bailout = t__f10;
goto t__end_fbailout;
if (!f__bailout) break;
if (t__h_numiter >= min_period_iter) {
if ((t__h_numiter & save_mask) == 0) {
/* save a value */
old_z_re = z_re;
old_z_im = z_im;
if (--save_incr == 0) {
/* lengthen period check */
save_mask = (save_mask << 1) + 1;
save_incr = next_save_incr;
} else {
/* compare to an older value */
if ((fabs(z_re - old_z_re) < period_tolerance)
&& (fabs(z_im - old_z_im) < period_tolerance)) {
period_iters = t__h_numiter;
//t__h_numiter = maxiter;
t__h_inside = 1;
*t__p_pFate = 1;
goto loop_done;
} while (t__h_numiter < maxiter);
/* fate of 0 = escaped, 1 = trapped */
t__h_inside = (t__h_numiter >= maxiter);
*t__p_pFate = (t__h_numiter >= maxiter);
*t__p_pnIters = t__h_numiter;
if (t__h_inside == 0) {
t__cf00 = z_re * z_re;
t__cf01 = z_im * z_im;
t__cf02 = t__cf00 + t__cf01;
t__cf03 = t__cf02 + 0.00000000100000000;
t__cf04 = t__a_cf0bailout / t__cf03;
cf0ed = t__cf04;
t__cf05 = ((double) t__h_numiter);
t__cf06 = t__cf05 + cf0ed;
t__cf07 = t__cf06 / 256.00000000000000000;
t__h_index = t__cf07;
t__cf08 = t__a_cf0_density * t__h_index;
t__cf09 = t__cf08 + t__a_cf0_offset;
t__h_index = t__cf09;
goto t__end_cf0final;
} else {
t__h_solid = 1;
t__cf10 = t__a_cf1_density * t__h_index;
t__cf11 = t__cf10 + t__a_cf1_offset;
t__h_index = t__cf11;
goto t__end_cf1final;
*t__p_pFate = t__h_fate | (t__h_inside ? FATE_INSIDE : 0);
*t__p_pDist = t__h_index;
*t__p_pSolid = t__h_solid;
arena_clear((arena_t) (t__p_stub->arena));
static void pf_kill(
struct s_pf_data *p_stub) {
arena_delete((arena_t) (p_stub->arena));
static struct s_pf_vtable vtbl =
pf_obj *pf_new() {
pf_real *p = (pf_real *) malloc(sizeof(pf_real));
if (!p) return NULL;
p->parent.vtbl = &vtbl;
p->parent.arena = arena_create(100000, 1);
return (pf_obj *) p;
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