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Created November 25, 2017 14:20
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from django.template import Library, Node, TemplateSyntaxError, Variable
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import urlresolvers
register = Library()
class ViewNode(Node):
def __init__(self, url_or_view, *args, **kwargs):
self.url_or_view = url_or_view
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def render(self, context):
if 'request' not in context:
return ""
request = context['request']
url_or_view = Variable(self.url_or_view).resolve(context)
urlconf = getattr(request, "urlconf", settings.ROOT_URLCONF)
resolver = urlresolvers.RegexURLResolver(r'^/', urlconf)
view, args, kwargs = resolver.resolve(url_or_view)
view = urlresolvers.get_callable(url_or_view)
args = [Variable(arg).resolve(context) for arg in self.args]
kwargs = {}
for key, value in self.kwargs.items():
kwargs[key] = Variable(value).resolve(context)
if callable(view):
return view(context['request'], *args, **kwargs).render().content
# try:
# return view(context['request'], *args, **kwargs).render().content
# except Exception as e:
# return view(context['request'], *args, **kwargs).content
raise "%r is not callable" % view
if settings.DEBUG:
return ""
def do_view(parser, token):
Inserts the output of a view, using fully qualified view name (and then some
args), or a local Django URL.
{% view view_or_url arg[ arg2] k=v [k2=v2...] %}
This might be helpful if you are trying to do 'on-server' AJAX of page
panels. Most browsers can call back to the server to get panels of content
asynchonously, whilst others (such as mobiles that don't support AJAX very
well) can have a template that embeds the output of the URL synchronously
into the main page. Yay! Go the mobile web!
Follow standard templatetag instructions for installing.
IMPORTANT: the calling template must receive a context variable called
'request' containing the original HttpRequest. This means you should be OK
with permissions and other session state.
ALSO NOTE: that middleware is not invoked on this 'inner' view.
Example usage...
Using a view name (or something that evaluates to a view name):
{% view "mymodule.views.inner" "value" %}
{% view "mymodule.views.inner" keyword="value" %}
{% view "mymodule.views.inner" arg_expr %}
{% view "mymodule.views.inner" keyword=arg_expr %}
{% view view_expr "value" %}
{% view view_expr keyword="value" %}
{% view view_expr arg_expr %}
{% view view_expr keyword=arg_expr %}
Using a URL (or something that evaluates to a URL):
{% view "/inner" %}
{% view url_expr %}
(Note that every argument will be evaluated against context except for the
names of any keyword arguments. If you're warped enough to need evaluated
keyword names, then you're probably smart enough to add this yourself!)
args = []
kwargs = {}
tokens = token.split_contents()
if len(tokens)<2:
raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r tag requires one or more arguments" %
tag_name = tokens.pop(0)
url_or_view = tokens.pop(0)
for token in tokens:
equals = token.find("=")
if equals == -1:
kwargs[str(token[:equals])] = token[equals+1:]
return ViewNode(url_or_view, *args, **kwargs)
register.tag('view', do_view)
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