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Created April 25, 2013 13:14
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/* Transmission to Deluge export script
* Transmission - transmission-gtk 2.77 (14031)
* Deluge - deluge: 1.3.6
* Script - PHP 5.4.14 (cli)
* How to use this script;
* 1) Run `php trans_to_deluge.php` and make sure there aren't any errors.
* 2) Save the output (`php trans_to_deluge.php > out.temp`)
* 3) Copy the out.temp to your copy-paste buffer
* 4) Run `deluge-console`, ensure you are connected, and simply paste the data
* into the console. It should simply add all the torrents sequentially and
* if the data is availible, it should link it up properly.
* Ways the script can die:
* - "RegEx cannot find destination for [...]"
* Something is wrong with the regular expression for the resume file.
* - "Not a torrent: [...]"
* The resume file does not have a corresponding torrent file.
define("CLI_RED", "\033[31;40m\033[1m[%s]\033[0m");
$torrent_dir = $_SERVER['HOME']."/.config/transmission/torrents";
foreach(glob("*.resume") as $resume){
$raw = file_get_contents($resume);
$dest = get_dest($raw,$resume);
$name = get_name($resume);
$console = "add -p \"$dest\" \"$torrent_dir/$name\"\n";
echo $console;
//echo "$name\n";
//echo "$dest\n";
function get_dest($raw,$resume){
return $matches[2];
} else {
error("RegEx cannot find destination for $resume");
function get_name($resume){
$data = explode(".",$resume);
$torrent = implode(".",$data).".torrent";
error("Not a torrent: $torrent");
return $torrent;
function error($msg){
echo sprintf(CLI_RED," ERROR: $msg \n");
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underr commented Sep 24, 2016

You saved my life with this, thanks.

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nopoz commented May 24, 2019

nice! super helpful.

I did have some issues just pasting the list into Deluge console though. I had a large list of 1000+ torrents. Deluge only took ~200 of them before it cut off the paste.

I wrote this script to import them slowly into the console one by one which worked better for me.

usage is: ./<script name> <output file from trans_to_deluge.php>

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# copy all output to a log file
# delay in seconds between adding torrents
# port for deluge-console connection

# log all output to file
exec >  >(tee -ia `dirname "$0"`/$logname)
exec 2> >(tee -ia `dirname "$0"`/$logname >&2)

if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
	read -p "Path to input file: " 1

# deluge-console syntax example:
# deluge-console "connect ; <line from trans_to_deluge.php output> ; exit"
while read i; do
	deluge-console "connect$deluge_port ; \
	$i; \
	sleep $time
done < $1

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