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Created May 3, 2022 18:14
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splunk custom command: dnstwist
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Code modified from DNSTwist (
# Thanks elceef!
# Changes made:
# Just kept the DomainFuzz class and passing the domain to the fuzzer. Then added
# the Splunk specific code around it
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import re
import csv
import time
import os
from splunklib.searchcommands import dispatch, GeneratingCommand, \
Configuration, Option, Boolean
from splunk.clilib.bundle_paths import make_splunkhome_path
class DomainFuzz(object):
def __init__(self, domain):
self.domain, self.tld = self.__domain_tld(domain) = []
self.qwerty = {
'1': '2q', '2': '3wq1', '3': '4ew2', '4': '5re3',
'5': '6tr4', '6': '7yt5', '7': '8uy6', '8': '9iu7',
'9': '0oi8', '0': 'po9', 'q': '12wa', 'w': '3esaq2',
'e': '4rdsw3', 'r': '5tfde4', 't': '6ygfr5', 'y': '7uhgt6',
'u': '8ijhy7', 'i': '9okju8', 'o': '0plki9', 'p': 'lo0',
'a': 'qwsz', 's': 'edxzaw', 'd': 'rfcxse', 'f': 'tgvcdr',
'g': 'yhbvft', 'h': 'ujnbgy', 'j': 'ikmnhu', 'k': 'olmji',
'l': 'kop', 'z': 'asx', 'x': 'zsdc', 'c': 'xdfv',
'v': 'cfgb', 'b': 'vghn', 'n': 'bhjm', 'm': 'njk'
self.qwertz = {
'1': '2q', '2': '3wq1', '3': '4ew2', '4': '5re3',
'5': '6tr4', '6': '7zt5', '7': '8uz6', '8': '9iu7',
'9': '0oi8', '0': 'po9', 'q': '12wa', 'w': '3esaq2',
'e': '4rdsw3', 'r': '5tfde4', 't': '6zgfr5',
'z': '7uhgt6', 'u': '8ijhz7', 'i': '9okju8',
'o': '0plki9', 'p': 'lo0', 'a': 'qwsy', 's': 'edxyaw',
'd': 'rfcxse', 'f': 'tgvcdr', 'g': 'zhbvft',
'h': 'ujnbgz', 'j': 'ikmnhu', 'k': 'olmji', 'l': 'kop',
'y': 'asx', 'x': 'ysdc', 'c': 'xdfv', 'v': 'cfgb',
'b': 'vghn', 'n': 'bhjm', 'm': 'njk'
self.azerty = {
'1': '2a', '2': '3za1', '3': '4ez2', '4': '5re3',
'5': '6tr4', '6': '7yt5', '7': '8uy6', '8': '9iu7',
'9': '0oi8', '0': 'po9', 'a': '2zq1', 'z': '3esqa2',
'e': '4rdsz3', 'r': '5tfde4', 't': '6ygfr5',
'y': '7uhgt6', 'u': '8ijhy7', 'i': '9okju8',
'o': '0plki9', 'p': 'lo0m', 'q': 'zswa', 's': 'edxwqz',
'd': 'rfcxse', 'f': 'tgvcdr', 'g': 'yhbvft',
'h': 'ujnbgy', 'j': 'iknhu', 'k': 'olji', 'l': 'kopm',
'm': 'lp', 'w': 'sxq', 'x': 'zsdc', 'c': 'xdfv',
'v': 'cfgb', 'b': 'vghn', 'n': 'bhj'
self.keyboards = [self.qwerty, self.qwertz, self.azerty]
def __domain_tld(self, domain):
domain = domain.rsplit('.', 2)
if len(domain) == 2:
return domain[0], domain[1]
return domain[0] + '.' + domain[1], domain[2]
def __validate_domain(self, domain):
if len(domain) == len(domain.encode('idna')) and domain != domain.encode('idna'):
return False
allowed = re.compile(b'(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}\\.?$)', re.IGNORECASE)
return allowed.match(domain.encode('idna'))
def __filter_domains(self):
seen = set()
filtered = []
for d in
# if not self.__validate_domain(d['domain-name']):
# p_err("debug: invalid domain %s\n" % d['domain-name'])
if self.__validate_domain(d['domain-name']) and d['domain-name'] not in seen:
except ValueError:
continue = filtered
def __bitsquatting(self):
result = []
masks = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
for i in range(0, len(self.domain)):
c = self.domain[i]
for j in range(0, len(masks)):
b = chr(ord(c) ^ masks[j])
o = ord(b)
if (o >= 48 and o <= 57) or (o >= 97 and o <= 122) or o == 45:
result.append(self.domain[:i] + b + self.domain[i+1:])
return result
def __homoglyph(self):
glyphs = {
'a': [u'à', u'á', u'â', u'ã', u'ä', u'å', u'ɑ', u'а', u'ạ', u'ǎ', u'ă', u'ȧ', u'ӓ'],
'b': ['d', 'lb', 'ib', u'ʙ', u'Ь', u'b̔', u'ɓ', u'Б'],
'c': [u'ϲ', u'с', u'ƈ', u'ċ', u'ć', u'ç'],
'd': ['b', 'cl', 'dl', 'di', u'ԁ', u'ժ', u'ɗ', u'đ'],
'e': [u'é', u'ê', u'ë', u'ē', u'ĕ', u'ě', u'ė', u'е', u'ẹ', u'ę', u'є', u'ϵ', u'ҽ'],
'f': [u'Ϝ', u'ƒ', u'Ғ'],
'g': ['q', u'ɢ', u'ɡ', u'Ԍ', u'Ԍ', u'ġ', u'ğ', u'ց', u'ǵ', u'ģ'],
'h': ['lh', 'ih', u'һ', u'հ', u'Ꮒ', u'н'],
'i': ['1', 'l', u'Ꭵ', u'í', u'ï', u'ı', u'ɩ', u'ι', u'ꙇ', u'ǐ', u'ĭ'],
'j': [u'ј', u'ʝ', u'ϳ', u'ɉ'],
'k': ['lk', 'ik', 'lc', u'κ', u'ⲕ', u'κ'],
'l': ['1', 'i', u'ɫ', u'ł'],
'm': ['n', 'nn', 'rn', 'rr', u'ṃ', u'ᴍ', u'м', u'ɱ'],
'n': ['m', 'r', u'ń'],
'o': ['0', u'Ο', u'ο', u'О', u'о', u'Օ', u'ȯ', u'ọ', u'ỏ', u'ơ', u'ó', u'ö', u'ӧ'],
'p': [u'ρ', u'р', u'ƿ', u'Ϸ', u'Þ'],
'q': ['g', u'զ', u'ԛ', u'գ', u'ʠ'],
'r': [u'ʀ', u'Г', u'ᴦ', u'ɼ', u'ɽ'],
's': [u'Ⴝ', u'Ꮪ', u'ʂ', u'ś', u'ѕ'],
't': [u'τ', u'т', u'ţ'],
'u': [u'μ', u'υ', u'Ս', u'ս', u'ц', u'ᴜ', u'ǔ', u'ŭ'],
'v': [u'ѵ', u'ν', u'v̇'],
'w': ['vv', u'ѡ', u'ա', u'ԝ'],
'x': [u'х', u'ҳ', u'ẋ'],
'y': [u'ʏ', u'γ', u'у', u'Ү', u'ý'],
'z': [u'ʐ', u'ż', u'ź', u'ʐ', u'ᴢ']
result = []
for ws in range(0, len(self.domain)):
for i in range(0, (len(self.domain)-ws)+1):
win = self.domain[i:i+ws]
j = 0
while j < ws:
c = win[j]
if c in glyphs:
win_copy = win
for g in glyphs[c]:
win = win.replace(c, g)
result.append(self.domain[:i] + win + self.domain[i+ws:])
win = win_copy
j += 1
return list(set(result))
def __hyphenation(self):
result = []
for i in range(1, len(self.domain)):
result.append(self.domain[:i] + '-' + self.domain[i:])
return result
def __insertion(self):
result = []
for i in range(1, len(self.domain)-1):
for keys in self.keyboards:
if self.domain[i] in keys:
for c in keys[self.domain[i]]:
result.append(self.domain[:i] + c + self.domain[i] + self.domain[i+1:])
result.append(self.domain[:i] + self.domain[i] + c + self.domain[i+1:])
return list(set(result))
def __omission(self):
result = []
for i in range(0, len(self.domain)):
result.append(self.domain[:i] + self.domain[i+1:])
n = re.sub(r'(.)\1+', r'\1', self.domain)
if n not in result and n != self.domain:
return list(set(result))
def __repetition(self):
result = []
for i in range(0, len(self.domain)):
if self.domain[i].isalpha():
result.append(self.domain[:i] + self.domain[i] + self.domain[i] + self.domain[i+1:])
return list(set(result))
def __replacement(self):
result = []
for i in range(0, len(self.domain)):
for keys in self.keyboards:
if self.domain[i] in keys:
for c in keys[self.domain[i]]:
result.append(self.domain[:i] + c + self.domain[i+1:])
return list(set(result))
def __subdomain(self):
result = []
for i in range(1, len(self.domain)):
if self.domain[i] not in ['-', '.'] and self.domain[i-1] not in ['-', '.']:
result.append(self.domain[:i] + '.' + self.domain[i:])
return result
def __transposition(self):
result = []
for i in range(0, len(self.domain)-1):
if self.domain[i+1] != self.domain[i]:
result.append(self.domain[:i] + self.domain[i+1] + self.domain[i] + self.domain[i+2:])
return result
def __vowel_swap(self):
vowels = 'aeiou'
result = []
for i in range(0, len(self.domain)):
for vowel in vowels:
if self.domain[i] in vowels:
result.append(self.domain[:i] + vowel + self.domain[i+1:])
return list(set(result))
def __addition(self):
result = []
for i in range(97, 123):
result.append(self.domain + chr(i))
return result
def generate(self):{'fuzzer': 'Original*', 'domain-name': self.domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__addition():{'fuzzer': 'Addition', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__bitsquatting():{'fuzzer': 'Bitsquatting', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__homoglyph():{'fuzzer': 'Homoglyph', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__hyphenation():{'fuzzer': 'Hyphenation', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__insertion():{'fuzzer': 'Insertion', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__omission():{'fuzzer': 'Omission', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__repetition():{'fuzzer': 'Repetition', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__replacement():{'fuzzer': 'Replacement', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__subdomain():{'fuzzer': 'Subdomain', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__transposition():{'fuzzer': 'Transposition', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
for domain in self.__vowel_swap():{'fuzzer': 'Vowel-swap', 'domain-name': domain + '.' + self.tld})
if not self.domain.startswith('www.'):{'fuzzer': 'Various', 'domain-name': 'ww' + self.domain + '.' + self.tld}){'fuzzer': 'Various', 'domain-name': 'www' + self.domain + '.' + self.tld}){'fuzzer': 'Various', 'domain-name': 'www-' + self.domain + '.' + self.tld})
if '.' in self.tld:{'fuzzer': 'Various', 'domain-name': self.domain + '.' + self.tld.split('.')[-1]}){'fuzzer': 'Various', 'domain-name': self.domain + self.tld})
if '.' not in self.tld:{'fuzzer': 'Various', 'domain-name': self.domain + self.tld + '.' + self.tld})
if self.tld != 'com' and '.' not in self.tld:{'fuzzer': 'Various', 'domain-name': self.domain + '-' + self.tld + '.com'})
class DnsTwistCommand(GeneratingCommand):
domainlist_file_name = Option(doc='''
**Syntax:** **domainlist=***<path>*
**Description:** CSV file from which repeated random samples will be drawn
''', name='domainlist', require=False)
populate_from_cim = Option(doc='''
**Syntax: populate_cim=<bool>
**Description:** When `true`, populates Splunk_SA_CIM lookups cim_corporate_email_domains.csv
and cim_corporate_web_domains.csv with dnstwisted domains. Defaults to `false`.
''', name='populate_from_cim', default=False, validate=Boolean())
domain = Option(doc='''
**Syntax:** **domain=***<domain name>*
**Description:** Domain to DNS generated twisted entries for.
''', name='domain', require=False, default='')
def generate(self):
event_count = 0
csv_file_names = []
if self.populate_from_cim:
# Make sure we just get the base file name from file. In case there was some directory traversal going on.
if self.domainlist_file_name:
sanitized_file_name = os.path.basename(self.domainlist_file_name)
lookup_path = make_splunkhome_path(['etc', 'apps', 'DA-ESS-ContentUpdate', 'lookups', sanitized_file_name])
# Make sure there really isn't any directory traversal going on.
valid_path = True
if "../" in lookup_path:
valid_path = False
# Make sure the path that is created by adding the file name to the path is the same as the
# absolute path
if lookup_path != os.path.abspath(lookup_path):
valid_path = False
if valid_path:
domains_to_twist = []
for csv_file_name in csv_file_names:
if os.path.exists(csv_file_name):
# this is nasty but works .. please forgive me
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
csv_file = open(csv_file_name, "r", newline='')
csv_file = open(csv_file_name, "r")
for input_domain in csv.DictReader(csv_file):
if input_domain['domain'] not in domains_to_twist:
# if a single domain is passed lets just calculate that
if self.domain != '':
domains_to_twist = []
for domain_to_twist in domains_to_twist:
domain_to_twist = domain_to_twist.lstrip('*')
dfuzz = DomainFuzz(domain_to_twist)
domains =
for domain in domains:
# We don't want to keep the original domain
if domain['domain-name'] in domain_to_twist:
event_count += 1
yield {
'_time': time.time(),
'event_no': event_count,
'_raw': domain['domain-name'],
'domain': '*'+domain['domain-name']+'*',
'original_domain': domain_to_twist
def __init__(self):
super(DnsTwistCommand, self).__init__()
dispatch(DnsTwistCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
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This command paired with the following command.conf and searchbnf.conf will give users the ability to run dnstwist from a Splunk Search Head.

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