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Forked from baphled/application.rb
Created April 13, 2012 17:53
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Jasmine config to compile coffeescript and copy assets files for testing
# Needed if you are not requiring rails/all
require 'sprockets/railtie'
# Would be nice to have this set within jasmine.yml.
config.assets.precompile += %w( application.js form.js frontend.js *.css )
# spec/javascripts/support/jasmine_config.rb
# when jasmine starts the server out-of-process, it needs this in order to be able to invoke the asset tasks
unless Object.const_defined?(:Rake)
require 'rake'
load File.expand_path('../../../../Rakefile', __FILE__)
module Jasmine
class Config
include Rake::DSL
def js_files(spec_filter = nil)
# remove all generated files
generated_files_directory = File.expand_path("../generated", __FILE__)
# @TODO actually remove generated specs
# Think we need to include the rake DSL to make use of rm_rf now
rm_rf generated_files_directory, :secure => true
# this is code from the original jasmine config js_files method - you could also just alias_method_chain it
spec_files_to_include = spec_filter.nil? ? spec_files : match_files(spec_dir, [spec_filter])
src_files.collect {|f| "/" + f } + helpers.collect {|f| File.join(spec_path, f) } + spec_files_to_include.collect {|f| File.join(spec_path, f) }
# this method compiles all the same javascript files your app will
def precompile_app_assets
puts "Precompiling assets..."
# make sure the Rails environment is loaded
# temporarily set the static assets location from public/assets to our spec directory
# This line is now redundant as sprockets does not use static_root to store assets any more
#::Rails.application.config.assets.static_root = Rails.root.join("spec/javascripts/generated/assets")
# Sprockets seems to think that assets always belong in the public directory
# Though it's a bit hackish we remove the assets from the public directory after we're done
# Would be nicer if sprockets allowed for a way for us to precompile our assets in the generated directory
# Thats something to look into for later.
# rake won't let you run the same task twice in the same process without re-enabling it
# once the assets have been cleared, recompile them into the spec directory
# this method compiles all of the spec files into js files that jasmine can run
def compile_jasmine_javascripts
puts "Compiling jasmine coffee scripts into javascript..."
root = File.expand_path("../../../../spec/javascripts", __FILE__)
destination_dir = File.expand_path("../../generated/specs", __FILE__)
glob = File.expand_path("**/*.coffee", root)
Dir.glob(glob).each do |srcfile|
srcfile =
destfile = srcfile.sub(root, destination_dir).sub(".coffee", "")
FileUtils.mkdir_p(destfile.dirname), "w") {|f| f.write(CoffeeScript.compile(}
# Note - this is necessary for rspec2, which has removed the backtrace
module Jasmine
class SpecBuilder
def declare_spec(parent, spec)
me = self
example_name = spec["name"]
@spec_ids << spec["id"]
backtrace = @example_locations[parent.description + " " + example_name] example_name, {} do
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