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import spacebrew.*;
import processing.serial.*;
String server = "";
String name = "PhotoCell_Publisher_" + floor(random(1000));
String description = "This is an example client which publishes the value of a photocell connected to an Arduino ";
int bright = 0; // the value of the phtocell we weill send over spacebrew
Spacebrew spacebrewConnection; // Spacebrew connection object
Serial myPort; // Serial port object
void setup() {
size(400, 200);
// instantiate the spacebrew object
spacebrewConnection = new Spacebrew( this );
// add each thing you publish to
spacebrewConnection.addPublish( "brightness", bright );
// connect to spacebrew
spacebrewConnection.connect(server, name, description );
// print list of serial devices to console
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); // CONFIRM the port that your arduino is connect to
void draw() {
// set backgroun color based on brightness
background( bright / 4, bright / 4, bright / 4 );
// if background is light then make text black
if (bright < 512) { fill(225, 225, 225); }
// otherwise make text white
else { fill(25, 25, 25); }
// set text alignment and font size
if (spacebrewConnection.connected()) {
// print client name to screen
text("Connected as: " + name, width/2, 25 );
// print current bright value to screen
text(bright, width/2, height/2 + 20);
else {
text("Not Connected to Spacebrew", width/2, 25 );
void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {
// read data as an ASCII string:
String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (inString != null) {
// trim off whitespace
inString = trim(inString);
// convert value from string to an integer
bright = int(inString);
// publish the value to spacebrew if app is connected to spacebrew
if (spacebrewConnection.connected()) {
spacebrewConnection.send( "brightness", bright );
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