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Created July 11, 2012 17:02
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Vim syntax file [.vim/syntax/slim.vim]
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Slim
" Maintainer: Andrew Stone <>
" Version: 1
" Last Change: 2010 Sep 25
" TODO: Feedback is welcomed.
" Quit when a syntax file is already loaded.
if exists("b:current_syntax")
if !exists("main_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'slim'
" Allows a per line syntax evaluation.
let b:ruby_no_expensive = 1
" Include Ruby syntax highlighting
syn include @slimRubyTop syntax/ruby.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
" Include Haml syntax highlighting
syn include @slimHaml syntax/haml.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
" Include Sass syntax highlighting
syn include @slimSass syntax/sass.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
" Include Scss syntax highlighting
syn include @slimScss syntax/scss.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
" Include Erb syntax highlighting
syn include @slimErb syntax/eruby.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
" Include Coffeescript syntax highlighting, ignoring errors if it's missing
silent! syn include @slimCoffee syntax/coffee.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
" Include HTML
syn include @slimHtml syntax/scss.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
setlocal iskeyword+=:
syn match slimBegin "^\s*\(&[^= ]\)\@!" nextgroup=slimTag,slimClassChar,slimIdChar,slimRuby
syn region rubyCurlyBlock start="{" end="}" contains=@slimRubyTop contained
syn cluster slimRubyTop add=rubyCurlyBlock
syn cluster slimComponent contains=slimClassChar,slimIdChar,slimWrappedAttrs,slimRuby,slimAttr
syn keyword slimDocType contained html 5 1.1 strict frameset mobile basic transitional
syn match slimDocTypeKeyword "^\s*\(doctype\)\s\+" nextgroup=slimDocType
syn match slimTag "\w\+\(:\w\+\)\=" contained contains=htmlTagName,htmlSpecialTagName nextgroup=@slimComponent
syn match slimIdChar "#{\@!" contained nextgroup=slimId
syn match slimId "\%(\w\|-\)\+" contained nextgroup=@slimComponent
syn match slimClassChar "\." contained nextgroup=slimClass
syn match slimClass "\%(\w\|-\)\+" contained nextgroup=@slimComponent
syn region slimWrappedAttrs matchgroup=slimWrappedAttrsDelimiter start="\s*{\s*" skip="}\s*\"" end="\s*}\s*" contained contains=slimAttr nextgroup=slimRuby
syn region slimWrappedAttrs matchgroup=slimWrappedAttrsDelimiter start="\s*\[\s*" end="\s*\]\s*" contained contains=slimAttr nextgroup=slimRuby
syn region slimWrappedAttrs matchgroup=slimWrappedAttrsDelimiter start="\s*(\s*" end="\s*)\s*" contained contains=slimAttr nextgroup=slimRuby
syn match slimAttr "\s*\%(\w\|-\)\+\s*" contained contains=htmlArg nextgroup=slimAttrAssignment
syn match slimAttrAssignment "\s*=\s*" contained nextgroup=slimWrappedAttrValue,slimAttrString
syn region slimWrappedAttrValue matchgroup=slimWrappedAttrValueDelimiter start="{" end="}" contained contains=slimAttrString,@slimRubyTop nextgroup=slimAttr,slimRuby
syn region slimWrappedAttrValue matchgroup=slimWrappedAttrValueDelimiter start="\[" end="\]" contained contains=slimAttrString,@slimRubyTop nextgroup=slimAttr,slimRuby
syn region slimWrappedAttrValue matchgroup=slimWrappedAttrValueDelimiter start="(" end=")" contained contains=slimAttrString,@slimRubyTop nextgroup=slimAttr,slimRuby
syn region slimAttrString start=+\s*"+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+"\s*+ contained contains=slimInterpolation,slimInterpolationEscape nextgroup=slimAttr,slimRuby
syn region slimAttrString start=+\s*'+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+'\s*+ contained contains=slimInterpolation,slimInterpolationEscape nextgroup=slimAttr,slimRuby
syn region slimInnerAttrString start=+\s*"+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+"\s*+ contained contains=slimInterpolation,slimInterpolationEscape nextgroup=slimAttr
syn region slimInnerAttrString start=+\s*'+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+'\s*+ contained contains=slimInterpolation,slimInterpolationEscape nextgroup=slimAttr
syn region slimInterpolation matchgroup=slimInterpolationDelimiter start="#{" end="}" contains=@hamlRubyTop containedin=javascriptStringS,javascriptStringD,slimWrappedAttrs
syn match slimInterpolationEscape "\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\\\%(\\\ze#{\|#\ze{\)"
syn region slimRuby matchgroup=slimRubyOutputChar start="\s*[=]\==[']\=" skip=",\s*$" end="$" contained contains=@slimRubyTop keepend
syn region slimRuby matchgroup=slimRubyChar start="\s*-" skip=",\s*$" end="$" contained contains=@slimRubyTop keepend
syn match slimComment /^\(\s*\)[/].*\(\n\1\s.*\)*/
syn match slimText /^\(\s*\)[`|'].*\(\n\1\s.*\)*/
syn match slimFilter /\s*\w\+:\s*/ contained
syn match slimJs /^\(\s*\)\<javascript:\>.*\(\n\1\s.*\)*/ contains=@htmlJavaScript,slimFilter
syn match slimCoffee /^\(\s*\)\<coffee:\>.*\(\n\1\s.*\)*/ contains=@slimCoffee,slimFilter
syn match slimHaml /^\(\s*\)\<haml:\>.*\(\n\1\s.*\)*/ contains=@slimHaml,slimFilter
syn match slimSass /^\(\s*\)\<sass:\>.*\(\n\1\s.*\)*/ contains=@slimSass,slimFilter
syn match slimScss /^\(\s*\)\<scss:\>.*\(\n\1\s.*\)*/ contains=@slimScss,slimFilter
syn match slimErb /^\(\s*\)\<erb:\>.*\(\n\1\s.*\)*/ contains=@slimErb,slimFilter
syn match slimIEConditional "\%(^\s*/\)\@<=\[\s*if\>[^]]*]" contained containedin=slimComment
hi def link slimAttrString String
hi def link slimBegin String
hi def link slimClass Type
hi def link slimClassChar Type
hi def link slimComment Comment
hi def link slimDocType Identifier
hi def link slimDocTypeKeyword Keyword
hi def link slimFilter Keyword
hi def link slimIEConditional SpecialComment
hi def link slimId Identifier
hi def link slimIdChar Identifier
hi def link slimInnerAttrString String
hi def link slimInterpolationDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link slimRubyChar Special
hi def link slimRubyOutputChar Special
hi def link slimTag Special
hi def link slimText String
hi def link slimWrappedAttrValueDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link slimWrappedAttrsDelimiter Delimiter
let b:current_syntax = "slim"
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