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Last active March 19, 2018 19:09
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Random (seeded) CVRP solver
import random
import sys
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
verbose = True
time_limit_ms = 60000
seed = 19
# # Basic functions
def r(l, h, t):
return [random.randint(l, h) for _ in range(t)]
def create_data():
min_coord = 0
max_coord = 5000
locations_num = 1000
location_min_capacity = -10
location_max_capacity = 10
vehicles_num = 25
vehicle_min_capacity = 100
vehicle_max_capacity = 120
vehicle_min_after_cost = 1
vehicle_max_after_cost = 5
vehicle_min_time_limit = 18000
vehicle_max_time_limit = 27000
depot = 0
depot_location = [max_coord // 2, max_coord // 2]
locations = [depot_location] + [r(min_coord, max_coord, 2) for _ in range(locations_num)]
locations_capacity = [0] + r(location_min_capacity, location_max_capacity, locations_num)
vehicles_capacity = r(vehicle_min_capacity, vehicle_max_capacity, vehicles_num)
vehicles_after_cost = r(vehicle_min_after_cost, vehicle_max_after_cost, vehicles_num)
vehicles_time_limit = r(vehicle_min_time_limit, vehicle_max_time_limit, vehicles_num)
return (depot, locations, locations_capacity, vehicles_capacity,
vehicles_after_cost, vehicles_time_limit)
def manhattan_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
dist = abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
return dist
# # Callbacks
# Create callback to calculate cost between points (we'll use the manhattan distance on this example, but the cost will be time)
class CreateCostCallback(object):
def __init__(self, locations):
size = len(locations)
self.matrix = {}
for from_node in range(size):
self.matrix[from_node] = {}
for to_node in range(size):
x1 = locations[from_node][0]
y1 = locations[from_node][1]
x2 = locations[to_node][0]
y2 = locations[to_node][1]
self.matrix[from_node][to_node] = manhattan_distance(x1, y1,
x2, y2)
def calculate(self, from_node, to_node):
return int(self.matrix[from_node][to_node])
# Create callback to calculate cost of deliver and/or pickup in a stop
class CreateAfterCostCallback(object):
def __init__(self, vehicles_after_cost):
self.vehicles_after_cost = vehicles_after_cost
self.matrix = {}
def calculate(self, to_node, vehicle):
if to_node == 0:
return 0
return self.vehicles_after_cost[vehicle]
# Capacity callback
class CreateCapacityCallback(object):
def __init__(self, capacity):
self.matrix = capacity
def calculate(self, from_node, to_node):
return self.matrix[from_node]
# # Configuring model
# Create the data
(depot, locations, locations_capacity, vehicles_capacity,
vehicles_after_cost, vehicles_time_limit) = create_data()
locations_num = len(locations)
vehicles_num = len(vehicles_capacity)
# Create routing model
if locations_num <= 0 or vehicles_num <= 0:
print('Specify instances greater than 0')
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(locations_num, vehicles_num, depot)
# Callback to the cost and time function
cost_between_locations = CreateCostCallback(locations)
cost_callback = cost_between_locations.calculate
cost_after_lcoations = CreateAfterCostCallback(vehicles_after_cost)
cost_after_callback = cost_after_lcoations.calculate
vehicle_cost_callbacks = [lambda i, j: cost_callback(i, j) + cost_after_callback(j, vehicle) for vehicle in range(vehicles_num)]
for vehicle in range(vehicles_num):
routing.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfVehicle(vehicle_cost_callbacks[vehicle], vehicle)
# Adding time dimension
slack_max_time = min(vehicles_time_limit)
fix_start_cumul_to_zero_time = True
time = 'Time'
vehicle_cost_callbacks, slack_max_time, vehicles_time_limit,
fix_start_cumul_to_zero_time, time)
# Adding capacity dimension per vehicle
slack_max_capacity = max(vehicles_capacity)
fix_start_cumul_to_zero_capacity = False
capacity_at_locations = CreateCapacityCallback(locations_capacity)
capacity_callback = capacity_at_locations.calculate
capacity = 'Capacity'
capacity_callback, slack_max_capacity, vehicles_capacity,
fix_start_cumul_to_zero_capacity, capacity)
# # Basic configuration
search_parameters = pywrapcp.RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters()
search_parameters.local_search_operators.use_relocate_neighbors = True
# search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = routing_enums_pb2.FirstSolutionStrategy.LOCAL_CHEAPEST_INSERTION
search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = routing_enums_pb2.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.OBJECTIVE_TABU_SEARCH
search_parameters.time_limit_ms = time_limit_ms
# # Solving
assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
if not assignment:
print('No solution found')
# # Printing
vehicles_used = 0
total_used_cost = 0
total_used_vehicles_time_limit = 0
vehicles_with_over_cost = {}
vehicles_with_over_capacity = {}
for vehicle_i in range(vehicles_num):
if not routing.IsVehicleUsed(assignment, vehicle_i):
vehicles_used += 1
total_used_vehicles_time_limit += vehicles_time_limit[vehicle_i]
index = routing.Start(vehicle_i)
index_next = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
route = ''
route_cost = 0
route_capacity = 0
route_list = []
while not routing.IsEnd(index_next):
node_index = routing.IndexToNode(index)
node_index_next = routing.IndexToNode(index_next)
route += '{0}, '.format(node_index) # '{0} -> '.format(node_index)
# Add the cost to the next node
# route_cost += cost_callback(node_index, node_index_next)
route_cost += vehicle_cost_callbacks[vehicle_i](node_index, node_index_next)
# Add capacity
route_capacity += capacity_callback(node_index, node_index_next)
index = index_next
index_next = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
node_index = routing.IndexToNode(index)
node_index_next = routing.IndexToNode(index_next)
route += '{0}, {1}'.format(node_index, node_index_next) # '{0} -> {1}'.format(node_index, node_index_next)
route_cost += cost_callback(node_index, node_index_next)
route_capacity += capacity_callback(node_index, node_index_next)
total_used_cost += route_cost
if verbose:
print('Vehicle {0}'.format(vehicle_i))
print('Maxs: cost = {0}, capacity = {1}'.format(vehicles_time_limit[vehicle_i], vehicles_capacity[vehicle_i]))
print() # Jump
print('{0} >= {1} {2}'.format(vehicles_time_limit[vehicle_i], route_cost, vehicles_time_limit[vehicle_i] >= route_cost))
_d = {-1: 0}
cumul_capacity_list = [_d.setdefault(idx, _d[idx - 1] + item) for idx, item in enumerate([locations_capacity[j] for j in route_list])]
real_used_capacity = max(cumul_capacity_list) - min(cumul_capacity_list)
print([locations_capacity[j] for j in route_list])
print('{0} >= {1} {2}'.format(vehicles_capacity[vehicle_i], real_used_capacity, vehicles_capacity[vehicle_i] >= real_used_capacity))
print() # Jump
if not vehicles_time_limit[vehicle_i] >= route_cost:
vehicles_with_over_cost[vehicle_i] = '{0} >= {1}'.format(vehicles_time_limit[vehicle_i], route_cost)
if not vehicles_capacity[vehicle_i] >= real_used_capacity:
vehicles_with_over_capacity[vehicle_i] = '{0} >= {1}'.format(vehicles_capacity[vehicle_i], real_used_capacity)
print('Vehicles used {0}/{1} - Total cost: {2}/{3}/{4}'.format(vehicles_used, vehicles_num, total_used_cost, total_used_vehicles_time_limit, sum(vehicles_time_limit)))
print() # Jump
print('Over cost:')
for k, v in vehicles_with_over_cost.items():
print('Vehicle {0}: {1}'.format(k, v))
print() # Jump
print('Over capacity:')
for k, v in vehicles_with_over_capacity.items():
print('Vehicle {0}: {1}'.format(k, v))
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