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# Based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61859561/1956278 | |
# Backup old data | |
Rename-Item -Path "./data" -NewName "./data_old" | |
# Create new data directory | |
Copy-Item -Path "./backup" -Destination "./data" -Recurse | |
Remove-Item "./data/test" -Recurse | |
$dbPaths = Get-ChildItem -Path "./data_old" -Exclude ('mysql', 'performance_schema', 'phpmyadmin') -Recurse -Directory | |
Copy-Item -Path $dbPaths.FullName -Destination "./data" -Recurse | |
Copy-Item -Path "./data_old/ibdata1" -Destination "./data/ibdata1" | |
# Notify user | |
Write-Host "Finished repairing MySQL data" | |
Write-Host "Previous data is located at ./data_old" |
Saved me! Thank you sooooooo much!
Thank you!
you can add a line at the beginning of the script to delete the existing "data_old" directory before creating a new backup.
# Delete existing data_old directory
Remove-Item -Path "./data_old" -Recurse -Force
Amazing ...
It's just awesome! Thanks very much!
Marvelous! Works beautifully.
thanks! as @Chanaka-J suggests adding that line helps in case you have to run it more than once
Thank you a thousand times.
This is amazing. Thank you!
Kudos. You're the best !
Thank you guise, this has been such an annoying beast that comes around more than once. Interesting though this has been on the books for 4 years now and still going strong.
you can add a line at the beginning of the script to delete the existing "data_old" directory before creating a new backup.
# Delete existing data_old directory Remove-Item -Path "./data_old" -Recurse -Force
Thank you all!
Thank you!
If you get error as I did about directories not existing, change the file to this, and if paths are different change the location of directories to your absolute path:
Based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61859561/1956278
Backup old data
Rename-Item -Path "C:/xampp/mysql/data" -NewName "C:/xampp/mysql/data_old"
Create new data directory
Copy-Item -Path "C:/xampp/mysql/backup" -Destination "C:/xampp/mysql/data" -Recurse
Remove-Item "C:/xampp/mysql/data/test" -Recurse
$dbPaths = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:/xampp/mysql/data_old" -Exclude ('mysql', 'performance_schema', 'phpmyadmin') -Recurse -Directory
Copy-Item -Path $dbPaths.FullName -Destination "C:/xampp/mysql/data" -Recurse
Copy-Item -Path "C:/xampp/mysql/data_old/ibdata1" -Destination "C:/xampp/mysql/data/ibdata1"
Notify user
Write-Host "Finished repairing MySQL data"
Write-Host "Previous data is located at C:/xampp/mysql/data_old"
you are the best
Equivalent bash scripts is
`@echo off
REM Backup old data
rename "data" "data_old"
REM Create new data directory
xcopy "backup" "data" /E /I
rmdir /S /Q "data\test"
REM Copy directories excluding specific ones (mysql, performance_schema, phpmyadmin)
for /d %%i in (data_old*) do (
if /i not "%%~nxi"=="mysql" (
if /i not "%%~nxi"=="performance_schema" (
if /i not "%%~nxi"=="phpmyadmin" (
xcopy "%%i" "data%%~nxi" /E /I
REM Copy ibdata1 file
copy "data_old\ibdata1" "data\ibdata1"
REM Notify user
echo Finished repairing MySQL data
echo Previous data is located at ./data_old
Run this inside mysql directory, save it like repair.bat , easier to save using notepad++, select bat for file type
you saved my afternoon
Thank you!
One of the best gists
I realize existing Database was not able to access and getting error.
Equivalent bash scripts is
`@echo off REM Backup old data rename "data" "data_old"
REM Create new data directory xcopy "backup" "data" /E /I rmdir /S /Q "data\test"
REM Copy directories excluding specific ones (mysql, performance_schema, phpmyadmin) for /d %%i in (data_old*) do ( if /i not "%%~nxi"=="mysql" ( if /i not "%%~nxi"=="performance_schema" ( if /i not "%%~nxi"=="phpmyadmin" ( xcopy "%%i" "data%%~nxi" /E /I ) ) ) )
REM Copy ibdata1 file copy "data_old\ibdata1" "data\ibdata1"
REM Notify user echo Finished repairing MySQL data echo Previous data is located at ./data_old ` Run this inside mysql directory, save it like repair.bat , easier to save using notepad++, select bat for file type
I've edited this code a bit to include PWD support as my install had issues jumping between disks. ^^
@echo off
REM Change directory to the MySQL directory
cd /d "D:\Path\To\XAMPP\mysql"
REM Backup old data
rename "data" "data_old"
REM Create new data directory
xcopy "backup" "data" /E /I
rmdir /S /Q "data\test"
REM Copy directories excluding specific ones (mysql, performance_schema, phpmyadmin)
for /d %%i in (data_old\*) do (
if /i not "%%~nxi"=="mysql" (
if /i not "%%~nxi"=="performance_schema" (
if /i not "%%~nxi"=="phpmyadmin" (
xcopy "%%i" "data\%%~nxi" /E /I
REM Copy ibdata1 file
copy "data_old\ibdata1" "data\ibdata1"
REM Notify user
echo Finished repairing MySQL data
echo Previous data is located at .\data_old
Thank you, Great work !
@echo off REM Change directory to the MySQL directory cd /d "D:\Path\To\XAMPP\mysql" REM Backup old data rename "data" "data_old" REM Create new data directory xcopy "backup" "data" /E /I rmdir /S /Q "data\test" REM Copy directories excluding specific ones (mysql, performance_schema, phpmyadmin) for /d %%i in (data_old\*) do ( if /i not "%%~nxi"=="mysql" ( if /i not "%%~nxi"=="performance_schema" ( if /i not "%%~nxi"=="phpmyadmin" ( xcopy "%%i" "data\%%~nxi" /E /I ) ) ) ) REM Copy ibdata1 file copy "data_old\ibdata1" "data\ibdata1" REM Notify user echo Finished repairing MySQL data echo Previous data is located at .\data_old pause
Thanks, this code works correctly.
thank you very much it still works!