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Created May 4, 2018 07:56
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namespace josemmo\Facturae;
* Facturae
* This file contains everything you need to create invoices.
* @package josemmo\Facturae
* @version 1.2.3
* @license MIT License
* @author josemmo
* Facturae
* Standalone class designed to create full compliance Facturae files from
* scratch, without the need of any other tools for signing.
class Facturae {
const SCHEMA_3_2 = "3.2";
const SCHEMA_3_2_1 = "3.2.1";
const SCHEMA_3_2_2 = "3.2.2";
const SIGN_POLICY_3_1 = array(
"name" => "Política de Firma FacturaE v3.1",
"url" => "",
"digest" => "Ohixl6upD6av8N7pEvDABhEL6hM="
const PAYMENT_CASH = "01";
const PAYMENT_TRANSFER = "04";
const TAX_IVA = "01";
const TAX_IPSI = "02";
const TAX_IGIC = "03";
const TAX_IRPF = "04";
const TAX_OTHER = "05";
const TAX_ITPAJD = "06";
const TAX_IE = "07";
const TAX_RA = "08";
const TAX_IGTECM = "09";
const TAX_IECDPCAC = "10";
const TAX_IIIMAB = "11";
const TAX_ICIO = "12";
const TAX_IMVDN = "13";
const TAX_IMSN = "14";
const TAX_IMGSN = "15";
const TAX_IMPN = "16";
const TAX_REIVA = "17";
const TAX_REIGIC = "18";
const TAX_REIPSI = "19";
private static $SCHEMA_NS = array(
self::SCHEMA_3_2 => "",
self::SCHEMA_3_2_1 => "",
self::SCHEMA_3_2_2 => ""
private static $USER_AGENT = "FacturaePHP/1.2.3";
private $currency = "EUR";
private $itemsPrecision = 6;
private $itemsPadding = 6;
private $totalsPrecision = 2;
private $totalsPadding = 2;
private $totalitemsPrecision = 6;
private $totalitemsPadding = 6;
private $version = NULL;
private $header = array(
"serie" => NULL,
"number" => NULL,
"issueDate" => NULL,
"dueDate" => NULL,
"startDate" => NULL,
"endDate" => NULL,
"paymentMethod" => NULL,
"paymentIBAN" => NULL
private $parties = array(
"seller" => NULL,
"buyer" => NULL
private $items = array();
private $legalLiterals = array();
private $signTime = NULL;
private $timestampServer = NULL;
private $timestampUser = NULL;
private $timestampPass = NULL;
private $signPolicy = NULL;
private $publicKey = NULL;
private $privateKey = NULL;
* Construct
* @param string $schemaVersion If omitted, latest version available
public function __construct($schemaVersion=self::SCHEMA_3_2_1) {
* Generate random ID
* This method is used for generating random IDs required when signing the
* document.
* @return int Random number
private function random() {
if (function_exists('random_int')) {
return random_int(0x10000000, 0x7FFFFFFF);
} else {
return rand(100000, 999999);
* Pad
* @param float $val Input
* @param int $precision Decimals to round
* @param int $padding Decimals to pad
* @return string Padded value
private function pad($val, $precision, $padding) {
return number_format(round($val, $precision), $padding, ".", "");
* Pad total value
* @param float $val Input
* @return string Padded value
private function padTotal($val) {
return $this->pad($val, $this->totalsPrecision, $this->totalsPadding);
* Pad total value
* @param float $val Input
* @return string Padded value
private function padTotalItem($val) {
return $this->pad($val, $this->totalitemsPrecision, $this->totalitemsPadding);
* Pad item value
* @param float $val Input
* @return string Padded value
private function padItem($val) {
return $this->pad($val, $this->itemsPrecision, $this->itemsPadding);
* Is withheld tax
* This method returns if a tax type is, by default, a withheld tax
* @param string $taxCode Tax
* @return boolean Is withheld
public static function isWithheldTax($taxCode) {
return in_array($taxCode, [self::TAX_IRPF]);
* Set schema version
* @param string $schemaVersion Facturae schema version to use
public function setSchemaVersion($schemaVersion) {
$this->version = $schemaVersion;
* Set seller
* @param FacturaeParty $seller Seller information
public function setSeller($seller) {
$this->parties['seller'] = $seller;
* Set buyer
* @param FacturaeParty $buyer Buyer information
public function setBuyer($buyer) {
$this->parties['buyer'] = $buyer;
* Set invoice number
* @param string $serie Serie code of the invoice
* @param int|string $number Invoice number in given serie
public function setNumber($serie, $number) {
$this->header['serie'] = $serie;
$this->header['number'] = $number;
* Set issue date
* @param int|string $date Issue date
public function setIssueDate($date) {
$this->header['issueDate'] = is_string($date) ? strtotime($date) : $date;
* Set due date
* @param int|string $date Due date
public function setDueDate($date) {
$this->header['dueDate'] = is_string($date) ? strtotime($date) : $date;
* Set billing period
* @param int|string $date Start date
* @param int|string $date End date
public function setBillingPeriod($startDate=NULL, $endDate=NULL) {
$d_start = is_string($startDate) ? strtotime($startDate) : $startDate;
$d_end = is_string($endDate) ? strtotime($endDate) : $endDate;
$this->header['startDate'] = $d_start;
$this->header['endDate'] = $d_end;
* Set dates
* This is a shortcut for setting both issue and due date in a single line
* @param int|string $issueDate Issue date
* @param int|string $dueDate Due date
public function setDates($issueDate, $dueDate=NULL) {
* Set payment method
* @param string $method Payment method
* @param string $iban Bank account in case of bank transfer
public function setPaymentMethod($method=self::PAYMENT_CASH, $iban=NULL) {
$this->header['paymentMethod'] = $method;
if (!is_null($iban)) $iban = str_replace(" ", "", $iban);
$this->header['paymentIBAN'] = $iban;
* Add item
* Adds an item row to invoice. The fist parameter ($desc), can be an string
* representing the item description or a 2 element array containing the item
* description and an additional string of information.
* @param FacturaeItem|string|array $desc Item to add or description
* @param float $unitPrice Price per unit, taxes included
* @param float $quantity Quantity
* @param int $taxType Tax type
* @param float $taxRate Tax rate
public function addItem($desc, $unitPrice=NULL, $quantity=1, $taxType=NULL, $taxRate=NULL) {
if ($desc instanceOf FacturaeItem) {
$item = $desc;
} else {
$item = new FacturaeItem([
"name" => is_array($desc) ? $desc[0] : $desc,
"description" => is_array($desc) ? $desc[1] : NULL,
"quantity" => $quantity,
"unitPrice" => $unitPrice,
"taxes" => array($taxType => $taxRate)
array_push($this->items, $item);
* Add legal literal
* @param string $message Legal literal reference
public function addLegalLiteral($message) {
$this->legalLiterals[] = $message;
* Get totals
* @return array Invoice totals
public function getTotals() {
// Define starting values
$totals = array(
"taxesOutputs" => array(),
"taxesWithheld" => array(),
"invoiceAmount" => 0,
"grossAmount" => 0,
"grossAmountBeforeTaxes" => 0,
"totalTaxesOutputs" => 0,
"totalTaxesWithheld" => 0
// Run through every item
foreach ($this->items as $itemObj) {
$item = $itemObj->getData();
$totals['invoiceAmount'] += $item['totalAmount'];
$totals['grossAmount'] += $item['grossAmount'];
$totals['totalTaxesOutputs'] += $item['totalTaxesOutputs'];
$totals['totalTaxesWithheld'] += $item['totalTaxesWithheld'];
// Get taxes
foreach (["taxesOutputs", "taxesWithheld"] as $taxGroup) {
foreach ($item[$taxGroup] as $type=>$tax) {
if (!isset($totals[$taxGroup][$type]))
$totals[$taxGroup][$type] = array();
if (!isset($totals[$taxGroup][$type][$tax['rate']]))
$totals[$taxGroup][$type][$tax['rate']] = array("base"=>0, "amount"=>0);
$totals[$taxGroup][$type][$tax['rate']]['base'] +=
$totals[$taxGroup][$type][$tax['rate']]['amount'] += $tax['amount'];
// Fill rest of values
$totals['grossAmountBeforeTaxes'] = $totals['grossAmount'];
return $totals;
* Set sign time
* @param int|string $time Time of the signature
public function setSignTime($time) {
$this->signTime = is_string($time) ? strtotime($time) : $time;
* Set timestamp server
* @param string $server Timestamp Authority URL
* @param string $user TSA User
* @param string $pass TSA Password
public function setTimestampServer($server, $user=NULL, $pass=NULL) {
$this->timestampServer = $server;
$this->timestampUser = $user;
$this->timestampPass = $pass;
* Load a PKCS#12 Certificate Store
* @param string $pkcs12File The certificate store file name
* @param string $pkcs12Pass Encryption password for unlocking the PKCS#12 file
* @return boolean Success
private function loadPkcs12($pkcs12File, $pkcs12Pass="") {
if (!is_file($pkcs12File)) return false;
// Extract public and private keys from store
if (openssl_pkcs12_read(file_get_contents($pkcs12File), $certs, $pkcs12Pass)) {
$this->publicKey = openssl_x509_read($certs['cert']);
$this->privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($certs['pkey']);
return (!empty($this->publicKey) && !empty($this->privateKey));
* Load a X.509 certificate and PEM encoded private key
* @param string $publicPath Path to public key PEM file
* @param string $privatePath Path to private key PEM file
* @param string $passphrase Private key passphrase
* @return boolean Success
private function loadX509($publicPath, $privatePath, $passphrase="") {
if (is_file($publicPath) && is_file($privatePath)) {
$this->publicKey = openssl_x509_read(file_get_contents($publicPath));
$this->privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private(
return (!empty($this->publicKey) && !empty($this->privateKey));
* Sign
* @param string $publicPath Path to public key PEM file or PKCS#12 certificate store
* @param string $privatePath Path to private key PEM file (should be NULL in case of PKCS#12)
* @param string $passphrase Private key passphrase
* @param array $policy Facturae sign policy
* @return boolean Success
public function sign($publicPath, $privatePath=NULL, $passphrase="", $policy=self::SIGN_POLICY_3_1) {
$this->publicKey = NULL;
$this->privateKey = NULL;
$this->signPolicy = $policy;
// Generate random IDs
$this->signatureID = $this->random();
$this->signedInfoID = $this->random();
$this->signedPropertiesID = $this->random();
$this->signatureValueID = $this->random();
$this->certificateID = $this->random();
$this->referenceID = $this->random();
$this->signatureSignedPropertiesID = $this->random();
$this->signatureObjectID = $this->random();
// Load public and private keys
if (empty($privatePath)) {
return $this->loadPkcs12($publicPath, $passphrase);
} else {
return $this->loadX509($publicPath, $privatePath, $passphrase);
* Get XML NameSpaces
* NOTE: Should be defined in alphabetical order
* @return string XML NameSpaces
private function getNamespaces() {
$xmlns = array();
$xmlns[] = 'xmlns:ds=""';
$xmlns[] = 'xmlns:fe="' . self::$SCHEMA_NS[$this->version] . '"';
$xmlns[] = 'xmlns:xades=""';
$xmlns = implode(' ', $xmlns);
return $xmlns;
* Inject timestamp
* @param string $signedXml Signed XML document
* @return string Signed and timestamped XML document
private function injectTimestamp($signedXml) {
// Prepare data to timestamp
$payload = explode('<ds:SignatureValue', $signedXml)[1];
$payload = explode('</ds:SignatureValue>', $payload)[0];
$payload = '<ds:SignatureValue ' . $this->getNamespaces() . $payload . '</ds:SignatureValue>';
// Create TimeStampQuery in ASN1 using SHA-1
$tsq = "302c0201013021300906052b0e03021a05000414";
$tsq .= hash('sha1', $payload);
$tsq .= "0201000101ff";
$tsq = hex2bin($tsq);
// Await TimeStampRequest
$chOpts = array(
CURLOPT_URL => $this->timestampServer,
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10, // 10 seconds timeout
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Content-Type: application/timestamp-query"),
if (!empty($this->timestampUser) && !empty($this->timestampPass)) {
$chOpts[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = $this->timestampUser . ":" . $this->timestampPass;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, $chOpts);
$tsr = curl_exec($ch);
if ($tsr === false) throw new \Exception('cURL error: ' . curl_error($ch));
// Validate TimeStampRequest
$responseCode = substr($tsr, 6, 3);
if ($responseCode !== "\02\01\00") { // Bytes for INTEGER 0 in ASN1
throw new \Exception('Invalid TSR response code');
// Extract TimeStamp from TimeStampRequest and inject into XML document
$timeStamp = substr($tsr, 9);
$tsXml = '<xades:UnsignedProperties Id="Signature' . $this->signatureID . '-UnsignedProperties' . $this->random() . '">' .
'<xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties>' .
'<xades:SignatureTimeStamp Id="Timestamp-' . $this->random() . '">' .
'<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="">' .
'</ds:CanonicalizationMethod>' .
'<xades:EncapsulatedTimeStamp>' . "\n" .
str_replace("\r", "", chunk_split(base64_encode($timeStamp), 76)) .
'</xades:EncapsulatedTimeStamp>' .
'</xades:SignatureTimeStamp>' .
'</xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties>' .
$signedXml = str_replace('</xades:QualifyingProperties>', $tsXml . '</xades:QualifyingProperties>', $signedXml);
return $signedXml;
* Inject signature
* @param string $xml Unsigned XML document
* @return string Signed XML document
private function injectSignature($xml) {
// Make sure we have all we need to sign the document
if (empty($this->publicKey) || empty($this->privateKey)) return $xml;
// Normalize document
$xml = str_replace("\r", "", $xml);
// Define namespace
$xmlns = $this->getNamespaces();
// Prepare signed properties
$signTime = is_null($this->signTime) ? time() : $this->signTime;
$certData = openssl_x509_parse($this->publicKey);
$certDigest = openssl_x509_fingerprint($this->publicKey, "sha1", true);
$certDigest = base64_encode($certDigest);
$certIssuer = array();
foreach ($certData['issuer'] as $item=>$value) {
$certIssuer[] = $item . '=' . $value;
$certIssuer = implode(',', $certIssuer);
// Generate signed properties
$prop = '<xades:SignedProperties Id="Signature' . $this->signatureID .
'-SignedProperties' . $this->signatureSignedPropertiesID . '">' .
'<xades:SignedSignatureProperties>' .
'<xades:SigningTime>' . date('c', $signTime) . '</xades:SigningTime>' .
'<xades:SigningCertificate>' .
'<xades:Cert>' .
'<xades:CertDigest>' .
'<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></ds:DigestMethod>' .
'<ds:DigestValue>' . $certDigest . '</ds:DigestValue>' .
'</xades:CertDigest>' .
'<xades:IssuerSerial>' .
'<ds:X509IssuerName>' . $certIssuer . '</ds:X509IssuerName>' .
'<ds:X509SerialNumber>' . $certData['serialNumber'] . '</ds:X509SerialNumber>' .
'</xades:IssuerSerial>' .
'</xades:Cert>' .
'</xades:SigningCertificate>' .
'<xades:SignaturePolicyIdentifier>' .
'<xades:SignaturePolicyId>' .
'<xades:SigPolicyId>' .
'<xades:Identifier>' . $this->signPolicy['url'] . '</xades:Identifier>' .
'<xades:Description>' . $this->signPolicy['name'] . '</xades:Description>' .
'</xades:SigPolicyId>' .
'<xades:SigPolicyHash>' .
'<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></ds:DigestMethod>' .
'<ds:DigestValue>' . $this->signPolicy['digest'] . '</ds:DigestValue>' .
'</xades:SigPolicyHash>' .
'</xades:SignaturePolicyId>' .
'</xades:SignaturePolicyIdentifier>' .
'<xades:SignerRole>' .
'<xades:ClaimedRoles>' .
'<xades:ClaimedRole>emisor</xades:ClaimedRole>' .
'</xades:ClaimedRoles>' .
'</xades:SignerRole>' .
'</xades:SignedSignatureProperties>' .
'<xades:SignedDataObjectProperties>' .
'<xades:DataObjectFormat ObjectReference="#Reference-ID-' . $this->referenceID . '">' .
'<xades:Description>Factura electrónica</xades:Description>' .
'<xades:MimeType>text/xml</xades:MimeType>' .
'</xades:DataObjectFormat>' .
'</xades:SignedDataObjectProperties>' .
// Prepare key info
$publicPEM = "";
openssl_x509_export($this->publicKey, $publicPEM);
$publicPEM = str_replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "", $publicPEM);
$publicPEM = str_replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "", $publicPEM);
$publicPEM = str_replace("\n", "", $publicPEM);
$publicPEM = str_replace("\r", "", chunk_split($publicPEM, 76));
$privateData = openssl_pkey_get_details($this->privateKey);
$modulus = chunk_split(base64_encode($privateData['rsa']['n']), 76);
$modulus = str_replace("\r", "", $modulus);
$exponent = base64_encode($privateData['rsa']['e']);
// Generate KeyInfo
$kInfo = '<ds:KeyInfo Id="Certificate' . $this->certificateID . '">' . "\n" .
'<ds:X509Data>' . "\n" .
'<ds:X509Certificate>' . "\n" . $publicPEM . '</ds:X509Certificate>' . "\n" .
'</ds:X509Data>' . "\n" .
'<ds:KeyValue>' . "\n" .
'<ds:RSAKeyValue>' . "\n" .
'<ds:Modulus>' . "\n" . $modulus . '</ds:Modulus>' . "\n" .
'<ds:Exponent>' . $exponent . '</ds:Exponent>' . "\n" .
'</ds:RSAKeyValue>' . "\n" .
'</ds:KeyValue>' . "\n" .
// Calculate digests
$propDigest = base64_encode(sha1(str_replace('<xades:SignedProperties',
'<xades:SignedProperties ' . $xmlns, $prop), true));
$kInfoDigest = base64_encode(sha1(str_replace('<ds:KeyInfo',
'<ds:KeyInfo ' . $xmlns, $kInfo), true));
$documentDigest = base64_encode(sha1($xml, true));
// Generate SignedInfo
$sInfo = '<ds:SignedInfo Id="Signature-SignedInfo' . $this->signedInfoID . '">' . "\n" .
'<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="">' .
'</ds:CanonicalizationMethod>' . "\n" .
'<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="">' .
'</ds:SignatureMethod>' . "\n" .
'<ds:Reference Id="SignedPropertiesID' . $this->signedPropertiesID . '" ' .
'Type="" ' .
'URI="#Signature' . $this->signatureID . '-SignedProperties' .
$this->signatureSignedPropertiesID . '">' . "\n" .
'<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="">' .
'</ds:DigestMethod>' . "\n" .
'<ds:DigestValue>' . $propDigest . '</ds:DigestValue>' . "\n" .
'</ds:Reference>' . "\n" .
'<ds:Reference URI="#Certificate' . $this->certificateID . '">' . "\n" .
'<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="">' .
'</ds:DigestMethod>' . "\n" .
'<ds:DigestValue>' . $kInfoDigest . '</ds:DigestValue>' . "\n" .
'</ds:Reference>' . "\n" .
'<ds:Reference Id="Reference-ID-' . $this->referenceID . '" URI="">' . "\n" .
'<ds:Transforms>' . "\n" .
'<ds:Transform Algorithm="">' .
'</ds:Transform>' . "\n" .
'</ds:Transforms>' . "\n" .
'<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="">' .
'</ds:DigestMethod>' . "\n" .
'<ds:DigestValue>' . $documentDigest . '</ds:DigestValue>' . "\n" .
'</ds:Reference>' . "\n" .
// Calculate signature
$signaturePayload = str_replace('<ds:SignedInfo', '<ds:SignedInfo ' . $xmlns, $sInfo);
openssl_sign($signaturePayload, $signatureResult, $this->privateKey);
$signatureResult = chunk_split(base64_encode($signatureResult), 76);
$signatureResult = str_replace("\r", "", $signatureResult);
// Make signature
$sig = '<ds:Signature xmlns:xades="" Id="Signature' . $this->signatureID . '">' . "\n" .
$sInfo . "\n" .
'<ds:SignatureValue Id="SignatureValue' . $this->signatureValueID . '">' . "\n" .
$signatureResult .
'</ds:SignatureValue>' . "\n" .
$kInfo . "\n" .
'<ds:Object Id="Signature' . $this->signatureID . '-Object' . $this->signatureObjectID . '">' .
'<xades:QualifyingProperties Target="#Signature' . $this->signatureID . '">' .
$prop .
'</xades:QualifyingProperties>' .
'</ds:Object>' .
// Inject signature
$xml = str_replace('</fe:Facturae>', $sig . '</fe:Facturae>', $xml);
// Inject timestamp
if (!empty($this->timestampServer)) {
$xml = $this->injectTimestamp($xml);
return $xml;
* Export
* Get Facturae XML data
* @param string $filePath Path to save invoice
* @return string|int XML data|Written file bytes
public function export($filePath=NULL) {
// Prepare document
$xml = '<fe:Facturae xmlns:ds="" ' .
'xmlns:fe="' . self::$SCHEMA_NS[$this->version] . '">';
$totals = $this->getTotals();
// Add header
$batchIdentifier = $this->parties['seller']->taxNumber .
$this->header['number'] . $this->header['serie'];
$xml .= '<FileHeader>' .
'<SchemaVersion>' . $this->version .'</SchemaVersion>' .
'<Modality>I</Modality>' .
'<InvoiceIssuerType>EM</InvoiceIssuerType>' .
'<Batch>' .
'<BatchIdentifier>' . $batchIdentifier . '</BatchIdentifier>' .
'<InvoicesCount>1</InvoicesCount>' .
'<TotalInvoicesAmount>' .
'<TotalAmount>' . $this->padTotal($totals['invoiceAmount']) . '</TotalAmount>' .
'</TotalInvoicesAmount>' .
'<TotalOutstandingAmount>' .
'<TotalAmount>' . $this->padTotal($totals['invoiceAmount']) . '</TotalAmount>' .
'</TotalOutstandingAmount>' .
'<TotalExecutableAmount>' .
'<TotalAmount>' . $this->padTotal($totals['invoiceAmount']) . '</TotalAmount>' .
'</TotalExecutableAmount>' .
'<InvoiceCurrencyCode>' . $this->currency . '</InvoiceCurrencyCode>' .
'</Batch>' .
// Add parties
$xml .= '<Parties>' .
'<SellerParty>' . $this->parties['seller']->getXML($this->version) . '</SellerParty>' .
'<BuyerParty>' . $this->parties['buyer']->getXML($this->version) . '</BuyerParty>' .
// Add invoice data
$xml .= '<Invoices>' .
'<Invoice>' .
'<InvoiceHeader>' .
'<InvoiceNumber>' . $this->header['number'] . '</InvoiceNumber>' .
'<InvoiceSeriesCode>' . $this->header['serie'] . '</InvoiceSeriesCode>' .
'<InvoiceDocumentType>FC</InvoiceDocumentType>' .
'<InvoiceClass>OO</InvoiceClass>' .
'</InvoiceHeader>' .
'<InvoiceIssueData>' .
'<IssueDate>' . date('Y-m-d', $this->header['issueDate']) . '</IssueDate>';
if (!is_null($this->header['startDate'])) {
$xml .= '<InvoicingPeriod>' .
'<StartDate>' . date('Y-m-d', $this->header['startDate']) . '</StartDate>' .
'<EndDate>' . date('Y-m-d', $this->header['endDate']) . '</EndDate>' .
$xml .= '<InvoiceCurrencyCode>' . $this->currency . '</InvoiceCurrencyCode>' .
'<TaxCurrencyCode>' . $this->currency . '</TaxCurrencyCode>' .
'<LanguageName>es</LanguageName>' .
// Add invoice taxes
foreach (["taxesOutputs", "taxesWithheld"] as $i=>$taxesGroup) {
if (count($totals[$taxesGroup]) == 0) continue;
$xmlTag = ucfirst($taxesGroup); // Just capitalize variable name
$xml .= "<$xmlTag>";
foreach ($totals[$taxesGroup] as $type=>$taxRows) {
foreach ($taxRows as $rate=>$tax) {
$xml .= '<Tax>' .
'<TaxTypeCode>' . $type . '</TaxTypeCode>' .
'<TaxRate>' . $rate . '</TaxRate>' .
'<TaxableBase>' .
'<TotalAmount>' . $this->padTotal($tax['base']) . '</TotalAmount>' .
'</TaxableBase>' .
'<TaxAmount>' .
'<TotalAmount>' . $this->padTotal($tax['amount']) . '</TotalAmount>' .
'</TaxAmount>' .
$xml .= "</$xmlTag>";
// Add invoice totals
$xml .= '<InvoiceTotals>' .
'<TotalGrossAmount>' . $this->padTotal($totals['grossAmount']) . '</TotalGrossAmount>' .
'<TotalGeneralDiscounts>0.00</TotalGeneralDiscounts>' .
'<TotalGeneralSurcharges>0.00</TotalGeneralSurcharges>' .
'<TotalGrossAmountBeforeTaxes>' . $this->padTotal($totals['grossAmountBeforeTaxes']) . '</TotalGrossAmountBeforeTaxes>' .
'<TotalTaxOutputs>' . $this->padTotal($totals['totalTaxesOutputs']) . '</TotalTaxOutputs>' .
'<TotalTaxesWithheld>' . $this->padTotal($totals['totalTaxesWithheld']) . '</TotalTaxesWithheld>' .
'<InvoiceTotal>' . $this->padTotal($totals['invoiceAmount']) . '</InvoiceTotal>' .
'<TotalOutstandingAmount>' . $this->padTotal($totals['invoiceAmount']) . '</TotalOutstandingAmount>' .
'<TotalExecutableAmount>' . $this->padTotal($totals['invoiceAmount']) . '</TotalExecutableAmount>' .
// Add invoice items
$xml .= '<Items>';
foreach ($this->items as $itemObj) {
$item = $itemObj->getData();
$xml .= '<InvoiceLine>' .
'<ItemDescription>' . $item['name'] . '</ItemDescription>' .
'<Quantity>' . $this->padTotal($item['quantity']) . '</Quantity>' .
'<UnitOfMeasure>01</UnitOfMeasure>' .
'<UnitPriceWithoutTax>' . $this->padItem($item['unitPriceWithoutTax']) . '</UnitPriceWithoutTax>' .
'<TotalCost>' . $this->padTotalItem($item['totalAmountWithoutTax']) . '</TotalCost>' .
'<GrossAmount>' . $this->padTotalItem($item['grossAmount']) . '</GrossAmount>';
// Add item taxes
// NOTE: As you can see here, taxesWithheld is before taxesOutputs.
// This is intentional, as most official administrations would mark the
// invoice as invalid XML if the order is incorrect.
foreach (["taxesWithheld", "taxesOutputs"] as $taxesGroup) {
if (count($item[$taxesGroup]) == 0) continue;
$xmlTag = ucfirst($taxesGroup); // Just capitalize variable name
$xml .= "<$xmlTag>";
foreach ($item[$taxesGroup] as $type=>$tax) {
$xml .= '<Tax>' .
'<TaxTypeCode>' . $type . '</TaxTypeCode>' .
'<TaxRate>' . $tax['rate'] . '</TaxRate>' .
'<TaxableBase>' .
'<TotalAmount>' . $this->padTotal($item['totalAmountWithoutTax']) . '</TotalAmount>' .
'</TaxableBase>' .
'<TaxAmount>' .
'<TotalAmount>' . $this->padTotal($tax['amount']) . '</TotalAmount>' .
'</TaxAmount>' .
$xml .= "</$xmlTag>";
// Add item additional information
if (!is_null($item['description'])) {
$xml .= '<AdditionalLineItemInformation>' . $item['description'] . '</AdditionalLineItemInformation>';
$xml .= '</InvoiceLine>';
$xml .= '</Items>';
// Add payment details
if (!is_null($this->header['paymentMethod'])) {
$dueDate = is_null($this->header['dueDate']) ?
$this->header['issueDate'] :
$xml .= '<PaymentDetails>' .
'<Installment>' .
'<InstallmentDueDate>' . date('Y-m-d', $dueDate) . '</InstallmentDueDate>' .
'<InstallmentAmount>' . $this->padTotal($totals['invoiceAmount']) . '</InstallmentAmount>' .
'<PaymentMeans>' . $this->header['paymentMethod'] . '</PaymentMeans>';
if ($this->header['paymentMethod'] == self::PAYMENT_TRANSFER) {
$xml .= '<AccountToBeCredited>' .
'<IBAN>' . $this->header['paymentIBAN'] . '</IBAN>' .
$xml .= '</Installment>' .
// Add legal literals
if (count($this->legalLiterals) > 0) {
$xml .= '<LegalLiterals>';
foreach ($this->legalLiterals as $reference) {
$xml .= '<LegalReference>' . $reference . '</LegalReference>';
$xml .= '</LegalLiterals>';
// Close invoice and document
$xml .= '</Invoice></Invoices></fe:Facturae>';
// Add signature
$xml = $this->injectSignature($xml);
// Prepend content type
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n" . $xml;
// Save document
if (!is_null($filePath)) return file_put_contents($filePath, $xml);
return $xml;
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