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Josenaldo de Oliveira Matos Filho josenaldo

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josenaldo / commit-message-editor-with-lasers.json
Last active July 29, 2023 04:59
Commit Message Editor with Lasers (Emojis)!
"commit-message-editor.dynamicTemplate": [
"{emoji} {type}{scope}: {description}",
"commit-message-editor.tokens": [
josenaldo /
Last active May 17, 2023 21:26
Peacock extended favorite colors

Peacock extended favorite colors

This file presents an extended list of color options that can be utilized for various projects within VSCode. Each color is classified into one of three categories, providing a clear visual distinction based on the nature of your project:

  • Default Color: This color is typically used for projects that consist of a single workspace.
  • Frontend Color: This color is designated for the frontend portion of a project that encompasses both frontend and backend components.
  • Backend Color: This color is assigned to the backend portion of a project that includes both frontend and backend elements.

To incorporate these colors into your VSCode settings, you can add the provided code to the "peacock.favoriteColors" section. This will enable you to easily identify and navigate through different parts of your project, enhancing your overall productivity and coding experience.

josenaldo /
Last active May 17, 2023 21:14
Cores padrão para o plugin Peacock

Peacock extended favorite colors

This is a list of colors that can be used for projects. The default list has been extended to include a few more colors that can be used to identify the type of project you are working on.

The colors are categorized into three types:

  • Default color: This is used for a project that has a single workspace.
  • Frontend color: This is used for the frontend of a project that has both a backend and a frontend.
  • Backend color: This is used for the backend of a project that has both a backend and a frontend.
josenaldo / qs-to-url.js
Last active August 15, 2022 18:39
Convert from qs to url
var qs = require('qs');
const createBackendApiUrl = (path, params) => {
const query = qs.stringify(params, {
encodeValuesOnly: true,
const finalUrl = new URL(`http://localhost:1337/api${path}?${query}`)
return finalUrl + ''
public class Contato{
private String nome;
private String sobrenome;
* O construtor da classe Contato necessita que o nome e o sobrenome do contato sejam informados. Caso algum dos
* argumentos seja nulo ou vazio ou formado apenas por espaços em branco, uma IllegalArgumentException será lançada.
* @param nome Nome do contato. Não pode ser nulo, vazio ou conter apenas espaços em branco;
command-shift-P > Package > Package Generator: Generate Syntax Theme > mypackage
cd ~/.atom/packages/mypackage
apm login
apm develop mypackage
cd ~/github/mypackage
sudo chown -R username:wheel .
git commit -a -m 'checking everything in'
apm publish --tag v2.5.0 minor
josenaldo / github-task-controller.js
Created November 20, 2015 12:16
Controlador segundo o guia de estilo do John Papa
'use strict';
.controller('GitHubTaskListController', Controller)
Controller.$inject = ['$scope', 'GitHubService'];
function Controller($scope, GitHubService) {
var vm = this
vm.getTasks = getTasks;