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Created June 25, 2019 03:02
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package metaobjectTest
Annotation 'runPastCode'
object RunPastCode
func run {
self testImportProgram;
self testPastCode;
func fat: Int n -> Int {
if n == 0 { return 1; } else { return n*(fat: n - 1); }
func testImportProgram {
var String color = favoriteColor;
var RunPastCode past = self;
var Int f5 = 0;
@runPastCode(false, past){*
var Int fatorial5 = past fat: 5;
return "f5 = " ++ fatorial5 ++ ";";
if f5 == 120 {
"runPastCode was called with 'true'" println
else {
"runPastCode was called with 'false'" println
f5 = 0;
var RunPastCode past2 = self;
@runPastCode(true, past2){*
var Int fatorial5 = past2 fat: 5;
return "f5 = " ++ fatorial5 ++ ";";
if f5 == 120 {
"runPastCode was called with 'true'" println
else {
"runPastCode was called with 'false'" println
func testPastCode {
var RunPastCode past3 = self;
favoriteColor = "blue";
@runPastCode(true, past3){*
return " favoriteColor = \"" ++
past3 getFavoriteColor ++ "\";";
/* - change the assignment
favoriteColor = "blue";
favoriteColor = "cyan";
compile this prototype with the first
parameter to the annotation above set to 'false'
- change the assignment
favoriteColor = "cyan";
favoriteColor = "blue";
uncomment the next line and compile this prototype
with the first parameter to the annotation above set to 'true'
The annotation will generate an assignment to 'favoriteColor'
using the previous value of 'favoriteColor', which is 'cyan'
assert favoriteColor == "cyan";
printexpr favoriteColor;
@property var String favoriteColor = "blue";
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