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package metaobjectTest
Annotations of this metaobject are attached to a declaration.
The attached DSL code is made in Myan, which supports interpreted Cyan
within parameterless methods declared with 'func':
func afterResTypes_codeToAdd {
// interpreted Cyan code
According to the method name, the Cyan code is interpreted in phase
afterResTypes, semAn, or afterSemAn. Methods of interfaces
can be implemented. To better understand this, see the documentation
for action_afterResTypes_semAn.
object OnDeclaration_afterResTypes_semAn_afterSemAn
func run {
assert get_age == 0;
age = 12;
assert get_age == 12;
assert get_name == "";
Method get_name is added to the prototype
func afterSemAn_checkDeclaration {
var annotation = metaobject getAnnotation;
var String name = annotation getDeclaration getName;
if name != "age" {
metaobject addError: "Field name should be 'age'"
func afterResTypes_codeToAdd {
var annotation = metaobject getAnnotation;
var String name = annotation getDeclaration getName;
var String typeName = annotation getDeclaration getType getName;
return [. "func get_" ++ name ++ " -> " ++ typeName ++
" = " ++ name ++ ";", "func get_" ++ name ++ " -> Int" .]
var Int age = 0;
// method get_name is added to the prototype
func afterResTypes_codeToAdd {
var annotation = metaobject getAnnotation;
var String name = annotation getDeclaration getName;
var String typeName = annotation getDeclaration getType getName;
return [. "func get_" ++ name ++ " -> " ++ typeName ++
" = " ++ name ++ ";",
"func get_" ++ name ++ " -> " ++ typeName .]
var String name = "";
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