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Created November 28, 2024 22:59
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Dynamically typed language translation to C
// also in
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
struct TypeData {
void (**virtualTable)(void);
char **methodNameList;
int methodNameListSize;
char *typeName;
// The struct, a type, that IS the class MyList
typedef struct MyListClass {
struct TypeData *type;
int *data;
} MyListClass ;
int get(MyListClass *self, int index) {
return self->data[index];
int set(MyListClass *self, int index, int value) {
self->data[index] = value;
// functions insert, remove, and size were not codified
// This represents the data associated with class MyList. That is,
// the class name, the number of methods, and pointers to methods.
// The methods are get, set, insert, remove, and size.
struct TypeData myListClass = {
( void (*[])(void) ) { (void (*)(void)) get, ( void (*)(void)) set },
(char *[]) { "get", "set", "insert", "remove", "size" },
} ;
void main() {
This is the code generated for the expression "a.get(0)" in the
following code:
int k;
var a = new MyList(4, 5, 7);
k = a.get(0)
in a dynamically-typed language
// int *data = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*3);
// data[0] = 4;
// data[1] = 5;
// data[2] = 7;
int data[] = { 4, 5, 7 };
int k = -1;
// whenever an object of MyListClass is created, fields
// 'type' and 'data' should be initialized. This usually is
// made by the constructor of the class. The user is not aware
// of this.
struct MyListClass *aList = (MyListClass *) malloc(sizeof(MyListClass));
aList->type = &myListClass;
aList->data = (int *) data;
int r = 0;
int i = 0;
// The code between // #begin and // #end
// is the translation of the message passing "a.set(0, 17);"
// in an object-oriented language to language C.
// first step is look for the method in the virtual table
// #begin
int resultIndex = -1;
for(; i < aList->type->methodNameListSize; i++) {
if (aList->type->methodNameList[i] == "set") {
resultIndex = i;
if ( resultIndex < 0 ) {
printf("Runtime type error: method 'set' not found in class \n");
else {
((int (*)(MyListClass *, int, int)) aList->type->virtualTable[resultIndex])(aList, 0, 17);
// The code between // #begin and // #end
// is the translation of the assignment "r = a.get(0)"
// in an object-oriented language to language C.
// first step is look for the method in the virtual table
// #begin
resultIndex = -1;
for(i = 0; i < aList->type->methodNameListSize; i++) {
if (aList->type->methodNameList[i] == "get") {
resultIndex = i;
if ( resultIndex < 0 ) {
printf("Runtime type error: method 'get' not found in class \n");
else {
r = ((int (*)(MyListClass *, int)) aList->type->virtualTable[resultIndex])(aList, 0);
// #end
printf("aList[0] = %d\n", r);
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