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Created June 14, 2016 05:11
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Package Talk Speaker
AF 'AF' a new package for estimating the attributable fraction Dahlqwist
archivist How to use the archivist package to boost reproducibility of your research Biecek
argufy Tools for Robust R Packages Csárdi
assertive Run-time Testing Using assertive Cotton
bamdit bamdit: An R Package for Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Data Verde
bayesboot bayesboot: An R package for easy Bayesian bootstrapping Bååth
bayesDem United Nations World Population Projections with R Ševčíková
bayesLife United Nations World Population Projections with R Ševčíková
bayesmix Bayesian analysis of generalized linear mixed models with JAGS Plummer
bayesPop United Nations World Population Projections with R Ševčíková
bayesTFR United Nations World Population Projections with R Ševčíková
benchnarkme Crowd sourced benchmarks Colin Gillespie
bigKRLS bigKRLS: optimizing non-parametric regression in R Mohanty
brglm brglm: Reduced-bias inference in generalized linear models Kosmidis
broom broom: Converting statistical models to tidy data frames Robinson
checkmate Checkmate: Fast and Versatile Argument Checks Lang
ClimDown High performance climate downscaling in R James Hiebert
colorspace Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
covr Covr: Bringing Code Coverage to R Hester
covr Tools for Robust R Packages Csárdi
CVXR CVXR: An R Package for Modeling Convex Optimization Problems Fu
d3heatmap Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
data.table Efficient in-memory non-equi joins using data.table Srinivasan
DataShield DataSHIELD: Taking the analysis to the data Wilson
ddR Distributed Computing using parallel, Distributed R, and SparkR MA
DECIPHER Analysis of big biological sequence datasets using the DECIPHER package Wright
DECIPHER Analysis of big biological sequence datasets using the DECIPHER packag Erik Scott Wright
dendextend Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
DendSer Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
deSolve An embedded domain-specific language for ODE-based drug-disease modeling and simulation James
deSolve Differential equation-based models in R: An approach to simplicity and performance Petzoldt
difR Detection of Differential Item Functioning with difNLR function Martinkova
dosresmeta Meta-Analysis of Epidemiological Dose-Response Studies with the dosresmeta R package Crippa
dplyr broom: Converting statistical models to tidy data frames Robinson
dplyr Efficient tabular data ingestion and manipulation with MonetDBLite Mühleisen
edeaR edeaR: extracting knowledge from process data Janssenswillen
etl ETL for Medium Data Baumer
fitbitscraper Importing modern data into R Luraschi
FlashR FlashR: Enable Parallel, Scalable Data Analysis in R Zheng
flexdashboard flexdashboard: Easy interactive dashboards for R McPherson
future A Future for R Bengtsson
GGally ggduo: Pairs plot for two group data Schloerke
ggplot2 broom: Converting statistical models to tidy data frames Robinson
ggplot3 ggduo: Pairs plot for two group data Schloerke
ggplot4 Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
ggplot5 Practical tools for exploratory web graphics Sievert
ggplot6 FiveThirtyEight's Data Journalism Workflow With R Andrew Flowers
glmmsr "Approximate inference in R: a case study with GLMMs and glmmsr
" Ogden
goodPractice Tools for Robust R Packages Csárdi
googleVis Experiences on the Use of R in the Water Sector David Ibarra
gplots Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
haven Importing modern data into R Luraschi
hrmlwidgets New Paradigms In Shiny App Development: Designer + Data Scientist Pairing Horowitz
htmlwidgets Linking htmlwidgets with crosstalk and mobservable Cheng
htmlwidgets Practical tools for exploratory web graphics Sievert
htmlwidgets Htmlwidgets: Power of Javascript in R Ramnath Vaidyanathan
HydeNet Bayesian analysis of generalized linear mixed models with JAGS Plummer
iBUGS Bayesian analysis of generalized linear mixed models with JAGS Plummer
igraph Network Diffusion of Innovations in R: Introducing netdiffuseR Vega Yon
INLABMA Fitting Complex Bayesian Models with R-INLA and MCMC Gómez-Rubio
jags Bayesian analysis of generalized linear mixed models with JAGS Plummer
jagsUI Bayesian analysis of generalized linear mixed models with JAGS Plummer
jsonlite Importing modern data into R Luraschi
knitr Automating our work away: one consulting firm's experience with KnitR. Timbers
knitr How to use the archivist package to boost reproducibility of your research Biecek
knitr Providing Digital Provenance: from Modeling through Production de la Rubia
leaflet A spatial policy tool for cycling potential in England Ali Abbas
limma Fry: A Fast Interactive Biological Pathway Miner Giner
lint Rethinking R Documentation: an extension of the lint package Redd
lintr Tools for Robust R Packages Csárdi
lordif Detection of Differential Item Functioning with difNLR function Martinkova
lpSolveAPO Experiences on the Use of R in the Water Sector David Ibarra
LTPDvar Calculation and economic evaluation of acceptance sampling plans Kasprikova
matlib Visualizing Simultaneous Linear Equations, Geometric Vectors, and Least-Squares Regression with the matlib Package for R Fox
mgcv Fast additive quantile regression in R Matteo Fasiolo
mhurdle Multiple Hurdle Tobit models in R: the mhurdle package Croissant
mirMbo mlrMBO: A Toolbox for Model-Based Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions Richter
mlt Most Likely Transformations Hothorn
mlxR An embedded domain-specific language for ODE-based drug-disease modeling and simulation James
MonetDB.R Efficient tabular data ingestion and manipulation with MonetDBLite Mühleisen
MonetDBLite Efficient tabular data ingestion and manipulation with MonetDBLite Mühleisen
mrgsolve An embedded domain-specific language for ODE-based drug-disease modeling and simulation James
mumm mumm: An R-package for fitting multiplicative mixed models using the Template Model Builder (TMB) Jensen
MXNet Deep Learning for R with MXNet Kou
netdiffuseR Network Diffusion of Innovations in R: Introducing netdiffuseR Vega Yon
nethet Two-sample testing in high dimensions Nicolas Staedler
nlmeODE An embedded domain-specific language for ODE-based drug-disease modeling and simulation James
no packages called out RosettaHUB-Sheets, a programmable, collaborative web-based spreadsheet for R, Python and Spark Latifa Bouabdillah
no packages called out Teaching R to 200 people in a week Michael Andrew Levy
no packages called out How to keep your R code simple while tackling big datasets Charles Arthur Piercey
no packages called out Helping R Stay in the Lead by Deploying Models with PFA Stuart Bailey
no packages called out R in machine learning competitions Anthony Goldbloom
no packages called out Wrapping Your R tools to Analyze National-Scale Cancer Genomics in the Cloud Benoit Liquet
no packages called out Compiling parts of R using the NIMBLE system for programming algorithms Christopher J. Paciorek
no packages called out Implementing R in old economy companies: From proof-of-concept to production Oliver Bracht
no packages called out Connecting R to the OpenML project for Open Machine Learning Joaquin Vanschoren
no packages called out R: The last line of defense against bad debt. Alberto Martin Zamora
no packages called out Taking R to new heights for scalability and performance Mark Hornick
no packages called out jailbreakr: Get out of Excel, free Jenny Bryan
no packages called out Advancing In-memory Analytics and Interoperability for R (and Python) Wes McKinney
no packages called out Capturing and understanding patterns in plant genetic resource data to develop climate change adaptive crops using the R platform Abdallah Bari
no packages called out Continuous Integration and Teaching Statistical Computing with R Colin Rundel
no packages called out Transforming a Museum to be data-driven using R Alice Daish
no packages called out What can R learn from Julia Jan Vitek
no packages called out Statistics and R in Forensic Genetics Mikkel Meyer Andersen
no packages called out Zero-overhead integration of R, JS, Ruby and C/C++ Lukas Stadler
no packages called out R at Microsoft David Smith
no packages called out When will this machine fail? Xinwei Xue
no packages called out The challenge of combining 176 x #otherpeoplesdata to create the Biomass And Allometry Database (BAAD) Daniel Stein Falster
no packages called out R AnalyticFlow 3: Interactive Data Analysis GUI for R Ryota Suzuki
no packages called out Rho: High Performance R Karl Millar
no packages called out Applying R in Streaming and Business Intelligence Applications Lou Bajuk-Yorgan
no packages called out Size of Datasets for Analytics and Implications for R Szilard Pafka
no packages called out On the emergence of R as a platform for emergency outbreak response Thibaut Jombart
no packages called out Reusable R for automation, small area estimation and legacy systems Rhydwyn McGuire
no packages called out The options and challenges of spatial analysis in R Bhaskar V. Karambelkar
no packages called out Adding R, Jupyter and Spark to the toolset for understanding the complex computing systems at CERN's Large Hadron Collider Dirk Duellmann
no packages called out Dynamic Data in the Statistics Classroom Johanna Hardin
no packages called out Using Jupyter notebooks with R in the classroom Tanya Tickel Schlusser
no packages called out viztrackr: Tracking and discovering plots via automatic semantic annotations Gabriel Becker
RODBC Importing modern data into R Luraschi
OPERA OPERA: Online Prediction by ExpeRts Aggregation Goude
packrat Providing Digital Provenance: from Modeling through Production de la Rubia
parallel Distributed Computing using parallel, Distributed R, and SparkR Ma
parallel Resource-Aware Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Machine Learning R Programs though RAMBO Kotthaus
partykit Predicting individual treatment effects Seibold
pbdZMQ Interactive Terabytes with pbdR Cheng
permuter permuter: An R Package for Randomization Inference Ottoboni
phangorn The phangorn package: estimating and comparing phylogenetic trees Schliep
phyloseq Phylogenetically informed analysis of microbiome data using adaptive gPCA in R Fukuyama
pkgconfig Tools for Robust R Packages Csárdi
PKPDsim An embedded domain-specific language for ODE-based drug-disease modeling and simulation James
plotly Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
plotly Practical tools for exploratory web graphics Sievert
profvis Profvis: Profiling tools for faster R code Chang
proglang Estimation of causal effects in network-dependent data Sofrygin
R/qtl R/qtl: Just Barely Sustainable Browman
R2Jags Bayesian analysis of generalized linear mixed models with JAGS Plummer
randomForest Classifying Murderers in Imbalanced Data Using randomForest Miranda
ranger ranger: A fast implementation of random forests for high dimensional data Wright
Rblpapi Extending CRAN packages with binaries: x13binary Eddelbuettel
rbokeh rbokeh: A Simple, Flexible, Declarative Framework for Interactive Graphics Hafen
Rcpp Experiences on the Use of R in the Water Sector David Ibarra
RcppParallel RcppParallel: A Toolkit for Portable, High-Performance Algorithms Ushey
readr Importing modern data into R Luraschi
readxl Importing modern data into R Luraschi
recommenderlab Rectools: An Advanced Recommender System Pooja Rajkumar
recosystem Rectools: An Advanced Recommender System Pooja Rajkumar
rectools Rectools: An Advanced Recommender System Pooja Rajkumar
Rfit Big Data Algorithms for Rank-based Estimation Kloke
rgl Visualizing Simultaneous Linear Equations, Geometric Vectors, and Least-Squares Regression with the matlib Package for R Fox
R-Hadoop FlashR: Enable Parallel, Scalable Data Analysis in R Zheng
R-INLA Fitting Complex Bayesian Models with R-INLA and MCMC Gómez-Rubio
Rinside Experiences on the Use of R in the Water Sector David Ibarra
rmarkdown Authoring Books with R Markdown Xie
rmarkdown flexdashboard: Easy interactive dashboards for R McPherson
rmarkdown Linking htmlwidgets with crosstalk and mobservable Cheng
rmarkdown Notebooks with R Markdown Allaire
rmarkdown R markdown: Lifesaver or death trap? Godfrey
rmarkdown Revolutionize how you teach and blog: add interactivity Schouwenaars
rmarkdown RServer: Operationalizing R at Electronic Arts Weber
rmarkdown Using Shiny for Formative Assessments Bryer
rmarkdown Using Spark with Shiny and R Markdown Allen
rmarkdown A first-year undergraduate data science course Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
rmarkdown A Lap Around R Tools for Visual Studio John Lam
rmarkdown GNU make for reproducible data analysis using R and other statistical software Peter John Baker
rminions Grid Computing in R with Easy Scalability Jonathan Adams
Rmpi FlashR: Enable Parallel, Scalable Data Analysis in R Zheng
rMVPA Multivoxel Pattern Analysis of fMRI Data Buchsbaum
RODBC Exploring the R / SQL boundary Gopi Kumar
rodeo Differential equation-based models in R: An approach to simplicity and performance Petzoldt
rodeoApp Differential equation-based models in R: An approach to simplicity and performance Petzoldt
Rsiena Network Diffusion of Innovations in R: Introducing netdiffuseR Vega Yon
rstan bamdit: An R Package for Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Data Verde
rstan Bayesian analysis of generalized linear mixed models with JAGS Plummer
runjags Bayesian analysis of generalized linear mixed models with JAGS Plummer
RxODE An embedded domain-specific language for ODE-based drug-disease modeling and simulation James
seriation Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
sgPLS Group and Sparse Group Partial Least Square Approaches Applied in Genomics Context Liquet
shiny An embedded domain-specific language for ODE-based drug-disease modeling and simulation James
shiny Authoring Books with R Markdown Xie
shiny Differential equation-based models in R: An approach to simplicity and performance Petzoldt
shiny flexdashboard: Easy interactive dashboards for R McPherson
shiny Interactive Naive Bayes using Shiny: Text Retrieval, Classification, Quantification Di Nunzio
shiny Linking htmlwidgets with crosstalk and mobservable Cheng
shiny New Paradigms In Shiny App Development: Designer + Data Scientist Pairing Horowitz
shiny Phylogenetically informed analysis of microbiome data using adaptive gPCA in R Fukuyama
shiny Practical tools for exploratory web graphics Sievert
shiny rbokeh: A Simple, Flexible, Declarative Framework for Interactive Graphics Hafen
shiny Real-time analysis of the intraday financial volatility: Big data, simulations and stochastic volatility using R Santos
shiny RServer: Operationalizing R at Electronic Arts Weber
shiny Shiny Gadgets: Interactive tools for Programming and Data Analysis Grolemund
shiny Simulation and power analysis of generalized linear mixed models LeBeau
shiny United Nations World Population Projections with R Ševčíková
shiny Using R in a regulatory environment: FDA experiences. Schuette
shiny Using Shiny for Formative Assessments Bryer
shiny Using Spark with Shiny and R Markdown Allen
shiny Visual Pruner: A Shiny app for cohort selection in observational studies Samuels
shiny How can I get everyone else in my organisation to love R as much as I do? Kate Ross-Smith
shiny Introducing Statistics with intRo Andee Kaplan
shiny Modeling Food Policy Decision Analysis with an Interactive Bayesian Network in Shiny Rachel Lynne Wilkerson
shiny Colour schemes in data visualisation: Bias and Precision William K. Cornwell
shiny A Lap Around R Tools for Visual Studio John Lam
shiny Data Landscapes: a pragmatic and philosophical visualisation of the sustainable urban landscape Tatjana Kecojevic
shiny A spatial policy tool for cycling potential in England Ali Abbas
simcausal Estimation of causal effects in network-dependent data Sofrygin
simglm Simulation and power analysis of generalized linear mixed models LeBeau
simPop Simulation of Synthetic Complex Data: The R-Package simPop Kowarik
simPop Simulation of Synthetic Complex Data: The R-Package simPop Alexander Kowarik
simulator The simulator: An Engine for Streamlining Simulations Bien
SparkR Distributed Computing using parallel, Distributed R, and SparkR Ma
SparkR Using Spark with Shiny and R Markdown Allen
spatialProbit SpatialProbit for fast and accurate spatial probit estimations Martinetti
statnet Network Diffusion of Innovations in R: Introducing netdiffuseR Vega Yon
stplanr A spatial policy tool for cycling potential in England Ali Abbas
superheat Superheat: Supervised heatmaps for visualizing complex data Barter
survival Predicting individual treatment effects Seibold
swirl swirl-tbp: a package for interactively learning R programming and data science through the addition of 'template-based practice' problems in swirl Dancik
swirl-tpp swirl-tbp: a package for interactively learning R programming and data science through the addition of 'template-based practice' problems in swirl Dancik
TBM mumm: An R-package for fitting multiplicative mixed models using the Template Model Builder (TMB) Jensen
testthat Checkmate: Fast and Versatile Argument Checks Lang Predicting individual treatment effects Seibold
tidyr broom: Converting statistical models to tidy data frames Robinson
TraceR Resource-Aware Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Machine Learning R Programs though RAMBO Kotthaus
trackR trackeR: Infrastructure for Running and Cycling Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices in R Frick
validate Data validation infrastructure: the validate package van der Loo
viridis Heatmaps in R: Overview and Best Practices Galili
wppExplorer United Nations World Population Projections with R Ševčíková
WRV A Case Study in Reproducible Model Building: Simulating Groundwater Flow in the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, Idaho Fisher
WTAQ-2 Wrap your model in an R package! Rustler
x13binary Extending CRAN packages with binaries: x13binary Eddelbuettel
xgboost xgboost: An R package for Fast and Accurate Gradient Boosting He
xml2 Importing modern data into R Luraschi
ZPL Inside the Rent Zestimates Yeng Bun
tmlenet Estimation of causal effects in network-dependent data Sofrygin
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