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Created November 12, 2016 03:35
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Joseph Zhong
9 Nov. 2016
There are multiple objectives involving SETs of 3 cards
- Output the maximum number of possible SETs
- Output the maximum number of disjoint SETs
- The largest collection of disjoint SETs
- Code must be readable
- 5 second per test case run-time
- Memory (??)
Thoughts on the Problem:
Immediately, the above objectives are difficult for the following reasons:
- Constrained Permutations
- The constraint involves checking 3 objects with 4 features
The second objective seems much more difficult than the first in the concept
of maximum is introduced with possibilities
- Disjoint sets
- Maximum disjoint set
- Elements of the maximum disjoint set
Thoughts on Potential Solutions:
Iterative Solutions
"Brute Force": n^3 solution to check each possible trio as a set
With 3 <= n <= 30, worst case this will be <27000 checks to return only
a handful of possible sets while not taking advantage of memory available
- (?) Immediately move on when first two cards are impossible
- This actually increased Obj1 runtime from ~75-90ms to ~100-110ms
- Don't know whether it's worth optimizing feature checking...
- TODO: Try recursive backtracking method instead
- This also seems overkill, and annoying to implement without
utilizing stack memory and I can't immediately think of a
"dynamic programming" implementation to save feature comparisons
Obj1 Pseudocode:
for i...n card, j...(i+1,n), k...(j+1,n):
check and ++
Add valid set to a list with card indices
Maximum Disjoint Set
- (?) aka disjoint powerset problem
- There are 2^n subsets in a regular powerset
Immediately I see a recursive backtracking problem, however the complication
is that there are three dimensions which paths are chosen. The algorithm
makes sense, the runtime is the worry.
Optimizations to try:
- Dynamic Programming Application? Each SET has a number of matching
disjoint sets?
- Something about checking only the cards in each set
- ...
# regex will help with with easing the manual pattern matching process
import re
import sys
import time
from itertools import chain, combinations
def symbol(thingy):
Regex matching for "Symbol" type
:param thingy: The thingy to match against
:return: The extracted "Symbol" type as a String ("a" | "s" | "h")
if bool(re.match('@|a|A', thingy)): return 'a'
elif bool(re.match('\$|s|S', thingy)): return 's'
elif bool(re.match('#|h|H', thingy)): return 'h'
else: raise Exception("Invalid Input -- Multiple Symbols detected")
def shade(thingy):
Regex matching for "Shade" type
:param thingy: The thingy to match against
:return: The extracted "Shade" type as a String ("symbol" | "lower" | "upper")
if bool(re.match('@|\$|#', thingy)): return 'symbol'
elif bool(re.match('a|s|h', thingy)): return 'lower'
elif bool(re.match('A|S|H', thingy)): return 'upper'
else: raise Exception("Invalid Input -- Multiple Shades detected")
def areSame(values):
return values[1:] == values[:-1]
def areUnique(values):
return len(values) == len(set(values))
def isSet(test_set):
A SET is when the cards all are same or all different in any feature categories
:param test_set: A trio of cards
:return: A boolean value on whether the trio represents a SET
features = {
# allows for checking of arbitrary set size
for key in features:
if not ((areSame([card[key] for card in test_set]))
or (areUnique([card[key] for card in test_set]))):
return False
return True
def test(cards, n):
sets = []
# obj1 output
for i in range(n - 2): # first card
for j in range(i + 1, n - 1): # second card
# if isSet((cards[i], cards[j])): # check if valid already: slowed runtime
for k in range(j + 1, n): # third card
if isSet((cards[i], cards[j], cards[k])):
{ i, j, k }
print len(sets)
# obj2 experiments ...
# experimenting with powerset solution -- too many subsets to check through
# def powerset(iterable):
# s = list(iterable)
# return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(1, len(s)+1))
# print list(powerset(sets))
# def is_disjoint_set(test_sets):
# """
# :param test_sets: set to check whether is disjoint
# :return: Boolean value whether set is disjoint or not
# """
# for i in range(len(test_sets) - 1):
# for j in range(0, len(test_sets)):
# if j != i and len(set.intersection(test_sets[i], test_sets[j])) != 0:
# return False
# return True
# list_of_disjoint_sets = []
# def explore(test_sets):
# """
# Depth first brute force recursive approach
# - builds the small disjoint sets first, or O(2^n)
# - takes very very long to return
# Adds to list_of_disjoint_sets
# :param test_sets: list of sets to explore
# """
# if is_disjoint_set(test_sets):
# list_of_disjoint_sets.append(test_sets)
# else:
# for i in range(len(test_sets)):
# explore(test_sets[0:i] + test_sets[i+1:])
# explore(sets)
# print list_of_disjoint_sets
# print 'Number of disjoint sets found: {}'.format(len(list_of_disjoint_sets))
# def is_disjoint_set(test_sets):
# """
# :param test_sets: set to check whether is disjoint
# :return: Boolean value whether set is disjoint or not
# """
# for i in range(len(test_sets) - 1):
# for j in range(0, len(test_sets)):
# if j != i and len(set.intersection(test_sets[i], test_sets[j])) != 0:
# return False
# return True
# list_of_disjoint_sets = []
# def breadth_first_explore(test_sets):
# """
# Breadth first also brute-force recursive approach
# - builds the larger disjoint sets first
# - still very slow solution if possibilities set is large
# :param test_sets: list of sets to explore
# """
# q = []
# if is_disjoint_set(test_sets):
# list_of_disjoint_sets.append(test_sets)
# return
# else:
# for i in range(len(test_sets)):
# q.append(test_sets[0:i] + test_sets[i+1:])
# while len(q): # queue of test sets is not empty
# tmp = q.pop(0)
# if is_disjoint_set(tmp):
# list_of_disjoint_sets.append(tmp)
# return
# else:
# for index in range(len(tmp)):
# q.append(tmp[0:index] + tmp[index+1:])
# breadth_first_explore(sets)
# print 'Number of disjoint sets found: {}'.format(len(list_of_disjoint_sets))
# bad, incomplete iterative solution without backtracking exploration
# although is it really bad if it misses some solutions, but fast? :P
# :( ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
list_of_disjoint_sets = [[s] for s in sets] # [[1, 2, 81] ... n=41 ]
def can_add(s, disjoint_set):
Test whether adding set into the already disjoint_set will still be disjoint
:param s: set to add
:param disjoint_set: already disjoint set
:return: Boolean True if the add is still disjoint, False otherwise
for d_set in disjoint_set:
if len(d_set) + len(s) != len(d_set.union(s)):
return False
return True
i = 0
for s in sets: # input
for disjoint_set in list_of_disjoint_sets:
i += 1
if can_add(s, disjoint_set): # check if s and disjoint_set are disjoint
# list_of_disjoint_sets = []
# if len(sets):
# cards_used = sets[0]
# list_of_disjoint_sets.append(sets[0])
# for i in range(1, len(sets)):
# for card in sets[i]:
# if card in cards_used:
# break
# cards_used.update(sets[i])
# list_of_disjoint_sets.append(sets[i])
# print 'list %s' % list_of_disjoint_sets
# <insert dynamic programming attempt here>
# <insert include/exclude tree attempt here>
# <insert correct solution here> :(
# obj2 output
max_disjoint_set = {}
for i in range(len(list_of_disjoint_sets)):
if len(list_of_disjoint_sets[i]) > len(max_disjoint_set):
max_disjoint_set = list_of_disjoint_sets[i]
print len(max_disjoint_set)
# obj3 output
print ''
# print max_disjoint_set
for s in max_disjoint_set:
for card in s:
print '{} {}'.format(cards[card]['color'], cards[card]['thingy'])
print ''
def parse_card(line):
color, thingy = line.split()
return {
'thingy': thingy,
'color': color,
'symbol': symbol(thingy),
'shade': shade(thingy),
'number': len(thingy)
def parse_in(f_name=None):
Parse Input from either stdin or a file
:param f_name:
cards = []
n = 0
if f_name is None:
n = int(raw_input())
for i in range(n):
with open(f_name, 'r') as input_file:
n = int(input_file.readline())
for line in input_file:
test(cards, n)
start = time.time()
# parse_in('in1')
# parse_in()
# print runtime
# print '%.4f seconds' % (time.time() - start)
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