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Created March 21, 2012 14:46
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Calculates OPR from a single event's data that is input as csv files
# Calculates OPR
# For implementation details, see
# M is 2m x n where m is # of matches and n is # of teams
# s is 2m x 1 where m is # of matches
# solve [M][x]=[s] for [x] by turning it into [A][x]=[b]
# A should end up being n x n an b should end up being n x 1
# x is OPR and should be n x 1
import sys
from time import *
import csv
from math import sqrt
class opr:
data = []
teamdata = []
M = []
def _init_(self):
return 0
def zeros(self,m,n):
# returns the zero matrix for the supplied dimensions
return [[0 for row in range(n)] for col in range(m)]
def mTranspose(self,matrix):
# returns the transpose of a matrix
return map(lambda *row: list(row), *matrix)
def mInverse(self,matrix):
# TODO: implement matrix inversion
# not nescessary for anything we have done thus far
return -1
def mMult(self,matrixA,matrixB):
# returns result of multiplying A by B
if len(matrixA[0]) != len(matrixB):
print "Matrix dimension error!"
result = self.zeros(len(matrixA),len(matrixB[0]))
for i in range(len(matrixA)):
for j in range(len(matrixB[0])):
for k in range(len(matrixB)):
result[i][j] += matrixA[i][k]*matrixB[k][j]
return result
def getData(self,file):
reader = csv.reader(open(file,"rb"))
for num, row in enumerate(reader):
if num != 0: # skip row containing column headers[])[num-1].append(int(row[3])) #redscore[num-1].append(int(row[4])) #bluescore[num-1].append(int(row[5])) #red1[num-1].append(int(row[6])) #red2[num-1].append(int(row[7])) #red3[num-1].append(int(row[8])) #blue1[num-1].append(int(row[9])) #blue2[num-1].append(int(row[10])) #blue3
def getTeamData(self,file):
reader = csv.reader(open(file,"rb"))
for num, row in enumerate(reader):
if num != 0 and row!=[]: # skip row containing column headers
self.teamdata[num-1].append(num-1) #teamid
self.teamdata[num-1].append(int(row[0])) #teamnumber
def getTeamID(self,num):
# returns the matrix column index associated with a team number
for ident, row in enumerate(self.teamdata):
return ident
def getM(self):
# puts a 1 in a row of M for each team on an alliance
i = 0
self.M = self.zeros(2*len(,len(self.teamdata))
while (i)<2*len(
self.M[i][self.getTeamID([i/2][2])] = 1
self.M[i][self.getTeamID([i/2][3])] = 1
self.M[i][self.getTeamID([i/2][4])] = 1
i += 1
self.M[i][self.getTeamID([i/2][5])] = 1
self.M[i][self.getTeamID([i/2][6])] = 1
self.M[i][self.getTeamID([i/2][7])] = 1
i += 1
def gets(self):
# gets each alliance's score for each match
i = 0
s = [[0] for row in range(2*len(]
while i<2*len(
s[i][0] = ([i/2][0])
i += 1
s[i][0] = ([i/2][1])
i += 1
return s
def decompose(self,A,ztol=1.0e-3):
# Algorithm for upper triangular Cholesky factorization
# gives U
# NOT USED!!! SEE decomposeDoolittle below
num = len(A)
t = self.zeros(num, num)
for i in range(num):
S = sum([(t[i][k])**2 for k in range(1,i-1)])
d = A[i][i] -S
if abs(d) < ztol:
t[i][i] = 0.0
if d < 0.0:
raise ValueError, "Matrix not positive-definite"
t[i][i] = sqrt(d)
for j in range(i+1, num):
S = sum([t[j][k] * t[i][k] for k in range(1,i-1)])
if abs(S) < ztol:
S = 0.0
t[j][i] = (A[j][i] - S)/t[i][i]
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
print e
def decomposeDoolittle(self,A):
# Algorithm for upper and lower triangular factorization
# gives U and L; uses Doolittle factorization
n = len(A)
L = self.zeros(n, n)
U = self.zeros(n, n)
for k in range(n):
L[k][k] = 1
for j in range(k,n):
U[k][j] = A[k][j]-sum(L[k][m]*U[m][j] for m in range(k))
for i in range(k+1,n):
L[i][k] = (A[i][k]-sum(L[i][m]*U[m][k] for m in range(k)))/float(U[k][k])
return U,L
def solve(self,L,U,b):
# Algorithm from
# Ax = b -> LUx = b. Then y is defined to be Ux
y = [[0] for row in range(len(b))]
x = [[0] for row in range(len(b))]
# Forward elimination Ly = b
for i in range(len(b)):
y[i][0] = b[i][0]
for j in range(i):
y[i][0] -= L[i][j]*y[j][0]
y[i][0] /= float(L[i][i])
# Backward substitution Ux = y
for i in range(len(y)-1,-1,-1):
x[i][0] = y[i][0]
for j in range(i+1,len(y)):
x[i][0] -= U[i][j]*x[j][0]
x[i][0] /= float(U[i][i])
return x
def test(self):
s = self.gets()
Mtrans = self.mTranspose(self.M)
A = self.mMult(Mtrans,self.M) # multiply M' times M to get A
b = self.mMult(Mtrans,s) # multiply M' times s to get b
U,L = self.decomposeDoolittle(A)
print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%OPR%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
OPR = self.solve(L,U,b)
print OPR
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = clock()
instance = opr()
end = clock()
print "Took ",end-start," seconds"
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wor.csv is available at:
worteam.csv is available at

Expected output is:

[[11.66399513336657], [20.131888997817327], [-2.709236725069581], [13.498663183948505], [15.648860336662972], [6.0692737883152885], [21.540385569938184], [-2.6577991723737484], [5.2648537035575576], [7.5905299160519375], [-5.428985373802822], [4.474239121889076], [22.39166545407237], [4.091840216170913], [8.250062898508267], [-4.0797479264466565], [10.857177408066839], [19.740110172113646], [9.368161945071593], [7.008524784440165], [4.944055414387343], [8.157905922655607], [7.023435662147433], [-1.3957042133587962], [6.417321147981935], [3.7302702077026244], [5.566154693660647], [15.462768583709883], [4.07044065667128], [7.220130881210887], [6.2165001844047], [3.156665279939849], [11.698043536844668], [5.100881943076859]]
Took  0.450803246777  seconds

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