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Created February 28, 2019 08:24
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import React, { useState, useRef, useContext } from 'react'
import { FirebaseContext } from 'bentowidgets/widgets/firebase_context'
import firebase from 'firebase'
const FirestoreCacheContext = React.createContext()
function FirestoreCacheProvider(props) {
const _firebase = useContext(FirebaseContext)
let cache = useRef({}).current // HACKY AF
let recency = useRef([]).current // HACKY AF
let [limit, setCacheLimit] = useState(100)
const { children } = props
const onSnapshotQuery = firebase.firestore.Query.prototype.onSnapshot
const onSnapshotDocument = firebase.firestore.DocumentReference.prototype.onSnapshot
function updateCache(key, snapshot) {
if (key in cache) {
const index = recency.indexOf(key)
recency.splice(index, 1)
//console.log(`CACHE update: ${key}`)
} else {
//console.log(`CACHE insert: ${key}`)
while (recency.length > limit) {
const removeKey = recency.shift()
delete cache[removeKey]
//console.log(`CACHE remove: ${removeKey}`)
cache[key] = snapshot
//console.log(`CACHE size: ${recency.length}`)
function keyForPath(path) {
return `${path.segments}_${path.len}_${path.length}_${path.offset}`
function keyForFilter(filter) {
return `${keyForPath(filter.field)}:${filter.op}:${filter.value}`
function keyForOrderBy(orderBy) {
return `${keyForPath(orderBy.field)}:${orderBy.dir}:${orderBy.isKeyOrderBy}`
function keyForQuery(query) {
let key = `${query.endAt}:::${query.explicitOrderBy}:::${query.limit}`
key = `${key}:::${query.memoizedCanonicalId}:::${query.memoizedOrderBy}`
key = `${key}:::${query.startAt}:::`
key = `${key}:::${(query.filters || []).map(keyForFilter)}`
key = `${key}:::${(query.orderBy || []).map(keyForOrderBy)}`
key = `${key}:::${query.path && keyForPath(query.path)}`
return key
firebase.firestore.Query.prototype.onSnapshot = function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
const key = keyForQuery(this._query) // eslint-disable-line react/no-this-in-sfc
if (key in cache) {
const _arg1 = snapshot => {
updateCache(key, snapshot)
return arg1(snapshot)
return, _arg1, arg2, arg3)
firebase.firestore.DocumentReference.prototype.onSnapshot = function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
const key = `DOC:${this.path}` // eslint-disable-line react/no-this-in-sfc
if (key in cache) {
const _arg1 = snapshot => {
updateCache(key, snapshot)
return arg1(snapshot)
return, _arg1, arg2, arg3)
return (
<FirestoreCacheContext.Provider value={{ firebase: _firebase, setCacheLimit: setCacheLimit }}>
function withFirestoreCache(Component) {
return function FirestoreCacheComponent(props) {
return (
{context => <Component {...props} firebase={context.firebase} setCacheLimit={context.setCacheLimit} />}
export default FirestoreCacheProvider
export { FirestoreCacheContext, withFirestoreCache, FirestoreCacheProvider }
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