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Last active November 25, 2024 14:54
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# (Enhanced)
# Date: 20190213_2328 Joseph Ernest
# URL:
# Source: scipy/io/
# Added:
# * read: also returns bitrate, cue markers + cue marker labels (sorted), loops, pitch
# See
# * read: 24 bit & 32 bit IEEE files support (inspired from from Warren Weckesser)
# * read: added normalized (default False) that returns everything as float in [-1, 1]
# * read: added forcestereo that returns a 2-dimensional array even if input is mono
# * write: can write cue markers, cue marker labels, loops, pitch
# * write: 24 bit support
# * write: can write from a float normalized in [-1, 1]
# * write: 20180430_2335: bug fixed when size of data chunk is odd (previously, metadata could become unreadable because of this)
# * removed RIFX support (big-endian) (never seen one in 10+ years of audio production/audio programming), only RIFF (little-endian) are supported
# * removed read(..., mmap)
# Test:
# ..\wav\
Module to read / write wav files using numpy arrays
`read`: Return the sample rate (in samples/sec) and data from a WAV file.
`write`: Write a numpy array as a WAV file.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import numpy
import struct
import warnings
import collections
from operator import itemgetter
class WavFileWarning(UserWarning):
_ieee = False
# assumes file pointer is immediately
# after the 'fmt ' id
def _read_fmt_chunk(fid):
res = struct.unpack('<ihHIIHH',
size, comp, noc, rate, sbytes, ba, bits = res
if (comp != 1 or size > 16):
if (comp == 3):
global _ieee
_ieee = True
#warnings.warn("IEEE format not supported", WavFileWarning)
warnings.warn("Unfamiliar format bytes", WavFileWarning)
if (size>16):
return size, comp, noc, rate, sbytes, ba, bits
# assumes file pointer is immediately
# after the 'data' id
def _read_data_chunk(fid, noc, bits, normalized=False):
size = struct.unpack('<i',[0]
if bits == 8 or bits == 24:
dtype = 'u1'
bytes = 1
bytes = bits//8
dtype = '<i%d' % bytes
if bits == 32 and _ieee:
dtype = 'float32'
data = numpy.fromfile(fid, dtype=dtype, count=size//bytes)
if bits == 24:
a = numpy.empty((len(data) // 3, 4), dtype='u1')
a[:, :3] = data.reshape((-1, 3))
a[:, 3:] = (a[:, 3 - 1:3] >> 7) * 255
data = a.view('<i4').reshape(a.shape[:-1])
if noc > 1:
data = data.reshape(-1,noc)
if bool(size & 1): # if odd number of bytes, move 1 byte further (data chunk is word-aligned),1)
if normalized:
if bits == 8 or bits == 16 or bits == 24:
normfactor = 2 ** (bits-1)
data = numpy.float32(data) * 1.0 / normfactor
return data
def _skip_unknown_chunk(fid):
data =
size = struct.unpack('<i', data)[0]
if bool(size & 1): # if odd number of bytes, move 1 byte further (data chunk is word-aligned)
size += 1, 1)
def _read_riff_chunk(fid):
str1 =
if str1 != b'RIFF':
raise ValueError("Not a WAV file.")
fsize = struct.unpack('<I',[0] + 8
str2 =
if (str2 != b'WAVE'):
raise ValueError("Not a WAV file.")
return fsize
def read(file, readmarkers=False, readmarkerlabels=False, readmarkerslist=False, readloops=False, readpitch=False, normalized=False, forcestereo=False):
Return the sample rate (in samples/sec) and data from a WAV file
file : file
Input wav file.
rate : int
Sample rate of wav file
data : numpy array
Data read from wav file
* The file can be an open file or a filename.
* The returned sample rate is a Python integer
* The data is returned as a numpy array with a
data-type determined from the file.
if hasattr(file,'read'):
fid = file
fid = open(file, 'rb')
fsize = _read_riff_chunk(fid)
noc = 1
bits = 8
#_cue = []
#_cuelabels = []
_markersdict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: {'position': -1, 'label': ''})
loops = []
pitch = 0.0
while (fid.tell() < fsize):
# read the next chunk
chunk_id =
if chunk_id == b'fmt ':
size, comp, noc, rate, sbytes, ba, bits = _read_fmt_chunk(fid)
elif chunk_id == b'data':
data = _read_data_chunk(fid, noc, bits, normalized)
elif chunk_id == b'cue ':
str1 =
size, numcue = struct.unpack('<ii',str1)
for c in range(numcue):
str1 =
id, position, datachunkid, chunkstart, blockstart, sampleoffset = struct.unpack('<iiiiii', str1)
_markersdict[id]['position'] = position # needed to match labels and markers
elif chunk_id == b'LIST':
str1 =
size, type = struct.unpack('<ii', str1)
elif chunk_id in [b'ICRD', b'IENG', b'ISFT', b'ISTJ']: # see
elif chunk_id == b'labl':
str1 =
size, id = struct.unpack('<ii',str1)
size = size + (size % 2) # the size should be even, see WAV specfication, e.g. 16=>16, 23=>24
label ='\x00') # remove the trailing null characters
_markersdict[id]['label'] = label # needed to match labels and markers
elif chunk_id == b'smpl':
str1 =
size, manuf, prod, sampleperiod, midiunitynote, midipitchfraction, smptefmt, smpteoffs, numsampleloops, samplerdata = struct.unpack('<iiiiiIiiii', str1)
cents = midipitchfraction * 1./(2**32-1)
pitch = 440. * 2 ** ((midiunitynote + cents - 69.)/12)
for i in range(numsampleloops):
str1 =
cuepointid, type, start, end, fraction, playcount = struct.unpack('<iiiiii', str1)
loops.append([start, end])
warnings.warn("Chunk " + chunk_id + " skipped", WavFileWarning)
if data.ndim == 1 and forcestereo:
data = numpy.column_stack((data, data))
_markerslist = sorted([_markersdict[l] for l in _markersdict], key=lambda k: k['position']) # sort by position
_cue = [m['position'] for m in _markerslist]
_cuelabels = [m['label'] for m in _markerslist]
return (rate, data, bits, ) \
+ ((_cue,) if readmarkers else ()) \
+ ((_cuelabels,) if readmarkerlabels else ()) \
+ ((_markerslist,) if readmarkerslist else ()) \
+ ((loops,) if readloops else ()) \
+ ((pitch,) if readpitch else ())
def write(filename, rate, data, bitrate=None, markers=None, loops=None, pitch=None, normalized=False):
Write a numpy array as a WAV file
filename : file
The name of the file to write (will be over-written).
rate : int
The sample rate (in samples/sec).
data : ndarray
A 1-D or 2-D numpy array of integer data-type.
* Writes a simple uncompressed WAV file.
* The bits-per-sample will be determined by the data-type.
* To write multiple-channels, use a 2-D array of shape
(Nsamples, Nchannels).
# normalization and 24-bit handling
if bitrate == 24: # special handling of 24 bit wav, because there is no numpy.int24...
if normalized:
data[data > 1.0] = 1.0
data[data < -1.0] = -1.0
a32 = numpy.asarray(data * (2 ** 23 - 1), dtype=numpy.int32)
a32 = numpy.asarray(data, dtype=numpy.int32)
if a32.ndim == 1:
a32.shape = a32.shape + (1,) # Convert to a 2D array with a single column.
a8 = (a32.reshape(a32.shape + (1,)) >> numpy.array([0, 8, 16])) & 255 # By shifting first 0 bits, then 8, then 16, the resulting output is 24 bit little-endian.
data = a8.astype(numpy.uint8)
if normalized: # default to 32 bit int
data[data > 1.0] = 1.0
data[data < -1.0] = -1.0
data = numpy.asarray(data * (2 ** 31 - 1), dtype=numpy.int32)
fid = open(filename, 'wb')
# fmt chunk
fid.write(b'fmt ')
if data.ndim == 1:
noc = 1
noc = data.shape[1]
bits = data.dtype.itemsize * 8 if bitrate != 24 else 24
sbytes = rate * (bits // 8) * noc
ba = noc * (bits // 8)
fid.write(struct.pack('<ihHIIHH', 16, 1, noc, rate, sbytes, ba, bits))
# cue chunk
if markers: # != None and != []
if isinstance(markers[0], dict): # then we have [{'position': 100, 'label': 'marker1'}, ...]
labels = [m['label'] for m in markers]
markers = [m['position'] for m in markers]
labels = ['' for m in markers]
fid.write(b'cue ')
size = 4 + len(markers) * 24
fid.write(struct.pack('<ii', size, len(markers)))
for i, c in enumerate(markers):
s = struct.pack('<iiiiii', i + 1, c, 1635017060, 0, 0, c) # 1635017060 is struct.unpack('<i',b'data')
lbls = ''
for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
lbls += b'labl'
label = lbl + ('\x00' if len(lbl) % 2 == 1 else '\x00\x00')
size = len(lbl) + 1 + 4 # because \x00
lbls += struct.pack('<ii', size, i + 1)
lbls += label
size = len(lbls) + 4
fid.write(struct.pack('<i', size))
fid.write(b'adtl') #
# smpl chunk
if loops or pitch:
if not loops:
loops = []
if pitch:
midiunitynote = 12 * numpy.log2(pitch * 1.0 / 440.0) + 69
midipitchfraction = int((midiunitynote - int(midiunitynote)) * (2**32-1))
midiunitynote = int(midiunitynote)
#print(midipitchfraction, midiunitynote)
midiunitynote = 0
midipitchfraction = 0
size = 36 + len(loops) * 24
sampleperiod = int(1000000000.0 / rate)
fid.write(struct.pack('<iiiiiIiiii', size, 0, 0, sampleperiod, midiunitynote, midipitchfraction, 0, 0, len(loops), 0))
for i, loop in enumerate(loops):
fid.write(struct.pack('<iiiiii', 0, 0, loop[0], loop[1], 0, 0))
# data chunks
fid.write(struct.pack('<i', data.nbytes))
import sys
if data.dtype.byteorder == '>' or (data.dtype.byteorder == '=' and sys.byteorder == 'big'):
data = data.byteswap()
if data.nbytes % 2 == 1: # add an extra padding byte if data.nbytes is odd:
# Determine file size and place it in correct
# position at start of the file.
size = fid.tell()
fid.write(struct.pack('<i', size-8))
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X-Raym commented Jun 8, 2018

@josephernest If I remember well there wasn't a problem with three markers in particular, I just told what I was trying to do. In fact the bug occured with 1 marker. There was some missing bytes conversion in the write function. You can check my commit history. 👍

(not having your notification because of Gist is frustrating. I created a new real repo for my fork, so we can have issues trackers, and notifications. Here is the link: I invite you to join me there for the discussion 😄 )

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line 184: should be rstrip(b"\x00") instead of rstrip("\x00"), no ? (using python 3.7 here)

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Its very helpful code. But the following error are raising when i run this code.

1 for f in df.index:
----> 2     rate, signal ='audioData/'+f)
      3[f, 'length'] = signal.shape[0]/rate

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

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def _read_data_chunk(fid, noc, bits, normalized=False):
    size = struct.unpack('<i',[0]

I had problems with large wav files until I changed to <I might be worth looking over if there are any other places where unsigned values are being read as signed

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Thanks for the code. Got an error with some .wav files though and I think I found the problem:
local variable normfactor referenced before assignment
-> see lines 97 and 98
I added the following line before (new line 96)
normfactor = 1.0
So if the program does not run through the if statement in line 95 the variable normfactor will be assigned and no error occurs.

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Chris55 commented Apr 10, 2023


to be able to read some wave files, had to add this:

line 178: to read more wave files, added INAM, ltxt, and \x00 tags...
elif chunk_id in [b'ICRD', b'IENG', b'ISFT', b'ISTJ', b'INAM', b'ltxt', b'\x00\x00\x00\x00']: _skip_unknown_chunk(fid)

line 198: to avoid TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str')
warnings.warn("Chunk " + str(chunk_id) + " skipped", WavFileWarning)


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