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Last active May 7, 2021 14:17
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import assert from 'assert'
import seed from 'seed-random'
type Id = [agent: string, seq: number]
type Version = Record<string, number> // Last seen seq for each agent.
type Algorithm = {
integrate: <T>(doc: Doc<T>, newItem: Item<T>) => void
ignoreTests?: string[]
}// & Record<string, any>
type Item<T> = {
content: T,
id: Id,
// Left and right implicit in document list.
// null represents document's root / end.
originLeft: Id | null, // this is named referred to as 'parent' in automerge/RGA.
originRight: Id | null, // Only for yjs
seq: number, // only for automerge. > all prev sequence numbers.
isDeleted: boolean,
interface Doc<T = string> {
content: Item<T>[]
version: Version // agent => last seen seq.
length: number // Number of items not deleted
maxSeq: number // Only for AM.
const newDoc = <T>(): Doc<T> => ({
content: [],
version: {},
length: 0,
maxSeq: 0,
const idEq = (a: Id | null, b: Id | null): boolean => (
a === b || (a != null && b != null && a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1])
const findItem = <T>(doc: Doc<T>, needle: Id | null): number => {
if (needle == null) return -1
else {
const idx = doc.content.findIndex(({id}) => idEq(id, needle))
if (idx < 0) throw Error('Could not find item') // Could use a ternary if not for this!
return idx
// This isn't actually yjs - I've done a few tweaks to make the CRDT
// puzzles below work better.
const integrateYjsMod = <T>(doc: Doc<T>, newItem: Item<T>) => {
const lastSeen = doc.version[[0]] ?? -1
if ([1] !== lastSeen + 1) throw Error('Operations out of order')
doc.version[[0]] =[1]
let left = findItem(doc, newItem.originLeft)
let destIdx = left + 1
let right = newItem.originRight == null ? doc.content.length : findItem(doc, newItem.originRight)
let conflictStart = -1
const startConflict = (i: number) => conflictStart = i
const resetConflict = () => conflictStart = -1
for (let i = destIdx; ; i++) {
// Inserting at the end of the document. Just insert.
if (conflictStart === -1) destIdx = i
if (i === doc.content.length) break
if (i === right) break // No ambiguity / concurrency. Insert here.
let o = doc.content[i]
let oleft = findItem(doc, o.originLeft)
let oright = o.originRight == null ? doc.content.length : findItem(doc, o.originRight)
// Ok now we implement the punnet square of behaviour
if (oleft < left) {
// Top row. Insert, insert, arbitrary (insert)
// I'm not sure a conflict is a problem here, but I can't generate one with my tests!
if (conflictStart >= 0) throw Error('Unexpected conflict')
} else if (oleft === left) {
// Middle row.
if (oright < right) {
// This is tricky. We're looking at an item we *might* insert after - but we can't tell yet!
} else if (oright === right) {
// Raw conflict. Order based on user agents.
if ([0] <[0]) break
else continue
} else {
} else {
// Bottom row. Arbitrary (skip), skip, skip
// We've found the position. Insert here.
doc.content.splice(destIdx, 0, newItem)
doc.length += 1
const integrateAM = <T>(doc: Doc<T>, newItem: Item<T>) => {
const {id} = newItem
assert(newItem.seq >= 0)
const lastSeen = doc.version[id[0]] ?? -1
if (id[1] !== lastSeen + 1) throw Error('Operations out of order')
doc.version[id[0]] = id[1]
let parent = findItem(doc, newItem.originLeft)
let destIdx = parent + 1
// Scan for the insert location. Stop if we reach the end of the document
for (; destIdx < doc.content.length; destIdx++) {
let o = doc.content[destIdx]
let oparent = findItem(doc, o.originLeft)
// Ok now we implement the punnet square of behaviour
if (oparent < parent) {
// We've gotten to the end of the list of children. Stop here.
} else if (oparent === parent) {
if (id[0] ===[0]) {
// This user is prepending an item at this location.
assert(id[1] >[1])
// Concurrent items from different useragents are sorted first by seq then agent.
if (newItem.seq > o.seq
|| newItem.seq === o.seq && id[0] <[0]) break
} else {
// Skip child
if (newItem.seq > doc.maxSeq) doc.maxSeq = newItem.seq
// We've found the position. Insert here.
doc.content.splice(destIdx, 0, newItem)
doc.length += 1
const getNextSeq = <T>(doc: Doc<T>, agent: string): number => {
const last = doc.version[agent]
return last == null ? 0 : last + 1
const findItemAtPos = <T>(doc: Doc<T>, pos: number): number => {
let i = 0
// console.log('pos', pos, doc.length, doc.content.length)
for (; i < doc.content.length; i++) {
const item = doc.content[i]
if (item.isDeleted) continue
if (pos === 0) return i
if (pos === 0) return i
else throw Error('past end of the document')
const makeItem = <T>(content: T, idOrAgent: string | Id, originLeft: Id | null, originRight: Id | null, amSeq?: number): Item<T> => ({
id: typeof idOrAgent === 'string' ? [idOrAgent, 0] : idOrAgent,
isDeleted: false,
seq: amSeq ?? -1, // Only for AM.
const makeItemAt = <T>(doc: Doc<T>, agent: string, pos: number, content: T): Item<T> => {
let i = findItemAtPos(doc, pos)
const op = makeItem(
[agent, (doc.version[agent] ?? -1) + 1],
doc.content[i - 1]?.id ?? null,
doc.content[i]?.id ?? null
op.seq = doc.maxSeq + 1 // Only for AM.
return op
const localInsert = <T>(alg: Algorithm, doc: Doc<T>, agent: string, pos: number, content: T) => {
alg.integrate(doc, makeItemAt(doc, agent, pos, content))
const localDelete = <T>(doc: Doc<T>, agent: string, pos: number): void => {
// This is very incomplete.
const item = doc.content[findItemAtPos(doc, pos)]
if (!item.isDeleted) {
item.isDeleted = true
doc.length -= 1
const getArray = <T>(doc: Doc<T>): T[] => (
doc.content.filter(i => !i.isDeleted).map(i => i.content)
const isInVersion = (id: Id | null, version: Version) => {
if (id == null) return true
const seq = version[id[0]]
return seq != null && seq >= id[1]
const canInsertNow = <T>(op: Item<T>, doc: Doc<T>): boolean => (
// We need to not be in doc.versions, but originLeft and originRight to be in.
// We're also inserting each item from each agent in sequence.
!isInVersion(, doc.version)
&& ([1] === 0 || isInVersion([[0],[1] - 1], doc.version))
&& isInVersion(op.originLeft, doc.version)
&& isInVersion(op.originRight, doc.version)
// Merge all missing items from src into dest.
// NOTE: This currently does not support moving deletes!
const mergeInto = <T>(algorithm: Algorithm, dest: Doc<T>, src: Doc<T>) => {
// The list of operations we need to integrate
const missing: (Item<T> | null)[] = src.content.filter(op => !isInVersion(, dest.version))
let remaining = missing.length
while (remaining > 0) {
// Find the next item in remaining and insert it.
let mergedOnThisPass = 0
for (let i = 0; i < missing.length; i++) {
const op = missing[i]
if (op == null || !canInsertNow(op, dest)) continue
algorithm.integrate(dest, op)
missing[i] = null
const runTests = (alg: Algorithm) => { // Separate scope for namespace protection.
const random = seed('ax')
const randInt = (n: number) => Math.floor(random() * n)
const randArrItem = (arr: any[] | string) => arr[randInt(arr.length)]
const randBool = (weight: number = 0.5) => random() < weight
const integrateFuzzOnce = <T>(ops: Item<T>[], expectedResult: T[]): number => {
let variants = 1
const doc = newDoc()
// Scan ops looking for candidates to integrate
for (let numIntegrated = 0; numIntegrated < ops.length; numIntegrated++) {
const candidates = []
for (const op of ops) {
if (canInsertNow(op, doc)) {
// console.log(, doc.version, isInVersion(, doc.version))
assert(candidates.length > 0)
variants *= candidates.length
// console.log('doc version', doc.version, 'candidates', candidates)
// Pick one
const op = candidates[randInt(candidates.length)]
// console.log(op, doc.version)
alg.integrate(doc, op)
assert.deepStrictEqual(getArray(doc), expectedResult)
// console.log(variants)
return variants // Rough guess at the number of orderings
const integrateFuzz = <T>(ops: Item<T>[], expectedResult: T[]) => {
// Integrate the passed items a bunch of times, in different orders.
let variants = integrateFuzzOnce(ops, expectedResult)
for (let i = 1; i < Math.min(variants * 3, 100); i++) {
let newVariants = integrateFuzzOnce(ops, expectedResult)
variants = Math.max(variants, newVariants)
const test = (fn: () => void) => {
if (alg.ignoreTests && alg.ignoreTests.includes( {
process.stdout.write(`SKIPPING ${}\n`)
process.stdout.write(`running ${} ...`)
try {
} catch (e) {
const smoke = () => {
const doc = newDoc()
alg.integrate(doc, makeItem('a', ['A', 0], null, null, 0))
alg.integrate(doc, makeItem('b', ['A', 1], ['A', 0], null, 1))
assert.deepStrictEqual(getArray(doc), ['a', 'b'])
const smokeMerge = () => {
const doc = newDoc()
alg.integrate(doc, makeItem('a', ['A', 0], null, null, 0))
alg.integrate(doc, makeItem('b', ['A', 1], ['A', 0], null, 1))
const doc2 = newDoc()
mergeInto(alg, doc2, doc)
assert.deepStrictEqual(getArray(doc2), ['a', 'b'])
const concurrentAvsB = () => {
const a = makeItem('a', 'A', null, null, 0)
const b = makeItem('b', 'B', null, null, 0)
integrateFuzz([a, b], ['a', 'b'])
const interleavingForward = () => {
const ops = [
makeItem('a', ['A', 0], null, null, 0),
makeItem('a', ['A', 1], ['A', 0], null, 1),
makeItem('a', ['A', 2], ['A', 1], null, 2),
makeItem('b', ['B', 0], null, null, 0),
makeItem('b', ['B', 1], ['B', 0], null, 1),
makeItem('b', ['B', 2], ['B', 1], null, 2),
integrateFuzz(ops, ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b'])
const interleavingBackward = () => {
const ops = [
makeItem('a', ['A', 0], null, null, 0),
makeItem('a', ['A', 1], null, ['A', 0], 1),
makeItem('a', ['A', 2], null, ['A', 1], 2),
makeItem('b', ['B', 0], null, null, 0),
makeItem('b', ['B', 1], null, ['B', 0], 1),
makeItem('b', ['B', 2], null, ['B', 1], 2),
integrateFuzz(ops, ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b'])
const withTails = () => {
const ops = [
makeItem('a', ['A', 0], null, null, 0),
makeItem('a0', ['A', 1], null, ['A', 0], 1), // left
makeItem('a1', ['A', 2], ['A', 0], null, 2), // right
makeItem('b', ['B', 0], null, null, 0),
makeItem('b0', ['B', 1], null, ['B', 0], 1), // left
makeItem('b1', ['B', 2], ['B', 0], null, 2), // right
integrateFuzz(ops, ['a0', 'a', 'a1', 'b0', 'b', 'b1'])
const localVsConcurrent = () => {
// Check what happens when a top level concurrent change interacts
// with a more localised change. (C vs D)
const a = makeItem('a', 'A', null, null, 0)
const c = makeItem('c', 'C', null, null, 0)
// How do these two get ordered?
const b = makeItem('b', 'B', null, null, 0) // Concurrent with a and c
const d = makeItem('d', 'D', ['A', 0], ['C', 0], 1) // in between a and c
// [a, b, d, c] would also be acceptable.
integrateFuzz([a, b, c, d], ['a', 'd', 'b', 'c'])
const fuzzSequential = () => {
const doc = newDoc()
let expectedContent: string[] = []
const alphabet = 'xyz123'
const agents = 'ABCDE'
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
// console.log(i)
if (doc.length === 0 || randBool(0.5)) {
// insert
const pos = randInt(doc.length + 1)
const content: string = randArrItem(alphabet)
const agent = randArrItem(agents)
// console.log('insert', agent, pos, content)
localInsert(alg, doc, agent, pos, content)
expectedContent.splice(pos, 0, content)
} else {
// Delete
const pos = randInt(doc.length)
const agent = randArrItem(agents)
// console.log('delete', pos)
localDelete(doc, agent, pos)
expectedContent.splice(pos, 1)
assert.deepStrictEqual(doc.length, expectedContent.length)
assert.deepStrictEqual(getArray(doc), expectedContent)
const fuzzMultidoc = () => {
const agents = ['A', 'B', 'C']
const docs = new Array(3).fill(null).map((_, i) => {
const doc: Doc<number> & {agent: string} = newDoc() as any
doc.agent = agents[i]
return doc
const randDoc = () => docs[randInt(docs.length)]
let nextItem = 0
// console.log(docs)
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
// console.log(i)
if (i % 100 === 0) console.log(i)
// Generate some random operations
for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
const doc = randDoc()
// if (doc.length === 0 || randBool(0.5)) {
if (true) {
// insert
const pos = randInt(doc.length + 1)
const content = ++nextItem
// console.log('insert', agent, pos, content)
localInsert(alg, doc, doc.agent, pos, content)
} else {
// Delete - disabled for now because mergeInto doesn't support deletes
const pos = randInt(doc.length)
// console.log('delete', pos)
localDelete(doc, doc.agent, pos)
// Pick a pair of documents and merge them
const a = randDoc()
const b = randDoc()
if (a !== b) {
// console.log('merging',,, a.content, b.content)
mergeInto(alg, a, b)
mergeInto(alg, b, a)
assert.deepStrictEqual(getArray(a), getArray(b))
const tests = [
const yjsMod: Algorithm = {
integrate: integrateYjsMod
const automerge: Algorithm = {
integrate: integrateAM,
// Automerge doesn't handle these cases as I would expect.
ignoreTests: ['interleavingBackward', 'withTails']
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