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Last active December 3, 2020 08:58
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P2p database sketch
* This is a simple example program showing a working in-memory database storing
* full history and branches. In this demo the "database" is a Map from string
* keys to values.
* Everything is versioned - you can wind time forward and backwards, and mark a
* branch and teleport the database back to that point in time.
* Conflicts are handled similarly to Basho's riak. When concurrent writes
* happen, the database stores every concurrent version of the document. A
* subsequent read will fetch all values, and a subsequent write can supercede
* all existing values to "solve" the conflict.
* For the most part I'm using a hybrid model between lamport timestamp version
* vectors and using implied versions via transitive dependancies. The idea is
* to allow arbitrary peers to write data (not limited to a "server pool" of
* writers). But still avoid sibling explosions by rarely actually naming the
* fully expanded version.
* At the bottom of the file is a fuzz test which creates 3 database peers then
* generates random operations to apply to them. Then random pairs of peers sync
* changes with one another. The whole database must stay consistent. The sync
* algorithm currently isn't written to work over a network - a proper protocol
* should also manage round-trips and whatnot, and ideally not take size linear
* with the number of agent IDs.
* The fuzz test is slower than I'd like because of deep cloning in the test and
* excessive comparisons (which grow linearly over time). A real database node
* should be much quicker.
import assert from 'assert'
import { Console } from "console"
import seedrandom from 'seedrandom'
import Map2 from 'map2'
import PriorityQueue from 'priorityqueuejs'
// A simple version interface. Externally you'd want to use random uuids for
// agent identifiers.
export interface RawVersion {
agent: number,
seq: number
export const ROOT_VERSION: RawVersion = {
agent: 0, seq: 0
const console = new Console({
stdout: process.stdout,
stderr: process.stderr,
inspectOptions: {
depth: null
const CHECK = process.env['NOCHECK'] ? false : true
if (CHECK) console.log('running in checked mode')
// An operation affects multiple documents
export interface RawOperation {
version: RawVersion, // These could be RawVersions.
succeedsSeq: number | null,
parents: RawVersion[], // Only direct, non-transitive dependancies. May or may not include own agent's parent.
docOps: DocOperation[],
interface LocalOperation {
version: RawVersion,
// This is filled in when an operation is added to the store. It is a local
// order defined such that if a > b, a.localOrder > b.localOrder. If two
// operations are concurrent they could end up in any order.
order: number,
succeedsOrder: number, // Or -1.
parents: number[] // localOrder of parents. Semantics same as RawOperation.parents.
docOps: DocOperation[],
// For network sync. TODO: Remove this.
raw: RawOperation,
export interface DocOperation {
key: string,
// collection: string,
// TODO: Change parents to a local order too.
parents: RawVersion[], // Specific to the document. The named operations edit this doc.
newValue: any,
export type DocValue = { // Has multiple entries iff version in conflict.
version: RawVersion,
value: any
type OperationSet = Map2<number, number, number>
interface DBState {
data: Map<string, DocValue>
// Version information is all relative / related to the current branch.
version: Map<number, number> // Expanded for all agents.
// The number of times each (agent, seq) is referenced by an operations
refs: Map2<number, number, number>
// This contains every entry in version where foreignRefs is 0 (or equivalently undefined).
versionFrontier: Set<number> // set of agent ids
// This stuff is not compared when we compare databases. This is not relative
// to the current branch - a database will store all seen operations here.
operations: LocalOperation[], // order => operation.
versionToOrder: OperationSet, // agent,seq => order.
const assertDbEq = (a: DBState, b: DBState) => {
if (!CHECK) return
assert.deepStrictEqual(a.version, b.version)
assert.deepStrictEqual(a.refs, b.refs)
assert.deepStrictEqual(a.versionFrontier, b.versionFrontier)
// There are 4 cases:
// - A dominates B (return +ive)
// - B dominates A (return -ive)
// - A and B are equal (not checked here)
// - A and B are concurrent (return 0)
const versionToOrder = (allOps: OperationSet, agent: number, seq: number): number => (
agent === 0 && seq === 0 ? -1 : allOps.get(agent, seq)!
const orderToVersion = (db: DBState, order: number): RawVersion => (
order === -1 ? ROOT_VERSION : db.operations[order].version
// This is used to break ties between versions.
const vCmp = (a: RawVersion, b: RawVersion) => (
(a.agent - b.agent) || (a.seq - b.seq)
* This method calculates whether two versions are concurrent, if a dominates b
* or if b dominates a.
* Returns +ive if a dominates b, -ive if b dominates a, or 0 if either the
* operations are the same or the operations are concurrent. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to differentiate these cases. (Via vCmp(a,b) === 0).
const compareVersions = (db: DBState, a: RawVersion, b: RawVersion): number => {
if (a.agent === b.agent) return a.seq - b.seq
// This works is via a DFS from the operation with a higher localOrder looking
// for the localOrder of the smaller operation.
const aOrder = versionToOrder(db.versionToOrder, a.agent, a.seq)
const bOrder = versionToOrder(db.versionToOrder, b.agent, b.seq)
assert(aOrder !== bOrder) // Should have returned above in this case.
const [start, target] = aOrder > bOrder ? [aOrder, bOrder] : [bOrder, aOrder]
const visited = new Set<number>() // Set of localOrders.
let found = false
const visit = (order: number) => {
// iter2++
// console.log('visiting', agent, seq)
if (order === target) {
found = true
} else if (order < target) { return }
const op = db.operations[order]
assert(op != null)
if (visited.has(order)) return
assert(op) // If we hit the root operation, we should have already returned.
if (op.succeedsOrder > -1) visit(op.succeedsOrder)
for (const p of op.parents) {
if (found) return
// Its impossible for the operation with a smaller localOrder to dominate the
// op with a larger localOrder.
if (found) return aOrder - bOrder
else return 0
* This method takes in two versions (expressed as a fronteir in order numbers).
* And it returns the set of operations only appearing in the history of one
* version or the other.
* There are some helper methods below for getting the diff of two versions
* expressed using RawVersions (diffv) and methods for converting a
* db.versionFrontier into a compatible list of orders.
const diff = (db: DBState, a: number[], b: number[]) => {
// console.log('calculating difference between', a, b)
// console.log('=', => getLocalVersion(db, order)), => getLocalVersion(db, order)))
// There's a bunch of ways to implement this. I'm not sure this is the best.
// In essence, we track 2 data structures:
// 1. A priority queue of order numbers. When we pop, we get the highest order
// first.
// 2. A tag for each order in the priority queue naming the type. This is held
// separate from the queue so we can tell when the same order is added to
// the priority queue twice (and at insertion time). The tag marks the
// entry as only in A's history, only in B's history or in the history of
// both items.
// We expand the priority queue until the only entries left are in the shared
// history of both A and B.
const enum ItemType { Shared, A, B }
const itemType = new Map<number, ItemType>()
// Every order is in here at most once. Every entry in the queue is also in
// itemType.
const queue = new PriorityQueue<number>()
// Number of items in the queue in both transitive histories (state Shared).
let numShared = 0
const enq = (order: number, type: ItemType) => {
const currentType = itemType.get(order)
if (currentType == null) {
itemType.set(order, type)
// console.log('+++ ', order, type, getLocalVersion(db, order))
if (type === ItemType.Shared) numShared++
} else if (type !== currentType && currentType !== ItemType.Shared) {
// This is sneaky. If the two types are different they have to be {A,B},
// {A,Shared} or {B,Shared}. In any of those cases the final result is
// Shared. If the current type isn't shared, set it as such.
itemType.set(order, ItemType.Shared)
for (const order of a) enq(order, ItemType.A)
for (const order of b) enq(order, ItemType.B)
const aOnly: number[] = [], bOnly: number[] = []
// Loop until everything is shared.
while (queue.size() > numShared) {
const order = queue.deq()
const type = itemType.get(order)!
// It should be safe to remove the item from itemType here.
// console.log('--- ', order, 'of type', type, getLocalVersion(db, order), 'shared', numShared, 'num', queue.size())
assert(type != null)
if (type === ItemType.Shared) numShared--
else (type === ItemType.A ? aOnly : bOnly).push(order)
if (order < 0) continue // Bottom out at the root operation.
const op = db.operations[order]
// if (op.succeedsOrder >= 0) enq(op.succeedsOrder, type)
for (const p of op.parents) enq(p, type)
// console.log('diff', => getLocalVersion(db, order)), => getLocalVersion(db, order)))
return {aOnly, bOnly}
const diffV = (db: DBState, a: RawVersion[], b: RawVersion[]) => {
const aOrder = => versionToOrder(db.versionToOrder, v.agent, v.seq))
const bOrder = => versionToOrder(db.versionToOrder, v.agent, v.seq))
return diff(db, aOrder, bOrder)
const vEq = (a: RawVersion, b: RawVersion) => a.agent === b.agent && a.seq === b.seq
const getVal = (db: DBState, key: string): DocValue => ( ?? [{
version: ROOT_VERSION,
value: null
* Apply an operation to the database, and move the current branch forward based
* on the operation's version.
* Note: It would be cleaner to separate this into two methods, one to ingest
* the operation and one to merge the operation's contents into the local
* database. (Ie, this does the equivalent of `git fetch` then `git merge`.
* These functions should be separated.)
const applyForwards = (db: DBState, op: RawOperation) => {
// The operation supercedes all the versions named in parents with version.
let oldV = db.version.get(op.version.agent)
assert(oldV == null || op.version.seq > oldV, "db already contains inserted operation")
for (const {agent, seq} of op.parents) {
const dbSeq = db.version.get(agent)!
assert(dbSeq != null && dbSeq >= seq, "Cannot apply operation from the future")
const oldRefs = db.refs.get(agent, seq) ?? 0
db.refs.set(agent, seq, oldRefs + 1)
if (dbSeq === seq && oldRefs === 0) db.versionFrontier.delete(agent)
db.version.set(op.version.agent, op.version.seq)
// *** The version metadata is now up to date. Add the raw operation to the
// database
let order = db.versionToOrder.get(op.version.agent, op.version.seq)
// We check becuase the operation might already be known in the database.
if (order == null) {
order = db.operations.length
db.versionToOrder.set(op.version.agent, op.version.seq, order)
const localOp: LocalOperation = {
version: op.version,
parents: => db.versionToOrder.get(v.agent, v.seq) ?? -1),
succeedsOrder: op.succeedsSeq == null ? -1
: db.versionToOrder.get(op.version.agent, op.succeedsSeq)!,
docOps: op.docOps,
raw: op,
db.operations[order] = localOp // Appends if necessary.
// *** And apply the named changes to the data model in
for (const {key, parents, newValue} of op.docOps) {
const prevVals = getVal(db, key)
// The doc op's parents field contains a subset of the versions present in
// oldVal.
// - Any entries in prevVals that aren't named in the new operation are kept
// - And any entries in parents that aren't directly named in prevVals must
// be ancestors of the current document value. This indicates a conflict,
// and we'll keep everything.
// We'll check ancestry. Every parent of this operation (parents) must
// either be represented directly in prevVals or be dominated of one of
// them.
for (const v of parents) {
const exists = !!prevVals.find(({version: v2}) => vEq(v, v2))
if (!exists) {
// console.log('Checking ancestry')
// We expect one of v2 to dominate v.
const ancestry ={version: v2}) => compareVersions(db, v2, v))
assert(ancestry.findIndex(a => a > 0) >= 0)
const newVal = [{version: op.version, value: newValue}]
for (const oldEntry of prevVals) {
if (parents.find(v => vEq(v, oldEntry.version)) == null) {
// Keep this.
// If there's multiple conflicting values, we keep them in version-sorted
// order to make db comparisons easier in the fuzzer., newVal.sort((a, b) => vCmp(a.version, b.version)))
* This is the inverse of applyForwards above. It purges the operation from the
* data model and the version, but it does not prune the operation from the
* known set of operations.
const applyBackwards = (db: DBState, op: RawOperation) => {
// Version stuff
assert(db.version.get(op.version.agent) === op.version.seq)
assert(db.versionFrontier.has(op.version.agent), "Cannot unapply operations in violation of partial order")
if (op.succeedsSeq != null) {
db.version.set(op.version.agent, op.succeedsSeq)
if ((db.refs.get(op.version.agent, op.succeedsSeq) ?? 0) !== 0) {
} else {
for (const {agent, seq} of op.parents) {
const dbSeq = db.version.get(agent)
// console.log('dbseq', dbSeq, 'seq', seq)
assert(dbSeq == null || dbSeq >= seq, "internal consistency error in versions")
const newRefs = db.refs.get(agent, seq)! - 1
assert(newRefs >= 0)
if (newRefs === 0) db.refs.delete(agent, seq) // Makes equals simpler.
else db.refs.set(agent, seq, newRefs)
if (newRefs === 0 && dbSeq === seq) db.versionFrontier.add(agent)
// Ok now update the data.
for (const {key, parents} of op.docOps) {
const prevVals =!
// The values should instead contain:
// - Everything in prevVals not including op.version
// - All the objects named in parents that aren't superceded by another
// document version
const newVals = prevVals.filter(({version}) => !vEq(version, op.version))
// console.log('prevVals', prevVals)
// And append all the parents that aren't dominated by another value.
for (const p of parents) {
// TODO: Assert p not already represented in prevVals, which would be invalid.
// If p is dominated by a value in prevVals, skip.
const dominated ={version}) => compareVersions(db, p, version))
if (dominated.findIndex(x => x < 0) >= 0) continue
if (vEq(p, ROOT_VERSION)) {
assert(newVals.length === 0)
} else {
const parentOp = db.operations[db.versionToOrder.get(p.agent, p.seq)!]
const parentDocOp = parentOp.docOps.find(({key: key2}) => key === key2)!
newVals.push({version: p, value: parentDocOp.newValue})
// console.log('newVals', newVals)
// This is a bit dirty, to handle the root.
if (newVals.length === 0)
else, newVals)
// Not done: Remove the operation itself from the db.operations set.
// Verify the database is internally consistent.
const checkDb = (db: DBState) => {
if (!CHECK) return
// The frontier entries should always be at the current version
// console.log('checkdb', db)
for (const [agent, seq] of db.version) {
const isFrontier = db.versionFrontier.has(agent)
if (isFrontier) {
assert.strictEqual(db.refs.get(agent, seq), undefined)
assert(db.refs.get(agent, seq) !== 0)
} else {
assert.notStrictEqual(db.refs.get(agent, seq) ?? 0, 0, "missing frontier element: " + agent)
// Scan all the operations. For each operation with parents, those parents
// should have a smaller localOrder field.
for (const [order, op] of db.operations.entries()) {
assert.strictEqual(op.order, order)
const {agent, seq} = op.version
assert.strictEqual(db.versionToOrder.get(agent, seq), order)
// Check the direct parent
if (op.succeedsOrder > -1) {
assert(op.succeedsOrder < order)
// Direct parent has a matching agent id.
assert.strictEqual(db.operations[op.succeedsOrder].version.agent, agent)
for (const o of op.parents) {
assert(o < order)
// if (o > -1) assert.notStrictEqual(db.operations[o].version.agent, agent)
const randomReal = seedrandom("hi")
const randomInt = (max: number) => (randomReal.int32() + 0xffffffff) % max
const randItem = <T>(arr: T[]): T => arr[randomInt(arr.length)]
const randomOp = (db: DBState, ownedAgents: number[], iter: number): RawOperation => {
const agent = ownedAgents[randomInt(ownedAgents.length)]
const oldVersion = db.version.get(agent)
// We'll need to use the next sequence number from the current state
const seq = oldVersion == null ? 1 : oldVersion + 1
// The parents of the operation are the current frontier set.
// It'd be good to occasionally make a super old operation and throw that in too though.
const parents: RawVersion[] = Array.from(db.versionFrontier)
.map(agent => ({agent, seq: db.version.get(agent)!}))
// The set of keys should always grow, but we'll make it grow slower as the run goes on.
const key = 'KEY_' + randomInt(Math.sqrt(iter)|0)
// const key = randItem(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'])
const docParents = getVal(db, key).map(({version}) => version)
return {
version: {agent, seq},
succeedsSeq: oldVersion ?? null,
docOps: [{
key: key,
newValue: randomInt(100),
parents: docParents
const getOrderVersion = (db: DBState): number[] => (
Array.from(db.versionFrontier).map(agent => (
agent === 0 ? -1 : db.versionToOrder.get(agent, db.version.get(agent)!)!
const cmp = (a: number, b: number) => a - b
const getBranch = (db: DBState): RawVersion[] => (
Array.from(db.versionFrontier).map(agent => (
{agent, seq: db.version.get(agent)!}
// Branch specified as a frontier map - sparce agent => seq.
// Returns original branch.
const switchBranch = (db: DBState, branch: RawVersion[]): RawVersion[] => {
const start = getBranch(db)
const end = branch
const {aOnly, bOnly} = diffV(db, start, end)
for (const order of aOnly) {
applyBackwards(db, db.operations[order].raw)
for (const order of bOnly.reverse()) {
applyForwards(db, db.operations[order].raw)
return start
* Sync a and b. Eventually this should not depend on the db.version field. It
* should instead generate a bloom filter or something of known versions and
* then use a proper network protocol to sync. But for now this is fine.
const syncPeers = (a: DBState, b: DBState) => {
const onlyA = [], onlyB = []
const agents = new Set([...a.version.keys(), ...b.version.keys()])
const getOperationsFrom = (db: DBState, agent: number, seqStart: number, seqEnd: number | null) => {
const resultOrders: number[] = []
let order = versionToOrder(db.versionToOrder, agent, seqStart)
let orderEnd = seqEnd == null ? -1 : versionToOrder(db.versionToOrder, agent, seqEnd)
while (order > orderEnd) {
const op = db.operations[order]
assert(op != null)
order = op.succeedsOrder
return resultOrders
for (let agent of agents) {
const aSeq = a.version.get(agent)
const bSeq = b.version.get(agent)
if (aSeq == bSeq) continue
assert(aSeq != null || bSeq != null) // Either they're both set or one is null.
const aBigger = bSeq == null || (aSeq! > bSeq)
if (aBigger) {
onlyA.push(...getOperationsFrom(a, agent, aSeq!, bSeq ?? null))
} else {
onlyB.push(...getOperationsFrom(b, agent, bSeq!, aSeq ?? null))
const onlyAOps = onlyA.sort(cmp).map(order => a.operations[order].raw)
const onlyBOps = onlyB.sort(cmp).map(order => b.operations[order].raw)
// console.log('syncing peers', aId, bId, 'distance:', onlyAOps.length, onlyBOps.length)
for (const op of onlyBOps) {
applyForwards(a, op)
for (const op of onlyAOps) {
applyForwards(b, op)
const test = () => {
// const numPeers = 1
const numPeers = 3
const numOpsPerIter = 10
// const numOpsPerIter = 10
const numIterations = 2000
// const numIterations = 300
const peers = new Array(numPeers).fill(null).map(() => ({
db: <DBState>{
data: new Map<string, DocValue>(),
version: new Map<number, number>([[ROOT_VERSION.agent, ROOT_VERSION.seq]]), // Expanded for all agents
refs: new Map2(),
versionFrontier: new Set([ROOT_VERSION.agent]), // Kept in sorted order based on comparator.
versionToOrder: new Map2(),
operations: []
iterStartV: new Map<number, number>(),
iterStartData: new Map<string, DocValue>(),
iterOps: <RawOperation[]>[] // Operations this iteration
let nextAgent = 100
for (let iter = 0; iter < numIterations; iter++) {
if ((iter % 100) == 0) console.log('***** ITER', iter)
for (const peer of peers) {
peer.iterStartV = new Map(peer.db.version)
peer.iterStartData = new Map(
peer.iterOps.length = 0
// const startVersion = new Map(peers[0].db.version)
// const startState = new Map(peers[0]
// They should all start at the same version.
// for (const {db} of peers.slice(1)) assert.deepStrictEqual(db.version, startVersion)
// Generate numOpsPerIter assigned to random peers in our pool
for (let i = 0; i < numOpsPerIter; i++) {
const peerId = randomInt(peers.length)
const peer = peers[peerId]
const op = randomOp(peer.db, [peerId + 1, nextAgent++], iter)
// console.log(op)
applyForwards(peer.db, op)
for (const {db} of peers) checkDb(db)
// For each peer, rewind the newly created operations and reapply them.
for (const peer of peers) {
const finalVersion = new Map(peer.db.version)
const finalFrontierOrder = getOrderVersion(peer.db)
peer.iterOps.slice().reverse().forEach(op => {
applyBackwards(peer.db, op)
assert.deepStrictEqual(peer.db.version, peer.iterStartV)
assert.deepStrictEqual(, peer.iterStartData)
const initialFrontierOrder = getOrderVersion(peer.db)
peer.iterOps.forEach(op => {
applyForwards(peer.db, op)
assert.deepStrictEqual(peer.db.version, finalVersion)
// The difference between startVersion and finalVersion should just be the
// operations.
const {aOnly, bOnly} = diff(peer.db, initialFrontierOrder, finalFrontierOrder)
assert.strictEqual(aOnly.length, 0)
assert.strictEqual(bOnly.length, peer.iterOps.length)
const bVersions = => peer.db.operations[order].version).reverse()
const peerVersions = => op.version)
assert.deepStrictEqual(bVersions, peerVersions)
// We'll pick a random pair of peers and synchronize them.
if (peers.length >= 2) {
const aId = randomInt(peers.length)
let bId = randomInt(peers.length - 1)
if (bId >= aId) ++bId
const [a, b] = [peers[aId].db, peers[bId].db]
const [aHead, bHead] = [getBranch(a), getBranch(b)]
// Actually sync, bringing both a and b into alignment.
syncPeers(a, b)
assert.deepStrictEqual(a.version, b.version)
assert.deepStrictEqual(a.versionFrontier, b.versionFrontier)
const mergeHead = getBranch(a)
// console.log('merge', mergeHead, aHead, bHead)
// So we should be able to bounce between branches now.
switchBranch(a, aHead)
switchBranch(b, aHead)
assertDbEq(a, b)
switchBranch(a, bHead)
switchBranch(b, bHead)
assertDbEq(a, b)
switchBranch(a, mergeHead)
switchBranch(b, mergeHead)
assertDbEq(a, b)
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