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/// Kicks off the main loop over the async sequence. Does the main work within the for loop over the async seqence
/// - Parameters:
/// - seq: The AsyncSequence that is the source
/// - sub: The Subscriber to this Subscription
private func mainLoop(seq: AsyncSequenceType, sub: S) {
// taskHandle is kept for cancelation
taskHandle = Task {
do {
try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
Task.detached {
let cont = await self.innerActor.getContinuationToFireOnCancelation()
} operation: {
for try await element in seq {
// Check for demand before providing the first item
await self.innerActor.waitUntilReadyForMore()
guard !Task.isCancelled else { return } // Exit if cancelled
let newDemand = sub.receive(element) // Pass on the item
let cont = await self.innerActor.add(demand: newDemand)
assert(cont == nil,
"If we are't waiting on the demand the continuation will always be nil")
// cont should always be nil as it will only be set when this loop is
// waiting on demand
// Finished the AsyncSequence so finish the subcription
sub.receive(completion: .finished)
} catch {
// Cancel means the subscriber shouldn't get more, even errors so exit
if error is CancellationError { return }
sub.receive(completion: .failure(error))
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