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Last active October 2, 2019 18:51
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The Exercise Guide PDF does not copy and paste commands that are multi line very well...

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Lab 2.2: Running commands

Task 1: Run local system commands

Step 1
  Steps for Windows:
    PS C:\> bolt command run 'net stop w32time' --nodes winrm://localhost --user Administrator --no-ssl --password
  Steps for Linux:
    $ bolt command run 'sudo systemctl stop ntpd' --nodes ssh://localhost --user centos --no-host-key-check

Task 2: Run remote system commands

Step 1
  Steps for Windows:
    PS C:\> bolt command run 'sudo systemctl start ntpd' --nodes ssh://<your-linuxmachine> --private-key C:\keys\private_key.pem --user centos --no-host-key-check

  Steps for Linux:
    $ bolt command run 'net start w32time' --nodes winrm://<your-windows-machine> --user Administrator --no-ssl --password

Step 2
  Steps for Windows:
    PS C:\> bolt command run 'sudo systemctl status ntpd' --nodes ssh://<your-linuxmachine> --private-key C:\keys\private_key.pem --user centos --no-host-key-check

  Steps for Linux:
    $ bolt command run 'Get-Service w32time' --nodes winrm://<your-windows-machine> --user Administrator --no-ssl --password

Task 3: Run scripts

Step 1
  Steps for Windows:
    PS C:\> bolt script run C:\tools\ --nodes ssh://<your-linux-machine> --private-key C:\keys\private_key.pem --user centos --no-host-key-check --run-as root

  Steps for Linux
    $ bolt script run /tools/windows.ps1 --nodes winrm://<your-windows-machine> --user Administrator --no-ssl --password

Lab 7.1: Puppet forge

Task 1: Learn the Puppet Forge web site interface

Code: *** See attached file for the init.pp
Step 4
  Steps for Windows:
    PS C:\Users\Administrator> puppet config print modulepath 'C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/code/environments/production/modules;C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/code/modules;C:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules'           

  Steps for Linux:
    $ sudo puppet config print modulepath /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules:/root/puppetcode/modules:/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules

Lab 8.1: Create a wrapper module

Task 2: Add classes to your wrapper class

Code: *** See attached file for the init.pp

Lab 10.1 Create roles and profiles

Task 3: Create Bastion Host Role

Step 3
  Steps for Windows
    cd c:\Users\Administrator\control-repo\site\role
    # This is the smoke test. --noop is a dry-run.
    puppet apply examples\bastion.pp --modulepath='C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/code/environments/production/modules;C:/Users/Administrator/control-repo/site;C:/Users/Administrator' --noop
    # Apply for real
    puppet apply examples\bastion.pp --modulepath='C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/code/environments/production/modules;C:/Users/Administrator/control-repo/site;C:/Users/Administrator'

  Steps for Linux
    cd control-repo/site/role
    # This is the smoke test. --noop is a dry-run.
    puppet apply examples/bastion.pp --modulepath=/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules:/home/centos/control-repo/site:/home/centos --noop

    # Apply it for real
    puppet apply examples/bastion.pp --modulepath=/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules:/home/centos/control-repo/site:/home/centos

Lab 12.1: Expand initial roles and profiles

Task 1

Step 2 *** See attached file for the firewall.pp
Step 3 *** See attached file for the ssh_config.pp
Step 4 *** See attached file for the security_baseline.pp

Step 6 (Optional)
  Steps for Windows
    cd C:\Users\Administrator\control-repo\site
    puppet apply profile\examples\security_baseline.pp --modulepath='C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/code/environments/production/modules;C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/code/modules;.' --noop
  Steps for Linux
    cd control-repo/site
    # This is the smoke test.
    puppet apply profile/examples/security_baseline.pp --modulepath=/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules:/home/centos/control-repo/site:/home/centos --noop
class profile::baseline::windows::firewall {
class { '::windows_firewall':
ensure => 'running',
windows_firewall::exception { 'Permit ICMPv4':
ensure => present,
direction => 'in',
action => 'allow',
enabled => true,
protocol => 'ICMPv4',
display_name => 'Permit ICMPv4',
description => 'Permit ICMPv4',
windows_firewall::exception { 'WINRM':
ensure => present,
direction => 'in',
action => 'allow',
enabled => true,
protocol => 'TCP',
local_port => 5985,
remote_port => 'any',
display_name => 'Windows Remote Management HTTP-In',
description => 'Inbound rule for Windows Remote Management via WS-Management. [TCP 5985]',
windows_firewall::exception { 'RDP':
ensure => present,
direction => 'in',
action => 'allow',
enabled => true,
protocol => 'TCP',
local_port => 3389,
remote_port => 'any',
display_name => 'Windows RDP',
description => 'Inbound rule for Windows RDP. [TCP 3389]',
class profile::security_baseline {
# OS-specific
case $::kernel {
'windows': {
include profile::baseline::windows::firewall
'Linux': {
include profile::baseline::linux::ssh_config
default: {
fail('Unsupported operating system!')
class profile::baseline::linux::ssh_config {
class{ '::ssh':
permit_root_login => 'yes',
sshd_client_alive_interval => '7200',
sshd_client_alive_count_max => '0',
class time {
$servers = ['']
case $facts['kernel'] {
'windows': {
class { 'winntp':
servers => $servers,
default: {
class { 'ntp':
servers => $servers,
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