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Created January 29, 2022 08:03
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makes norg doc from python module
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import inspect
import re
import sys
from collections import deque
from typing import Any, List, Optional
class Doc(object):
def __init__(self, name: str, doc: str, parent: Optional["Doc"] = None):
name: str
doc: str
parent: Optional["Doc"] = None
self.parent = parent = name
self.doc = doc
self.children = []
def __repr__(self):
out = []
out.append(f"parent:{ if self.parent is not None else ''}")
return "\n".join(out)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((, self.doc))
def is_relevant(obj: Any) -> bool:
Filter for the inspector to filter out non user defined functions/classes
obj: Any
out: bool
if hasattr(obj, '__name__') and obj.__name__ == 'type':
out = False
elif inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.isclass(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj):
out = True
out = False
return out
def get_docs(module: Any) -> List[Doc]:
default = 'No doc string provided' # Default if there is no docstring, can be removed if you want
initial = Doc(*(module.__name__, module.__doc__))
if initial.doc == None:
initial.doc = ''
doclist = [initial]
for child in inspect.getmembers(module, is_relevant):
doc = inspect.getdoc(child[1])
if not doc:
doc = default
doclist.append(Doc(*(child[0], doc), parent=doclist[0]))
idx = doclist.index(doclist[-1])
if inspect.isclass(child[1]):
for grandchild in inspect.getmembers(child[1], is_relevant):
doc = inspect.getdoc(grandchild[1])
if not doc:
doc = default
doclist.append(Doc(*(grandchild[0], doc), parent=doclist[idx]))
doclist = sorted(list(set(doclist)), key=lambda x: doclist.index(x))
return doclist
def set_children(docs: List[Doc]) -> List[Doc]:
for d in docs:
if d.parent is not None:
return docs
def parse_single_doc(docstring: str, heading_level: int = 1):
q = deque(docstring.splitlines())
dash = re.compile("^-")
out = deque()
items = False
while q:
curr = q.popleft()
if len(curr.strip()) == 0:
if "---" in curr or "===" in curr:
out[-1] = "*" * (heading_level+1) + " " + re.sub(dash, "", out[-1].strip()).strip()
items = True
if items:
out.append(" " * (heading_level+1) + "- " + curr)
out.append(" " * (heading_level+1) + curr)
return "\n".join(out)
def parse(docs: List[Doc], heading_level: int = 1, seen: set = set()):
q = deque(docs)
out = deque()
while q:
curr = q.popleft()
if curr not in seen:
out.append("*"*heading_level + " " +
out.append(parse_single_doc(curr.doc, heading_level))
if len(curr.children) > 0:
out.extend(parse(curr.children, heading_level + 1, seen))
return out
def main():
module = __import__(sys.argv[1])
ret = "\n".join(parse(set_children(get_docs(module))))
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
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