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Last active August 20, 2020 02:52
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Using Controls in Storybook with Mithril (TypeScript)
import m from "mithril";
export default {
title: "Example/Controls",
interface Args {
list: number[];
toggle: boolean;
numberBox: number;
numberSlider: number;
jsonEditor: unknown; // This is an object.
radio: RadioOptions;
inlineRadio: RadioOptions;
multiCheck: RadioOptions[];
inlineMultiCheck: RadioOptions[];
singleSelect: RadioOptions;
multiSelect: RadioOptions[];
text: string;
colorPicker: string;
date: string;
export const controls = (args: Args): m.Component => {
return {
view: () => m("pre", JSON.stringify(args, undefined, 2)),
// This is the output in a <pre>:
// {
// "list": [
// 1,
// 2,
// 3
// ],
// "toggle": true,
// "numberBox": 3,
// "numberSlider": 2,
// "jsonEditor": {
// "data": "foo"
// },
// "radio": "loading",
// "inlineRadio": "error",
// "multiCheck": [
// "loading",
// "ready"
// ],
// "inlineMultiCheck": [
// "loading"
// ],
// "singleSelect": "ready",
// "multiSelect": [
// "loading",
// "loading"
// ],
// "text": "Column",
// "colorPicker": "blue",
// "date": "2020-08-16 12:30"
// }
enum RadioOptions {
Loading = "loading",
Error = "error",
Ready = "ready",
// Annotations:
controls.args = {
list: [1, 2, 3],
toggle: true,
numberBox: 3,
numberSlider: 2,
jsonEditor: { data: "foo" },
radio: RadioOptions.Loading,
inlineRadio: RadioOptions.Error,
multiCheck: [RadioOptions.Loading, RadioOptions.Ready],
inlineMultiCheck: [RadioOptions.Loading],
singleSelect: RadioOptions.Ready,
multiSelect: [RadioOptions.Loading, RadioOptions.Loading],
text: "Column",
colorPicker: "blue",
date: "2020-08-16 12:30",
} as Args;
controls.argTypes = {
list: { name: "List", control: { type: "array", separator: "," } },
toggle: { name: "Toggle", control: { type: "boolean" } },
numberBox: {
name: "Number",
control: { type: "number", min: 0, max: 20, step: 1 },
numberSlider: {
name: "Number Slider",
control: { type: "range", min: 0, max: 20, step: 2 },
jsonEditor: { name: "JSON Editor", control: { type: "object" } },
radio: { name: "Radio", control: { type: "radio", options: RadioOptions } },
inlineRadio: {
name: "Inline Radio",
control: { type: "inline-radio", options: RadioOptions },
multiCheck: {
name: "MultiCheck",
control: { type: "check", options: RadioOptions },
inlineMultiCheck: {
name: "Inline MultiCheck",
control: { type: "inline-check", options: RadioOptions },
singleSelect: {
name: "Single Select",
control: { type: "select", options: RadioOptions },
multiSelect: {
name: "Multi Select",
control: { type: "multi-select", options: RadioOptions },
text: { name: "Text", control: { type: "text" } },
colorPicker: { name: "Color Picker", control: { type: "color" } },
date: { name: "Date", control: { type: "date" } },
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