Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to touch base on all the post about Q BAR that have been on this social media site and others over the last couple of months. Just to be clear the outdoor live music is now over and I have no plans on bringing it back to back to Q BAR Darien. The main person in question has already stated in writing that she has no issue with what we do inside only the outside music. BUT like any good activist does, she is already trying to change her stance on that by commenting today that 'maybe the inside music might be the problem also' (I'm paraphrasing her comment). A few things about this post. First of all I'm ONLY going to post facts (not opinions or feelings which is the bulk of what I'm reading). Secondly everything that I post will be a fact to dispute a claim made by someone on this site, so if you are unsure why I'm typing something, that is the reason. Finally I'm only going to respond if anyone shows proof that anything I state in this post is fac