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Created May 22, 2020 00:28
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public class ControllerTests : IClassFixture<Fixture<Startup>>
private readonly Fixture<Startup> _fixture;
public ControllerTests(Fixture<Startup> fixture) => _fixture = fixture;
public async Task ReturnsOrganizationRepositories()
// Arrange
using var _ = _fixture.InterceptorOptions.BeginScope();
new HttpRequestInterceptionBuilder()
.WithSystemTextJsonContent(new[] {new {id = 1, name = "foo"}, new {id = 2, name = "bar"}})
// Act
using var httpClient = _fixture.CreateClient();
string json = await httpClient.GetStringAsync("api/repos");
var actual = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string[]>(json);
// Assert
actual.ShouldBe(new[] {"bar", "foo"});
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