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Last active December 31, 2015 01:18
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Save josesayago/7912695 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Network Latest Posts 3.5.5 patch including two additional parameters not yet released: use_pub_date and honor_sticky.
Plugin Name: Network Latest Posts
Plugin URI:
Description: Display the latest posts from the blogs in your network using it as a function, shortcode or widget.
Version: 3.5.5
Author: L'Elite
Author URI:
* WARNING: This is an unreleased patch, please use at your own risk. These parameters will be included in the next major
* release of Network Latest Posts (v4.0)
* @package Network Latest Posts
/* @section LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2013 L'Elite de José SAYAGO
'NLPosts', 'Network Latest Posts' are unregistered trademarks of L'Elite,
and cannot be re-used in conjunction with the GPL v2 usage of this software
under the license terms of the GPL v2 without permission.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* Network Latest Posts Main Function
* Where the magic happens ;)
* List of Parameters
* -- @title : Widget/Shortcode main title (section title)
* -- @number_posts : Number of posts BY blog to retrieve. Ex: 10 means, retrieve 10 posts for each blog found in the network
* -- @time_frame : Period of time to retrieve the posts from in days. Ex: 5 means, find all articles posted in the last 5 days
* -- @title_only : Display post titles only, if false then excerpts will be shown
* -- @display_type : How to display the articles, as an: unordered list (ulist), ordered list (olist) or block elements
* -- @blog_id : None, one or many blog IDs to be queried. Ex: 1,2 means, retrieve posts for blogs 1 and 2 only
* -- @ignore_blog : It takes the same values as blog_id but in this case this blogs will be ignored. Ex: 1,2 means, display all but 1 and 2
* -- @thumbnail : If true then thumbnails will be shown, if active and not found then a placeholder will be used instead
* -- @thumbnail_wh : Thumbnails size, width and height in pixels, while using the shortcode or a function this parameter must be passed like: '80x80'
* -- @thumbnail_class : Thumbnail class, set a custom class (alignleft, alignright, center, etc)
* -- @thumbnail_filler : Placeholder to use if the post's thumbnail couldn't be found, options: placeholder, kittens, puppies (what?.. I can be funny sometimes)
* -- @thumbnail_custom : Pull thumbnails from custom fields
* -- @thumbnail_field : Specify the custom field for thumbnail URL
* -- @thumbnail_url : Custom thumbnail URL
* -- @custom_post_type : Specify a custom post type: post, page or something-you-invented
* -- @category : Category or categories you want to display. Ex: cats,dogs means, retrieve posts containing the categories cats or dogs
* -- @tag : Same as categoy WordPress treats both taxonomies the same way; by the way, you can pass one or many (separated by commas)
* -- @paginate : Display results by pages, if used then the parameter posts_per_page must be specified, otherwise pagination won't be displayed
* -- @posts_per_page : Set the number of posts to display by page (paginate must be activated)
* -- @display_content : When true then post content will be displayed instead of excertps
* -- @excerpt_length : Set the excerpt's length in case you think it's too long for your needs Ex: 40 means, 40 words
* -- @auto_excerpt : If true then it will generate an excerpt from the post content, it's useful for those who forget to use the Excerpt field in the post edition page
* -- @excerpt_trail : Set the type of trail you want to append to the excerpts: text, image. The text will be _more_, the image is inside the plugin's img directory and it's called excerpt_trail.png
* -- @full_meta : Display the date and the author of the post, for the date/time each blog time format will be used
* -- @sort_by_date : Sorting capabilities, this will take all posts found (regardless their blogs) and sort them in order of recency, putting newest first
* -- @sort_by_blog : Sort by blog ID
* -- @sorting_order : Specify the sorting order: 'newer' means from newest to oldest posts, 'older' means from oldest to newest. Asc and desc for blog IDs
* -- @sorting_limit : Limit the number of posts to display. Ex: 5 means display 5 posts from all those found (even if 20 were found, only 5 will be displayed)
* -- @post_status : Specify the status of the posts you want to display: publish, new, pending, draft, auto-draft, future, private, inherit, trash
* -- @css_style : Use a custom CSS style instead of the one included by default, useful if you want to customize the front-end display: filename (without extension), this file must be located where your active theme CSS style is located
* -- @wrapper_list_css : Custom CSS classes for the list wrapper
* -- @wrapper_block_css : Custom CSS classes for the block wrapper
* -- @instance : This parameter is intended to differenciate each instance of the widget/shortcode/function you use, it's required in order for the asynchronous pagination links to work
* -- @random : Pull random posts (possible values: true or false, false by default)
* -- @post_ignore : Post ID(s) to ignore (default null) comma separated values ex: 1 or 1,2,3 > ignore posts ID 1 or 1,2,3 (post ID 1 = Hello World)
* -- @alert_msg : Alert Message when NLPosts can't find posts matching the values specified by user
* -- @use_pub_date : Display the most recently published posts first regardless of the blog they come from
* -- @honor_sticky : Sort sticky posts to the top of the list, ordered by requested sort order
function network_latest_posts( $parameters ) {
// Global variables
global $wpdb;
//global $nlp_time_frame;
// Default values
$defaults = array(
'title' => NULL, // Widget title
'number_posts' => 10, // Number of posts to be displayed
'time_frame' => 0, // Time frame to look for posts in days
'title_only' => TRUE, // Display the post title only
'display_type' => 'ulist', // Display content as a: olist (ordered), ulist (unordered), block
'blog_id' => NULL, // ID(s) of the blog(s) you want to display the latest posts
'ignore_blog' => NULL, // ID(s) of the blog(s) you want to ignore
'thumbnail' => FALSE, // Display the thumbnail
'thumbnail_wh' => '80x80', // Thumbnail Width & Height in pixels
'thumbnail_class' => NULL, // Thumbnail CSS class
'thumbnail_filler' => 'placeholder', // Replacement image for posts without thumbnail (placeholder, kittens, puppies)
'thumbnail_custom' => FALSE, // Pull thumbnails from custom fields
'thumbnail_table' => 'post_meta', // Table to pull custom field from, by default
'thumbnail_field' => NULL, // Custom field containing image url
'thumbnail_url' => NULL, // Custom thumbnail URL
'custom_post_type' => 'post', // Type of posts to display
'category' => NULL, // Category(ies) to display
'tag' => NULL, // Tag(s) to display
'paginate' => FALSE, // Paginate results
'posts_per_page' => NULL, // Number of posts per page (paginate must be activated)
'display_content' => FALSE, // Display post content (when false, excerpts will be displayed)
'excerpt_length' => NULL, // Excerpt's length
'auto_excerpt' => FALSE, // Generate excerpt from content
'excerpt_trail' => 'text', // Excerpt's trailing element: text, image
'full_meta' => FALSE, // Display full metadata
'sort_by_date' => FALSE, // Display the latest posts first regardless of the blog they come from
'sort_by_blog' => FALSE, // Sort by Blog ID
'sorting_order' => NULL, // Sort posts from Newest to Oldest or vice versa (newer / older), asc / desc for blog ID
'sorting_limit' => NULL, // Limit the number of sorted posts to display
'post_status' => 'publish', // Post status (publish, new, pending, draft, auto-draft, future, private, inherit, trash)
'css_style' => NULL, // Custom CSS _filename_ (ex: custom_style)
'wrapper_list_css' => 'nav nav-tabs nav-stacked', // Custom CSS classes for the list wrapper
'wrapper_block_css'=> 'content', // Custom CSS classes for the block wrapper
'instance' => NULL, // Instance identifier, used to uniquely differenciate each shortcode or widget used
'random' => FALSE, // Pull random posts (true or false)
'post_ignore' => NULL, // Post ID(s) to ignore
'alert_msg' => __("Sorry, I couldn't find any recent posts matching your parameters.","trans-nlp"), // Alert Message
'use_pub_date' => FALSE, // AFW Display the most recently published posts first regardless of the blog they come from
'honor_sticky' => FALSE // AFW Sort sticky posts to the top of the list, ordered by requested sort order
// Parse & merge parameters with the defaults
$settings = wp_parse_args( $parameters, $defaults );
// Paranoid mode activated (yes I'm a security freak)
foreach($settings as $parameter => $value) {
// Strip everything
$settings[$parameter] = strip_tags($value);
// Extract each parameter as its own variable
extract( $settings, EXTR_SKIP );
// If no instance was set, make one
if( empty($instance) ) { $instance = 'default-'.rand(); }
// HTML Tags
$html_tags = nlp_display_type($display_type, $instance, $wrapper_list_css, $wrapper_block_css);
// If Custom CSS
if( !empty($css_style) ) {
// If RTL
if( is_rtl() ) {
// Tell WordPress this plugin is switching to RTL mode
/* Set the text direction to RTL
* This two variables will tell load-styles.php
* load the Dashboard in RTL instead of LTR mode
global $wp_locale, $wp_styles;
$wp_locale->text_direction = 'rtl';
$wp_styles->text_direction = 'rtl';
// File path
$cssfile = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/'.$css_style.'.css';
// Load styles
// Display blog or blogs
// if the user passes one value
if( !preg_match("/,/",$blog_id) ) {
// Always clean this stuff ;) (oh.. told you I'm a paranoid)
$blog_id = (int)htmlspecialchars($blog_id);
// Check if it's numeric
if( is_numeric($blog_id) ) {
// and put the sql
$display = " AND blog_id = $blog_id ";
// if the user passes more than one value separated by commas
} else {
// create an array
$display_arr = explode(",",$blog_id);
// and repeat the sql for each ID found
for( $counter=0; $counter < count($display_arr); $counter++){
// Add AND the first time
if( $counter == 0 ) {
$display .= " AND blog_id = ".(int)$display_arr[$counter];
// Add OR the rest of the time
} else {
$display .= " OR blog_id = ".(int)$display_arr[$counter];
// Ignore blog or blogs
// if the user passes one value
if( !preg_match("/,/",$ignore_blog) ) {
// Always clean this stuff ;)
$ignore_blog = (int)htmlspecialchars($ignore_blog);
// Check if it's numeric
if( is_numeric($ignore_blog) ) {
// and put the sql
$ignore = " AND blog_id != $ignore_blog ";
// if the user passes more than one value separated by commas
} else {
// create an array
$ignore_arr = explode(",",$ignore_blog);
// and repeat the sql for each ID found
for( $counter=0; $counter < count($ignore_arr); $counter++){
$ignore .= " AND blog_id != ".(int)$ignore_arr[$counter];
// If multiple tags found, set an array
if( preg_match("/,/",$tag) ) {
$tag = explode(",",$tag);
} else {
if( !empty($tag) ) {
$tag = str_split($tag,strlen($tag));
// If multiple categories found, set an array
if( preg_match("/,/",$category) ) {
$category = explode(",",$category);
} else {
if( !empty($category) ) {
$category = str_split($category,strlen($category));
// If multiple post type found, set an array
if( preg_match("/,/",$custom_post_type) ) {
$custom_post_type = explode(",",$custom_post_type);
} else {
if( !empty($category) ) {
$custom_post_type = str_split($custom_post_type,strlen($custom_post_type));
// Paranoid ;)
$time_frame = (int)$time_frame;
// Get the list of blogs in order of most recent update, get only public and nonarchived/spam/mature/deleted
if( $time_frame > 0 ) {
// By blog ID except those ignored
if( !empty($blog_id) && $blog_id != NULL ) {
$blogs = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE
public = '1' AND archived = '0' AND mature = '0' AND spam = '0' AND deleted = '0' $display
$ignore AND last_updated >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL $time_frame DAY)
ORDER BY last_updated DESC");
// Everything but ignored blogs
} else {
$blogs = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE
public = '1' AND archived = '0' AND mature = '0' AND spam = '0' AND deleted = '0'
$ignore AND last_updated >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL $time_frame DAY)
ORDER BY last_updated DESC");
// Everything written so far
} else {
// By blog ID except those ignored
if( !empty($blog_id) && $blog_id != NULL ) {
$blogs = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE
public = '1' AND archived = '0' AND mature = '0' AND spam = '0' AND deleted = '0' $display
$ignore ORDER BY last_updated DESC");
// Everything but ignored blogs
} else {
$blogs = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE
public = '1' AND archived = '0' AND mature = '0' AND spam = '0' AND deleted = '0'
$ignore ORDER BY last_updated DESC");
// Ignore one or many posts
// if the user passes one value
if( !preg_match("/,/",$post_ignore) ) {
// Always clean this stuff ;) (oh.. told you I'm a paranoid)
$post_ignore = array( 0 => (int)htmlspecialchars($post_ignore) );
// if the user passes more than one value separated by commas
} else {
// create an array
$post_ignore = explode(",",$post_ignore);
// If it found something
if( $blogs ) {
// Count blogs found
$count_blogs = count($blogs);
// Dig into each blog
foreach( $blogs as $blog_key ) {
// Options: Site URL, Blog Name, Date Format
${'blog_url_'.$blog_key} = get_blog_option($blog_key,'siteurl');
${'blog_name_'.$blog_key} = get_blog_option($blog_key,'blogname');
${'date_format_'.$blog_key} = get_blog_option($blog_key,'date_format');
// Orderby
if( $random == 'true' ) { $orderby = 'rand'; } else { $orderby = 'post_date'; }
// Categories or Tags
if( !empty($category) && !empty($tag) ) {
$args = array(
'tax_query' => array(
'relation' => 'OR',
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $category
'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $tag
'numberposts' => $number_posts,
'post_status' => $post_status,
'post_type' => $custom_post_type,
'orderby' => $orderby
// Categories only
if( !empty($category) && empty($tag) ) {
$args = array(
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $category
'numberposts' => $number_posts,
'post_status' => $post_status,
'post_type' => $custom_post_type,
'orderby' => $orderby
// Tags only
if( !empty($tag) && empty($category) ) {
$args = array(
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $tag
'numberposts' => $number_posts,
'post_status' => $post_status,
'post_type' => $custom_post_type,
'orderby' => $orderby
// Everything by Default
if( empty($category) && empty($tag) ) {
// By default
$args = array(
'numberposts' => $number_posts,
'post_status' => $post_status,
'post_type' => $custom_post_type,
'orderby' => $orderby
//'post__in' => get_option('sticky_posts')
// Switch to the blog
// Get posts
${'posts_'.$blog_key} = get_posts($args);
// Check if posts with the defined criteria were found
if( empty(${'posts_'.$blog_key}) ) {
/* If no posts matching the criteria were found then
* move to the next blog
$blog_sort_key = str_pad($blog_key, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if( $honor_sticky == 'true' ) {
switch ($sorting_order) {
case "newer":
$sticky = '1';
$unsticky = '0';
case "desc":
$sticky = '1';
$unsticky = '0';
$sticky = '0';
$unsticky = '1';
} else {
$sticky = '';
$unsticky = '';
// Put everything inside an array for sorting purposes
foreach( ${'posts_'.$blog_key} as $post ) {
// Access all post data
$sticky_key = ( is_sticky( $post->ID ) ) ? $sticky : $unsticky; //AFW
$date_key = $use_pub_date ? $post->post_date : $post->post_modified; // AFW
// Sort by blog ID
if( $sort_by_blog == 'true' ) {
// Ignore Posts
if( !in_array( $post->ID, $post_ignore ) ) {
// Put inside another array and use blog ID as keys
$all_posts[$sticky_key.$blog_sort_key.$date_key.$post->ID] = $post;
} else {
// Ignore Posts
if( !in_array( $post->ID, $post_ignore ) ) {
// Put everything inside another array using the modified date as
// the array keys
$all_posts[$sticky_key.$date_key.$blog_sort_key.$post->ID] = $post;
// The guid is the only value which can differenciate a post from
// others in the whole network
$all_permalinks[$post->guid] = get_blog_permalink($blog_key, $post->ID);
$all_blogkeys[$post->guid] = $blog_key;
// Back the current blog
// If no content was found
if( empty($all_posts) ) {
// Nothing to do here, let people know and get out of here
echo "<div class='alert'><p>".$alert_msg."</p></div>";
// Sort if Sticky
if( $honor_sticky ) {
switch ( $sorting_order ) {
case "newer":
case "desc":
// Sort by date (regardless blog IDs)
if( $sort_by_date == 'true' ) {
// Sorting order (newer / older)
if( !empty($sorting_order) ) {
switch( $sorting_order ) {
// From newest to oldest
case "newer":
// Sort the array
// Limit the number of posts
if( !empty($sorting_limit) ) {
$all_posts = @array_slice($all_posts,0,$sorting_limit,true);
// From oldest to newest
case "older":
// Sort the array
// Limit the number of posts
if( !empty($sorting_limit) ) {
$all_posts = @array_slice($all_posts,0,$sorting_limit,true);
// Newest to oldest by default
// Sort the array
// Limit the number of posts
if( !empty($sorting_limit) ) {
$all_posts = @array_slice($all_posts,0,$sorting_limit,true);
} else {
// Sort the array
// Limit the number of posts
if( !empty($sorting_limit) ) {
$all_posts = @array_slice($all_posts,0,$sorting_limit,true);
// Sort by blog ID
if( $sort_by_blog == 'true' ) {
// Sorting order (newer / older)
if( !empty($sorting_order) ) {
switch( $sorting_order ) {
// Ascendant
case "asc":
// Sort the array
// Limit the number of posts
if( !empty($sorting_limit) ) {
$all_posts = @array_slice($all_posts,0,$sorting_limit,true);
// Descendant
case "desc":
// Sort the array
// Limit the number of posts
if( !empty($sorting_limit) ) {
$all_posts = @array_slice($all_posts,0,$sorting_limit,true);
// Newest to oldest by default
// Sort the array
// Limit the number of posts
if( !empty($sorting_limit) ) {
$all_posts = @array_slice($all_posts,0,$sorting_limit,true);
} else {
// Sort the array
// Limit the number of posts
if( !empty($sorting_limit) ) {
$all_posts = @array_slice($all_posts,0,$sorting_limit,true);
// Open content box
echo $html_tags['content_o'];
// NLPosts title
if( !empty($title) ) {
// Open widget title box
echo $html_tags['wtitle_o'];
// Print the title
echo $title;
// Close widget title box
echo $html_tags['wtitle_c'];
// Open wrapper
echo $html_tags['wrapper_o'];
// Paginate results
if( $paginate && $posts_per_page ) {
// Page number
$pag = isset( $_GET['pag'] ) ? abs( (int) $_GET['pag'] ) : 1;
// Break all posts into pages
$pages = array_chunk($all_posts, $posts_per_page);
// Set the page number variable
// Print out the posts
foreach( $pages[$pag-1] as $field ) {
// Open item box
$item_o = $html_tags['item_o'];
$item_o = str_replace("'>"," nlposts-siteid-".$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]."'>", $item_o);
echo $item_o;
// Thumbnails
if( $thumbnail === 'true' ) {
// Open thumbnail container
echo $html_tags['thumbnail_o'];
// Open thumbnail item placeholder
echo $html_tags['thumbnail_io'];
// Switch to the blog
// Put the dimensions into an array
$thumbnail_size = str_replace('x',',',$thumbnail_wh);
$thumbnail_size = explode(',',$thumbnail_size);
if( $thumbnail_custom != 'true' && $thumbnail_field == NULL ) {
// Get the thumbnail
$thumb_html = get_the_post_thumbnail($field->ID,$thumbnail_size,array('class' =>$thumbnail_class, 'alt' => $field->post_title, 'title' => $field->post_title));
} else {
$thumbnail_custom_field = get_post_meta($field->ID, $thumbnail_field, true);
if( !empty( $thumbnail_custom_field ) ) {
// Get custom thumbnail
$thumb_html = "<img src='".$thumbnail_custom_field."' width='".$thumbnail_size[0]."' height='".$thumbnail_size[1]."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' />";
} else {
// Get the regular thumbnail
$thumb_html = get_the_post_thumbnail($field->ID,$thumbnail_size,array('class' =>$thumbnail_class, 'alt' => $field->post_title, 'title' => $field->post_title));
// If there is a thumbnail
if( !empty($thumb_html) ) {
// Display the thumbnail
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'>$thumb_html</a>";
// Thumbnail not found
} else {
// Put a placeholder with the post title
switch($thumbnail_filler) {
// Placeholder provided by
case 'placeholder':
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_wh."&text=".$field->post_title."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
// Just for fun Kittens thanks to PlaceKitten
case 'kittens':
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_size[0]."/".$thumbnail_size[1]."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
// More fun Puppies thanks to PlaceDog
case 'puppies':
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_size[0]."/".$thumbnail_size[1]."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
case 'custom':
if( !empty( $thumbnail_url ) ) {
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_url."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' width='".$thumbnail_size[0]."' height='".$thumbnail_size[1]."' /></a>";
} else {
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_wh."&text=".$field->post_title."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
// Boring by default ;)
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_wh."&text=".$field->post_title."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
// Back the current blog
// Wrap Caption
echo $html_tags['caption_o'];
// Open title box
echo $html_tags['title_o'];
// Print the title
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'>".$field->post_title."</a>";
// Close the title box
echo $html_tags['title_c'];
if( $full_meta === 'true' ) {
// Open meta box
echo $html_tags['meta_o'];
// Set metainfo
$author = get_user_by('id',$field->post_author);
$format = (string)${'date_format_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]};
$datepost = date_i18n($format, strtotime(trim( $field->post_date) ) );
$blog_name = '<a href="'.${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'">'.${'blog_name_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}."</a>";
// The network's root (main blog) is called 'blog',
// so we have to set this up because the url ignores the root's subdirectory
if( $all_blogkeys[$field->guid] == 1 ) {
// Author's page for the main blog
$author_url = ${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'/blog/author/'.$author->user_login;
} else {
// Author's page for other blogs
$author_url = ${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'/author/'.$author->user_login;
// Print metainfo
echo $blog_name . ' - ' . __('Published on','trans-nlp') . ' ' . $datepost . ' ' . __('by','trans-nlp') . ' ' . '<a href="' . $author_url . '">' . $author->display_name . '</a>';
// Close meta box
echo $html_tags['meta_c'];
// Print the content
if( $title_only === 'false' ) {
// Open excerpt wrapper
echo $html_tags['excerpt_o'];
// Display excerpts or content
if( $display_content != 'true' ) {
// Custom Excerpt
if( $auto_excerpt != 'true' ) {
// Print out the excerpt
echo nlp_custom_excerpt($excerpt_length, $field->post_excerpt, $all_permalinks[$field->guid],$excerpt_trail);
// Extract excerpt from content
} else {
// Get the excerpt
echo nlp_custom_excerpt($excerpt_length, $field->post_content, $all_permalinks[$field->guid],$excerpt_trail);
} else {
// Display post content
echo nl2br( do_shortcode( $field->post_content ) );
// Close excerpt wrapper
echo $html_tags['excerpt_c'];
// Close Caption
echo $html_tags['caption_c'];
// Close thumbnail item placeholder
echo $html_tags['thumbnail_ic'];
// Close thumbnail container
echo $html_tags['thumbnail_c'];
} else {
// Wrap Caption
echo $html_tags['caption_o'];
// Open title box
echo $html_tags['title_o'];
// Print the title
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'>".$field->post_title."</a>";
// Close the title box
echo $html_tags['title_c'];
if( $full_meta === 'true' ) {
// Open meta box
echo $html_tags['meta_o'];
// Set metainfo
$author = get_user_by('id',$field->post_author);
$format = (string)${'date_format_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]};
$datepost = date_i18n($format, strtotime(trim( $field->post_date) ) );
$blog_name = '<a href="'.${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'">'.${'blog_name_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}."</a>";
// The network's root (main blog) is called 'blog',
// so we have to set this up because the url ignores the root's subdirectory
if( $all_blogkeys[$field->guid] == 1 ) {
// Author's page for the main blog
$author_url = ${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'/blog/author/'.$author->user_login;
} else {
// Author's page for other blogs
$author_url = ${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'/author/'.$author->user_login;
// Print metainfo
echo $blog_name . ' - ' . __('Published on','trans-nlp') . ' ' . $datepost . ' ' . __('by','trans-nlp') . ' ' . '<a href="' . $author_url . '">' . $author->display_name . '</a>';
// Close meta box
echo $html_tags['meta_c'];
// Print the content
if( $title_only === 'false' ) {
// Open excerpt wrapper
echo $html_tags['excerpt_o'];
// Display excerpts or content
if( $display_content != 'true' ) {
// Custom Excerpt
if( $auto_excerpt != 'true' ) {
// Print out the excerpt
echo nlp_custom_excerpt($excerpt_length, $field->post_excerpt, $all_permalinks[$field->guid],$excerpt_trail);
// Extract excerpt from content
} else {
// Get the excerpt
echo nlp_custom_excerpt($excerpt_length, $field->post_content, $all_permalinks[$field->guid],$excerpt_trail);
} else {
// Display post content
echo nl2br( do_shortcode( $field->post_content ) );
// Close excerpt wrapper
echo $html_tags['excerpt_c'];
// Close Caption
echo $html_tags['caption_c'];
// Close item box
echo $html_tags['item_c'];
// Print out the pagination menu
for($i=1; $i< count($pages)+1; $i++) {
// Count the number of pages
$total += 1;
// Open pagination wrapper
echo $html_tags['pagination_o'];
echo paginate_links( array(
'base' => add_query_arg( 'pag', '%#%' ),
'format' => '',
'prev_text' => __('&laquo;','trans-nlp'),
'next_text' => __('&raquo;','trans-nlp'),
'total' => $total,
'current' => $pag,
'type' => 'list'
// Close pagination wrapper
echo $html_tags['pagination_c'];
// Close wrapper
echo $html_tags['wrapper_c'];
* jQuery function
* Asynchronous pagination links
echo '
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
jQuery(".nlp-instance-'.$instance.' .pagination a").live("click", function(e){
var link = jQuery(this).attr("href");
jQuery(".nlp-instance-'.$instance.' .nlposts-wrapper").html("<style type=\"text/css\">p.loading { text-align:center;margin:0 auto; padding:20px; }</style><p class=\"loading\"><img src=\"'.plugins_url('/img/loader.gif', __FILE__) .'\" /></p>");
jQuery(".nlp-instance-'.$instance.' .nlposts-wrapper").fadeOut("slow",function(){
jQuery(".nlp-instance-'.$instance.' .nlposts-wrapper").load(link+" .nlp-instance-'.$instance.' .nlposts-wrapper > *").fadeIn(3000);
// Close content box
echo $html_tags['content_c'];
// Without pagination
} else {
// Print out the posts
foreach( $all_posts as $field ) {
// Open item box
$item_o = $html_tags['item_o'];
$item_o = str_replace("'>"," nlposts-siteid-".$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]."'>", $item_o);
echo $item_o;
// Thumbnails
if( $thumbnail === 'true' ) {
// Open thumbnail container
echo $html_tags['thumbnail_o'];
// Open thumbnail item placeholder
echo $html_tags['thumbnail_io'];
// Switch to the blog
// Put the dimensions into an array
$thumbnail_size = str_replace('x',',',$thumbnail_wh);
$thumbnail_size = explode(',',$thumbnail_size);
if( $thumbnail_custom != 'true' && $thumbnail_field == NULL ) {
// Get the thumbnail
$thumb_html = get_the_post_thumbnail($field->ID,$thumbnail_size,array('class' =>$thumbnail_class, 'alt' => $field->post_title, 'title' => $field->post_title));
} else {
$thumbnail_custom_field = get_post_meta($field->ID, $thumbnail_field, true);
if( !empty( $thumbnail_custom_field ) ) {
// Get custom thumbnail
$thumb_html = "<img src='".$thumbnail_custom_field."' width='".$thumbnail_size[0]."' height='".$thumbnail_size[1]."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' />";
} else {
// Get the regular thumbnail
$thumb_html = get_the_post_thumbnail($field->ID,$thumbnail_size,array('class' =>$thumbnail_class, 'alt' => $field->post_title, 'title' => $field->post_title));
// If there is a thumbnail
if( !empty($thumb_html) ) {
// Display the thumbnail
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'>$thumb_html</a>";
// Thumbnail not found
} else {
// Put a placeholder with the post title
switch($thumbnail_filler) {
// Placeholder provided by
case 'placeholder':
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_wh."&text=".$field->post_title."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
// Just for fun Kittens thanks to PlaceKitten
case 'kittens':
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_size[0]."/".$thumbnail_size[1]."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
// More fun Puppies thanks to PlaceDog
case 'puppies':
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_size[0]."/".$thumbnail_size[1]."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
case 'custom':
if( !empty( $thumbnail_url ) ) {
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_url."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
} else {
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_wh."&text=".$field->post_title."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
// Boring by default ;)
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'><img src='".$thumbnail_wh."&text=".$field->post_title."' alt='".$field->post_title."' title='".$field->post_title."' /></a>";
// Back the current blog
// Wrap Caption
echo $html_tags['caption_o'];
// Open title box
echo $html_tags['title_o'];
// Print the title
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'>".$field->post_title."</a>";
// Close the title box
echo $html_tags['title_c'];
if( $full_meta === 'true' ) {
// Open meta box
echo $html_tags['meta_o'];
// Set metainfo
$author = get_user_by('id',$field->post_author);
$format = (string)${'date_format_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]};
$datepost = date_i18n($format, strtotime(trim( $field->post_date) ) );
$blog_name = '<a href="'.${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'">'.${'blog_name_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}."</a>";
// The network's root (main blog) is called 'blog',
// so we have to set this up because the url ignores the root's subdirectory
if( $all_blogkeys[$field->guid] == 1 ) {
// Author's page for the main blog
$author_url = ${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'/blog/author/'.$author->user_login;
} else {
// Author's page for other blogs
$author_url = ${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'/author/'.$author->user_login;
// Print metainfo
echo $blog_name . ' - ' . __('Published on','trans-nlp') . ' ' . $datepost . ' ' . __('by','trans-nlp') . ' ' . '<a href="' . $author_url . '">' . $author->display_name . '</a>';
// Close meta box
echo $html_tags['meta_c'];
// Print the content
if( $title_only === 'false' ) {
// Open excerpt wrapper
echo $html_tags['excerpt_o'];
// Display excerpts or content
if( $display_content != 'true' ) {
// Custom Excerpt
if( $auto_excerpt != 'true' ) {
// Print out the excerpt
echo nlp_custom_excerpt($excerpt_length, $field->post_excerpt, $all_permalinks[$field->guid],$excerpt_trail);
// Extract excerpt from content
} else {
// Get the excerpt
echo nlp_custom_excerpt($excerpt_length, $field->post_content, $all_permalinks[$field->guid],$excerpt_trail);
} else {
// Display post content
echo nl2br( do_shortcode( $field->post_content ) );
// Close excerpt wrapper
echo $html_tags['excerpt_c'];
// Close caption
echo $html_tags['caption_c'];
// Close thumbnail item placeholder
echo $html_tags['thumbnail_ic'];
// Close thumbnail container
echo $html_tags['thumbnail_c'];
} else {
// Wrap Caption
echo $html_tags['caption_o'];
// Open title box
echo $html_tags['title_o'];
// Print the title
echo "<a href='".$all_permalinks[$field->guid]."'>".$field->post_title."</a>";
// Close the title box
echo $html_tags['title_c'];
if( $full_meta === 'true' ) {
// Open meta box
echo $html_tags['meta_o'];
// Set metainfo
$author = get_user_by('id',$field->post_author);
$format = (string)${'date_format_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]};
$datepost = date_i18n($format, strtotime(trim( $field->post_date) ) );
$blog_name = '<a href="'.${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'">'.${'blog_name_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}."</a>";
// The network's root (main blog) is called 'blog',
// so we have to set this up because the url ignores the root's subdirectory
if( $all_blogkeys[$field->guid] == 1 ) {
// Author's page for the main blog
$author_url = ${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'/blog/author/'.$author->user_login;
} else {
// Author's page for other blogs
$author_url = ${'blog_url_'.$all_blogkeys[$field->guid]}.'/author/'.$author->user_login;
// Print metainfo
echo $blog_name . ' - ' . __('Published on','trans-nlp') . ' ' . $datepost . ' ' . __('by','trans-nlp') . ' ' . '<a href="' . $author_url . '">' . $author->display_name . '</a>';
// Close meta box
echo $html_tags['meta_c'];
// Print the content
if( $title_only === 'false' ) {
// Open excerpt wrapper
echo $html_tags['excerpt_o'];
// Display excerpts or content
if( $display_content != 'true' ) {
// Custom Excerpt
if( $auto_excerpt != 'true' ) {
// Print out the excerpt
echo nlp_custom_excerpt($excerpt_length, $field->post_excerpt, $all_permalinks[$field->guid],$excerpt_trail);
// Extract excerpt from content
} else {
// Get the excerpt
echo nlp_custom_excerpt($excerpt_length, $field->post_content, $all_permalinks[$field->guid],$excerpt_trail);
} else {
// Display post content
echo nl2br( do_shortcode( $field->post_content ) );
// Close excerpt wrapper
echo $html_tags['excerpt_c'];
// Close Caption
echo $html_tags['caption_c'];
// Close item box
echo $html_tags['item_c'];
// Close wrapper
echo $html_tags['wrapper_c'];
// Close content box
echo $html_tags['content_c'];
// Reset post data
/* Shortcode function
* @atts: attributes passed to the main function
* return @shortcode
function network_latest_posts_shortcode($atts) {
if( !empty($atts) ) {
// Legacy mode due to variable renaming
// So existent shorcodes don't break ;)
foreach( $atts as $key => $value ) {
switch( $key ) {
case 'number':
$atts['number_posts'] = $value;
case 'days':
$atts['time_frame'] = $value;
case 'titleonly':
$atts['title_only'] = $value;
case 'begin_wrap':
$atts['before_wrap'] = $value;
case 'end_wrap':
$atts['after_wrap'] = $value;
case 'blogid':
$atts['blog_id'] = $value;
case 'cpt':
$atts['custom_post_type'] = $value;
case 'cat':
$atts['category'] = $value;
$atts[$key] = $value;
// Start the output buffer to control the display position
// Get the posts
// Output the content
$shortcode = ob_get_contents();
// Clean the output buffer
// Put the content where we want
return $shortcode;
// Add the shortcode functionality
/* Limit excerpt length
* @count: excerpt length
* @content: excerpt content
* @permalink: link to the post
* return customized @excerpt
function nlp_custom_excerpt($count, $content, $permalink, $excerpt_trail){
if($count == 0 || $count == 'null') { $count = 55; }
/* Strip shortcodes
* Due to an incompatibility issue between Visual Composer
* and WordPress strip_shortcodes hook, I'm stripping
* shortcodes using regex. (27-09-2012)
* $content = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($content));
* replaced by
* $content = preg_replace("/\[(.*?)\]/i", '', $content);
* $content = strip_tags($content);
$content = preg_replace("/\[(.*?)\]/i", '', $content);
$content = strip_tags($content);
// Get the words
$words = explode(' ', $content, $count + 1);
// Pop everything
// Add trailing dots
array_push($words, '...');
// Add white spaces
$content = implode(' ', $words);
// Add the trail
switch( $excerpt_trail ) {
// Text
case 'text':
$content = $content.'<a href="'.$permalink.'">'.__('more','trans-nlp').'</a>';
// Image
case 'image':
$content = $content.'<a href="'.$permalink.'"><img src="'.plugins_url('/img/excerpt_trail.png', __FILE__) .'" alt="'.__('more','trans-nlp').'" title="'.__('more','trans-nlp').'" /></a>';
// Text by default
$content = $content.'<a href="'.$permalink.'">'.__('more','trans-nlp').'</a>';
// Return the excerpt
return $content;
/* HTML tags
* Styling purposes
* @display_type: ulist, olist, block, inline
* return @html_tags
function nlp_display_type($display_type, $instance, $wrapper_list_css, $wrapper_block_css) {
// Instances
if( !empty($instance) ) { $nlp_instance = "nlp-instance-$instance"; }
// Display Types
switch($display_type) {
// Unordered list
case "ulist":
$html_tags = array(
'wrapper_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-wrapper nlposts-ulist $wrapper_list_css'>",
'wrapper_c' => "</ul>",
'wtitle_o' => "<h2 class='nlposts-ulist-wtitle'>",
'wtitle_c' => "</h2>",
'item_o' => "<li class='nlposts-ulist-litem'>",
'item_c' => "</li>",
'content_o' => "<div class='nlposts-container nlposts-ulist-container $nlp_instance'>",
'content_c' => "</div>",
'meta_o' => "<span class='nlposts-ulist-meta'>",
'meta_c' => "</span>",
'thumbnail_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-ulist-thumbnail thumbnails'>",
'thumbnail_c' => "</ul>",
'thumbnail_io' => "<li class='nlposts-ulist-thumbnail-litem span3'><div class='thumbnail'>",
'thumbnail_ic' => "</div></li>",
'pagination_o' => "<div class='nlposts-ulist-pagination pagination'>",
'pagination_c' => "</div>",
'title_o' => "<h3 class='nlposts-ulist-title'>",
'title_c' => "</h3>",
'excerpt_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-ulist-excerpt'><li>",
'excerpt_c' => "</li></ul>",
'caption_o' => "<div class='nlposts-caption'>",
'caption_c' => "</div>"
// Ordered list
case "olist":
$html_tags = array(
'wrapper_o' => "<ol class='nlposts-wrapper nlposts-olist $wrapper_list_css'>",
'wrapper_c' => "</ol>",
'wtitle_o' => "<h2 class='nlposts-olist-wtitle'>",
'wtitle_c' => "</h2>",
'item_o' => "<li class='nlposts-olist-litem'>",
'item_c' => "</li>",
'content_o' => "<div class='nlposts-container nlposts-olist-container $nlp_instance'>",
'content_c' => "</div>",
'meta_o' => "<span class='nlposts-olist-meta'>",
'meta_c' => "</span>",
'thumbnail_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-olist-thumbnail thumbnails'>",
'thumbnail_c' => "</ul>",
'thumbnail_io' => "<li class='nlposts-olist-thumbnail-litem span3'>",
'thumbnail_ic' => "</li>",
'pagination_o' => "<div class='nlposts-olist-pagination pagination'>",
'pagination_c' => "</div>",
'title_o' => "<h3 class='nlposts-olist-title'>",
'title_c' => "</h3>",
'excerpt_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-olist-excerpt'><li>",
'excerpt_c' => "</li></ul>",
'caption_o' => "<div class='nlposts-caption'>",
'caption_c' => "</div>"
// Block
case "block":
$html_tags = array(
'wrapper_o' => "<div class='nlposts-wrapper nlposts-block $wrapper_block_css'>",
'wrapper_c' => "</div>",
'wtitle_o' => "<h2 class='nlposts-block-wtitle'>",
'wtitle_c' => "</h2>",
'item_o' => "<div class='nlposts-block-item'>",
'item_c' => "</div>",
'content_o' => "<div class='nlposts-container nlposts-block-container $nlp_instance'>",
'content_c' => "</div>",
'meta_o' => "<span class='nlposts-block-meta'>",
'meta_c' => "</span>",
'thumbnail_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-block-thumbnail thumbnails'>",
'thumbnail_c' => "</ul>",
'thumbnail_io' => "<li class='nlposts-block-thumbnail-litem span3'>",
'thumbnail_ic' => "</li>",
'pagination_o' => "<div class='nlposts-block-pagination pagination'>",
'pagination_c' => "</div>",
'title_o' => "<h3 class='nlposts-block-title'>",
'title_c' => "</h3>",
'excerpt_o' => "<div class='nlposts-block-excerpt'><p>",
'excerpt_c' => "</p></div>",
'caption_o' => "<div class='nlposts-caption'>",
'caption_c' => "</div>"
// Unordered list
$html_tags = array(
'wrapper_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-wrapper nlposts-ulist $wrapper_list_css'>",
'wrapper_c' => "</ul>",
'wtitle_o' => "<h2 class='nlposts-ulist-wtitle'>",
'wtitle_c' => "</h2>",
'item_o' => "<li class='nlposts-ulist-litem'>",
'item_c' => "</li>",
'content_o' => "<div class='nlposts-container nlposts-ulist-container $nlp_instance'>",
'content_c' => "</div>",
'meta_o' => "<span class='nlposts-ulist-meta'>",
'meta_c' => "</span>",
'thumbnail_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-ulist-thumbnail thumbnails'>",
'thumbnail_c' => "</ul>",
'thumbnail_io' => "<li class='nlposts-ulist-thumbnail-litem span3'>",
'thumbnail_ic' => "</li>",
'pagination_o' => "<div class='nlposts-ulist-pagination pagination'>",
'pagination_c' => "</div>",
'title_o' => "<h3 class='nlposts-ulist-title'>",
'title_c' => "</h3>",
'excerpt_o' => "<ul class='nlposts-ulist-excerpt'><li>",
'excerpt_c' => "</li></ul>",
'caption_o' => "<div class='nlposts-caption'>",
'caption_c' => "</div>"
// Return tags
return $html_tags;
/* Init function
* Plugin initialization
function network_latest_posts_init() {
global $wp_locale;
// Check for the required API functions
if ( !function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') || !function_exists('register_widget_control') )
// Register functions
wp_register_sidebar_widget('nlposts-sb-widget',__("Network Latest Posts",'trans-nlp'),"network_latest_posts_widget");
wp_register_widget_control('nlposts-control',__("Network Latest Posts",'trans-nlp'),"network_latest_posts_control");
wp_register_style('nlpcss-form', plugins_url('/css/form_style.css', __FILE__));
register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, 'network_latest_posts_uninstall');
// Load plugins
* Load Languages
function nlp_load_languages() {
// Set the textdomain for translation purposes
load_plugin_textdomain('trans-nlp', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages');
// Load CSS Styles
function nlp_load_styles($css_style) {
if( !empty($css_style) ) {
// Unload default style
// Load custom style
} else {
// Unload custom style
// Load default style
wp_register_style( 'nlpcss', plugins_url('/css/default_style.css', __FILE__) );
wp_enqueue_style( 'nlpcss' );
/* Load Widget
* using create_function to support PHP versions < 5.3
add_action( 'widgets_init', create_function( '', '
/* Check RTL
* This function cannot be called from the network_latest_posts_init function
* due to a loading hierarchy issue, if used there it will not
* recognize the is_rtl() WordPress function
if( is_rtl() ) {
// Deregister the LTR style
// Register the RTL style
wp_register_style( "nlpcss-rtl", plugins_url("/css/default_style-rtl.css", __FILE__) );
// Load the style
wp_enqueue_style( "nlpcss-rtl" );
// Tell WordPress this plugin is switching to RTL mode
global $wp_locale, $wp_styles;
/* Set the text direction to RTL
* This two variables will tell load-styles.php
* load the Dashboard in RTL instead of LTR mode
$wp_locale->text_direction = "rtl";
$wp_styles->text_direction = "rtl";
// Load the class
return register_widget( "NLposts_Widget" );
' ) );
/* Uninstall function
* Provides uninstall capabilities
function network_latest_posts_uninstall() {
// Delete widget options
// Delete the shortcode hook
* TinyMCE Shortcode Plugin
* Add a NLPosts button to the TinyMCE editor
* this will simplify the way it is used
// TinyMCE button settings
function nlp_shortcode_button() {
if ( current_user_can('edit_posts') && current_user_can('edit_pages') ) {
add_filter('mce_external_plugins', 'nlp_shortcode_plugin');
add_filter('mce_buttons', 'nlp_register_button');
// Hook the button into the TinyMCE editor
function nlp_register_button($buttons) {
array_push($buttons, "|" , "nlposts");
return $buttons;
// Load the TinyMCE NLposts shortcode plugin
function nlp_shortcode_plugin($plugin_array) {
$plugin_array['nlposts'] = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) .'js/nlp_tinymce_button.js';
return $plugin_array;
// Hook the shortcode button into TinyMCE
add_action('init', 'nlp_shortcode_button');
// Load styles
// Run this stuff
// Languages
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'nlp_load_languages');
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