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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Save josesayago/f19ae9bb20bf2eb38eef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Replaces wp-config.php by wp-load.php to avoid shortcode errors when working with hardened WordPress installations.
Network Latest Posts Shortcode Form
Version 3.5
Author L'Elite
Author URI
/* Copyright 2012 L'Elite (email :
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Retrieve the WordPress root path
function nlp_config_path()
$base = dirname(__FILE__);
$path = false;
// Check multiple levels, until find the config file
if (@file_exists(dirname(dirname($base))."/wp-load.php")){
$path = dirname(dirname($base));
} elseif (@file_exists(dirname(dirname(dirname($base)))."/wp-load.php")) {
$path = dirname(dirname(dirname($base)));
} elseif (@file_exists(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname($base))))."/wp-load.php")) {
$path = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname($base))));
} elseif (@file_exists(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname($base)))))."/wp-load.php")) {
$path = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname($base)))));
} else {
$path = false;
// Get the path
if ($path != false){
$path = str_replace("\\", "/", $path);
// Return the path
return $path;
$wp_root_path = nlp_config_path();
// Load WordPress functions & NLposts_Widget class
//$thumbnail_w = '80';
//$thumbnail_h = '80';
// Widget object
$widget_obj = new NLposts_Widget();
// Default values
$defaults = array(
'title' => NULL, // Widget title
'number_posts' => 10, // Number of posts to be displayed
'time_frame' => 0, // Time frame to look for posts in days
'title_only' => TRUE, // Display the post title only
'display_type' => 'ulist', // Display content as a: olist (ordered), ulist (unordered), block
'blog_id' => NULL, // ID(s) of the blog(s) you want to display the latest posts
'ignore_blog' => NULL, // ID(s) of the blog(s) you want to ignore
'thumbnail' => FALSE, // Display the thumbnail
'thumbnail_wh' => '80x80', // Thumbnail Width & Height in pixels
'thumbnail_class' => NULL, // Thumbnail CSS class
'thumbnail_filler' => 'placeholder', // Replacement image for posts without thumbnail (placeholder, kittens, puppies)
'thumbnail_custom' => FALSE, // Pull thumbnails from custom fields
'thumbnail_field' => NULL, // Custom field containing image url
'thumbnail_url' => NULL, // Custom thumbnail URL
'custom_post_type' => 'post', // Type of posts to display
'category' => NULL, // Category(ies) to display
'tag' => NULL, // Tag(s) to display
'paginate' => FALSE, // Paginate results
'posts_per_page' => NULL, // Number of posts per page (paginate needs to be active)
'display_content' => FALSE, // Display post content instead of excerpts (false by default)
'excerpt_length' => NULL, // Excerpt's length
'auto_excerpt' => FALSE, // Generate excerpt from content
'excerpt_trail' => 'text', // Excerpt's trailing element: text, image
'full_meta' => FALSE, // Display full metadata
'sort_by_date' => FALSE, // Display the latest posts first regardless of the blog they come from
'sort_by_blog' => FALSE, // Sort by blog ID
'sorting_order' => NULL, // Sort posts from Newest to Oldest or vice versa (newer / older), asc/desc for blog ID
'sorting_limit' => NULL, // Limit the number of sorted posts to display
'post_status' => 'publish', // Post status (publish, new, pending, draft, auto-draft, future, private, inherit, trash)
'css_style' => NULL, // Custom CSS _filename_ (ex: custom_style)
'wrapper_list_css' => 'nav nav-tabs nav-stacked', // Custom CSS classes for the list wrapper
'wrapper_block_css'=> 'content', // Custom CSS classes for the block wrapper
'instance' => NULL, // Instance identifier, used to uniquely differenciate each shortcode used
'random' => FALSE, // Pull random posts
'post_ignore' => NULL
// Set an array
$settings = array();
// Parse & merge the settings with the default values
$settings = wp_parse_args( $settings, $defaults );
// Extract elements as variables
extract( $settings );
$thumbnail_size = str_replace('x',',',$thumbnail_wh);
$thumbnail_size = explode(',',$thumbnail_size);
$thumbnail_w = $thumbnail_size[0];
$thumbnail_h = $thumbnail_size[1];
// Get blog ids
global $wpdb;
$blog_ids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE
public = '1' AND archived = '0' AND mature = '0' AND spam = '0' AND deleted = '0'
ORDER BY last_updated DESC");
// Basic HTML Tags
$br = "<br />";
$p_o = "<p>";
$p_c = "<p>";
$widget_form = "<form id='nlposts_shortcode' name='nlposts_shortcode' method='POST' action=''>";
$widget_form.= $p_o;
// title
$widget_form.= "<label for='title'>" . __('Title','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='title' name='title' value='$title' />";
$widget_form.= $br;
// Instance
$widget_form.= "<label for='instance'>" . __('Instance Identifier','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='instance' name='instance' value='$instance' />";
$widget_form.= $br;
// number_posts
$widget_form.= "<label for='number_posts'>" . __('Number of Posts by Blog','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' size='3' id='number_posts' name='number_posts' value='$number_posts' />";
$widget_form.= $br;
// post_ignore
$widget_form.= "<label for='post_ignore'>" . __('Post ID(s) to Ignore','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='post_ignore' name='post_ignore' value='$post_ignore' />";
$widget_form.= $br;
// time_frame
$widget_form.= "<label for='time_frame'>" . __('Time Frame in Days','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' size='3' id='time_frame' name='time_frame' value='$time_frame' />";
$widget_form.= $br;
// title_only
$widget_form.= "<label for='title_only'>" . __('Titles Only','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='title_only' name='title_only'>";
if( $title_only == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
$widget_form.= $br;
// display_type
$widget_form.= "<label for='display_type'>" . __('Display Type','trans-nlp') . '</label>';
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='display_type' name='display_type'>";
switch( $display_type ) {
// Unordered list
case 'ulist':
$widget_form.= "<option value='ulist' selected='selected'>" . __('Unordered List','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='olist'>" . __('Ordered List','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='block'>" . __('Blocks','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
// Ordered list
case 'olist':
$widget_form.= "<option value='ulist'>" . __('Unordered List','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='olist' selected='selected'>" . __('Ordered List','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='block'>" . __('Blocks','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
// Block
case 'block':
$widget_form.= "<option value='ulist'>" . __('Unordered List','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='olist'>" . __('Ordered List','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='block' selected='selected'>" . __('Blocks','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
// Unordered list by default
$widget_form.= "<option value='ulist' selected='selected'>" . __('Unordered List','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='olist'>" . __('Ordered List','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='block'>" . __('Blocks','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// blog_id
$widget_form.= $br;
if( is_rtl() ) {
$widget_form.= "<label for='blog_id'>" . __('Display Blog','trans-nlp') . " " . __('or','trans-nlp') . " " . __('Blogs','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<label for='blog_id'>" . __('Display Blog(s)','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='blog_id' name='blog_id' multiple='multiple'>";
// Get the blog_id string
if( !is_array($blog_id) ) {
// Check for multiple values
if( preg_match('/,/',$blog_id) ) {
// Set an array
$blog_id = explode(',',$blog_id);
} else {
// Single value
if( empty($blog_id) ) {
// Set an empty array
$blog_id = array('null');
} else {
// Set an array
$blog_id = array($blog_id);
if( empty($blog_id) || $blog_id == 'null' || in_array('null',$blog_id) ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='null' selected='selected'>" . __('Display All','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='null'>" . __('Display All','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
// Display the list of blogs
foreach ($blog_ids as $single_id) {
$blog_details = get_blog_details($single_id->blog_id);
if( !empty($blog_id) && in_array($single_id->blog_id,$blog_id) ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='$single_id->blog_id' selected='selected'>". $blog_details->blogname ." (ID $single_id->blog_id)</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='$single_id->blog_id'>". $blog_details->blogname ." (ID $single_id->blog_id)</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// ignore_blog
$widget_form.= $br;
if( is_rtl() ) {
$widget_form.= "<label for='ignore_blog'>" . __('Ignore Blog','trans-nlp') . " " . __('or','trans-nlp') . " " . __('Blogs','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<label for='ignore_blog'>" . __('Ignore Blog(s)','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='ignore_blog' name='ignore_blog' multiple='multiple'>";
// Get the ignore_blog string
if( !is_array($ignore_blog) ) {
// Check for multiple values
if( preg_match('/,/',$ignore_blog) ) {
// Set an array
$ignore_blog = explode(',',$ignore_blog);
} else {
// Single value
if( empty($ignore_blog) ) {
// Set an empty array
$ignore_blog = array('null');
} else {
// Set an array
$ignore_blog = array($ignore_blog);
if( empty($ignore_blog) || $ignore_blog == 'null' || in_array('null',$ignore_blog) ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='null' selected='selected'>" . __('Nothing to Ignore','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='null'>" . __('Nothing to Ignore','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
// Display the list of blogs
foreach ($blog_ids as $ignore_id) {
$blog_details = get_blog_details($ignore_id->blog_id);
if( !empty($ignore_blog) && in_array($ignore_id->blog_id,$ignore_blog) ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='$ignore_id->blog_id' selected='selected'>". $blog_details->blogname ." (ID $ignore_id->blog_id)</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='$ignore_id->blog_id'>". $blog_details->blogname ." (ID $ignore_id->blog_id)</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// thumbnail
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='thumbnail'>" . __('Display Thumbnails','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='thumbnail' name='thumbnail'>";
if( $thumbnail == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Show','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('Hide','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Show','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('Hide','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<fieldset>";
$widget_form.= "<legend>" . __('Thumbnail Size','trans-nlp') . "</legend>";
$widget_form.= "<label for='thumbnail_w'>" . __('Width','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' size='3' id='thumbnail_w' name='thumbnail_w' value='$thumbnail_w' />";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='thumbnail_h'>" . __('Height','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' size='3' id='thumbnail_h' name='thumbnail_h' value='$thumbnail_h' />";
$widget_form.= "</fieldset>";
// thumbnail_filler
$widget_form.= "<label for='thumbnail_filler'>" . __('Thumbnail Replacement','trans-nlp') . '</label>';
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='thumbnail_filler' name='thumbnail_filler'>";
switch( $thumbnail_filler ) {
case 'placeholder':
$widget_form.= "<option value='placeholder' selected='selected'>" . __('Placeholder','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='kittens'>" . __('Kittens','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='puppies'>" . __('Puppies','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='custom'>" . __('Custom','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
case 'kittens':
$widget_form.= "<option value='placeholder'>" . __('Placeholder','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='kittens' selected='selected'>" . __('Kittens','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='puppies'>" . __('Puppies','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='custom'>" . __('Custom','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
case 'puppies':
$widget_form.= "<option value='placeholder'>" . __('Placeholder','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='kittens'>" . __('Kittens','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='puppies' selected='selected'>" . __('Puppies','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='custom'>" . __('Custom','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
case 'custom':
$widget_form.= "<option value='placeholder'>" . __('Placeholder','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='kittens'>" . __('Kittens','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='puppies'>" . __('Puppies','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='custom' selected='selected'>" . __('Custom','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='placeholder' selected='selected'>" . __('Placeholder','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='kittens'>" . __('Kittens','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='puppies'>" . __('Puppies','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='custom'>" . __('Custom','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// thumbnail_url
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='thumbnail_url'>" . __('Thumbnail Class','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='thumbnail_url' name='thumbnail_url' value='$thumbnail_url' />";
// thumbnail_class
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='thumbnail_class'>" . __('Thumbnail Class','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='thumbnail_class' name='thumbnail_class' value='$thumbnail_class' />";
// thumbnail_custom
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='thumbnail_custom'>" . __('Custom Thumbnails','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='thumbnail_custom' name='thumbnail_custom'>";
if( $thumbnail_custom == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// thumbnail_field
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='thumbnail_field'>" . __('Thumbnail Custom Field','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='thumbnail_field' name='thumbnail_field' value='$thumbnail_field' />";
// custom_post_type
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='custom_post_type'>" . __('Custom Post Type','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='custom_post_type' name='custom_post_type' value='$custom_post_type' />";
// category
$widget_form.= $br;
if( is_rtl() ) {
$widget_form.= "<label for='category'>" . __('Category','trans-nlp') . " " . __('or','trans-nlp') . " " . __('Categories','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<label for='category'>" . __('Category(ies)','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='category' name='category' value='$category' />";
// tag
$widget_form.= $br;
if( is_rtl() ) {
$widget_form.= "<label for='tag'>" . __('Tag','trans-nlp') . " " . __('or','trans-nlp') . " " . __('Tags','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<label for='tag'>" . __('Tag(s)','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='tag' name='tag' value='$tag' />";
// paginate
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='paginate'>" . __('Paginate Results','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='paginate' name='paginate'>";
if( $paginate == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// posts_per_page
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='posts_per_page'>" . __('Posts per Page','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='posts_per_page' name='posts_per_page' value='$posts_per_page' />";
// display_content
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='display_content'>" . __('Display Content','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='display_content' name='display_content'>";
if( $display_content == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
$widget_form.= $br;
// excerpt_length
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='excerpt_length'>" . __('Excerpt Length','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='excerpt_length' name='excerpt_length' value='$excerpt_length' />";
// auto_excerpt
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='auto_excerpt'>" . __('Auto-Excerpt','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='auto_excerpt' name='auto_excerpt'>";
if( $auto_excerpt == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// excerpt_trail
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='excerpt_trail'>" . __('Excerpt Trail','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='excerpt_trail' name='excerpt_trail'>";
if( $excerpt_trail == 'text' || empty($excerpt_trail) ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='text' selected='selected'>" . __('Text','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='image'>" . __('Image','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='text'>" . __('Text','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='image' selected='selected'>" . __('Image','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// sort_by_date
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='sort_by_date'>" . __('Sort by Date','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='sort_by_date' name='sort_by_date'>";
if( $sort_by_date == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// sort_by_date
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='sort_by_blog'>" . __('Sort by Blog ID','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='sort_by_blog' name='sort_by_blog'>";
if( $sort_by_blog == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// sorting_order
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='sorting_order'>" . __('Sorting Order','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='sorting_order' name='sorting_order'>";
if( $sort_by_date == 'true' ) {
if( $sorting_order == 'newer' || empty($sorting_order) ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='newer' selected='selected'>" . __('Newest to Oldest','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='older'>" . __('Oldest to Newest','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='newer'>" . __('Newest to Oldest','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='older' selected='selected'>" . __('Oldest to Newest','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='newer'>" . __('Newest to Oldest','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='older' selected='selected'>" . __('Oldest to Newest','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
if( $sort_by_blog == 'true' ) {
if( $sorting_order == 'asc' || empty($sorting_order) ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='asc' selected='selected'>" . __('Ascendant','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='desc'>" . __('Descendant','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='asc'>" . __('Ascendant','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='desc' selected='selected'>" . __('Descendant','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
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$widget_form.= "<option value='asc'>" . __('Ascendant','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='desc' selected='selected'>" . __('Descendant','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// sorting_limit
$widget_form.= $br;
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$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='sorting_limit' name='sorting_limit' value='$sorting_limit' />";
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$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='post_status'>" . __('Post Status','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='post_status' name='post_status' value='$post_status' />";
// full_meta
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='full_meta'>" . __('Full Metadata','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='full_meta' name='full_meta'>";
if( $full_meta == 'true' ) {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
} else {
$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
// css_style
$widget_form.= $br;
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$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='css_style' name='css_style' value='$css_style' />";
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$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='wrapper_list_css'>" . __('Custom CSS Class for the list wrapper','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='wrapper_list_css' name='wrapper_list_css' value='$wrapper_list_css' />";
// wrapper_block_css
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='wrapper_block_css'>" . __('Custom CSS Class for the block wrapper','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='text' id='wrapper_block_css' name='wrapper_block_css' value='$wrapper_block_css' />";
// Random posts
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<label for='random'>" . __('Random Posts','trans-nlp') . "</label>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<select id='random' name='random'>";
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$widget_form.= "<option value='true' selected='selected'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
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$widget_form.= "<option value='true'>" . __('Yes','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "<option value='false' selected='selected'>" . __('No','trans-nlp') . "</option>";
$widget_form.= "</select>";
$widget_form.= $br;
$widget_form.= "<input type='button' id='nlposts_shortcode_submit' value='".__('Insert Shortcode','trans-nlp')."' />";
$widget_form.= $p_c;
$widget_form.= "</form>";
echo $widget_form;
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
// Count words
function nlp_countWords(s) {
return s.split(/[ \t\r\n]/).length;
// Get the form fields
var values = {};
jQuery('#TB_ajaxContent form :input').each(function(index,field) {
name = '#TB_ajaxContent form #';
values[jQuery(name).attr('id')] = jQuery(name).val();
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// Clear the submit button so the shortcode doesn't take its value
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// Build the shortcode
var nlp_shortcode = '[nlposts';
// Get the settings and values
for( settings in values ) {
// If they're not empty or null
if( values[settings] && values[settings] != 'null' ) {
// And they're not the default values
if( values[settings] != defaults[settings] ) {
// Count words
if( nlp_countWords(String(values[settings])) > 1 ) {
// If more than 1 or a big single string, add quotes to the key=value
nlp_shortcode += ' '+settings +'="'+ values[settings]+'"';
} else {
// Otherwise, add the key=value
nlp_shortcode += ' '+settings +'='+ values[settings];
// Close the shortcode
nlp_shortcode += ']';
// insert the shortcode into the active editor
tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', 0, nlp_shortcode);
// close Thickbox
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