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Last active August 29, 2017 07:22
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Swift 4 Continuation Monad
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
public func id<A>(x : A) -> A {
return x
public func error<A>(_ x : String) -> A {
assert(false, x)
/// The Continuation Monad
public struct Cont<R, A> {
let run : (@escaping (A) -> R) -> R
init(_ run : @escaping (@escaping (A) -> R) -> R) { = run
public static func pure(_ a : A) -> Cont<R, A> {
return Cont({ f in f(a) })
public func bind<R, A, B>(c : Cont<R, A>, f : @escaping (A) -> Cont<R, B>) -> Cont<R, B> {
return Cont({ k in{ a in f(a).run(k) }) })
public func fmap<R, A, B>(c : Cont<R, A>, f : @escaping (A) -> B) -> Cont<R, B> {
return Cont({ k in{ a in k(f(a)) }) })
public func callcc<R, A, B>(_ f : @escaping (@escaping (A) -> Cont<R, B>) -> Cont<R, A> ) -> Cont<R, A> {
return Cont({ k in
f({ a in
Cont({ x in k(a) })
// Examples from
public func square(_ n : Int) -> Int {
return n * n
public func squarec<R>(_ n : Int) -> Cont<R, Int> {
return Cont<R, Int>.pure(square(n))
public func squareE(_ n : Int) -> Cont<(), Int> {
return squarec(n)
public func div<R>(c : @escaping (String) -> Cont<R, Int>, n : Int, d : Int) -> Cont<R, Int> {
return callcc({ ok in bind(c: callcc({ err in d == 0 ? err("Denominator 0") : ok(n / d) }), f: c) })
public func divError<R>(n : Int, d : Int) -> Cont<R, Int> {
return div(c: { s in return error(s) }, n: n, d: d)
let printF:(Int) -> Void = {x in print(x)}
divError(n:7, d:3).run(printF)
divError(n:7, d:0).run(printF)
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