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Created June 27, 2009 18:51
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jose:~/Work/github/rails/railties$[gen*] ruby bin/gen model
bin/gen model NAME [field:type, field:type] [options]
-o, [--orm=NAME] # Orm to be invoked
# Default: active_record
-t, [--test-framework=NAME] # Test framework to be invoked
# Default: test_unit
ActiveRecord options:
[--timestamps] # Indicates when to generate timestamps
# Default: true
[--migration] # Indicates when to generate migration
# Default: true
[--parent=PARENT] # The parent class for the generated model
TestUnit options:
[--fixture] # Indicates when to generate fixture
# Default: true
-r, [--fixture-replacement=NAME] # Fixture replacement to be invoked
Runtime options:
-p, [--pretend] # Run but do not make any changes
-f, [--force] # Overwrite files that already exist
-s, [--skip] # Skip files that already exist
-q, [--quiet] # Supress status output
Stubs out a new model. Pass the model name, either CamelCased or
under_scored, and an optional list of attribute pairs as arguments.
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