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Last active April 20, 2018 17:22
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Combinatoric Enumeration in C# Based of `itertools` model from python
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Combinatoric.Enumeration
public static class CombinatoricEnumeration
public static IEnumerable<List<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, int r)
int n = items.Count();
if (r > n) yield break;
T[] pool = items.ToArray();
int[] indices = Enumerable.Range(0, r).ToArray();
yield return indices.Select(x => pool[x]).ToList();
while (true)
int i = indices.Length-1;
while(i>=0 && indices[i] == i + n - r)
if(i<0) yield break;
indices[i] += 1;
for(int j=i+1; j<r; j+=1)
indices[j] = indices[j-1] + 1;
yield return indices.Select(x => pool[x]).ToList();
public static IEnumerable<List<T>> Permutations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items) => items.Permutations(items.Count());
public static IEnumerable<List<T>> Permutations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, int r)
int n = items.Count();
if (r > n) yield break;
T[] pool = items.ToArray();
int[] indices = Enumerable.Range(0, n).ToArray();
int[] cycles = Enumerable.Range(n-r+1,r).Reverse().ToArray();
yield return indices.Take(r).Select(x => pool[x]).ToList();
int i = cycles.Length-1;
cycles[i] -= 1;
if(cycles[i] ==0)
// rotate indices from i to end
int tempInt = indices[i];
int[] tmpArray = indices.Skip(i).ToArray();
indices[indices.Length-1] = tempInt;
cycles[i] = n - i;
int j = indices.Length - cycles[i];
(indices[i], indices[j]) = (indices[j], indices[i]);
yield return indices.Take(r).Select(x => pool[x]).ToList();
if(i<0) yield break;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Combinatoric.Enumeration;
namespace Combinatoric.Enumeration.Test
public class CombinatoricEnumerationTest
public void CombinationTest(int n, int r, int nCr)
int[] items = Enumerable.Range(0, n).ToArray();
var allCombinations = new HashSet<HashSet<int>>();
foreach(List<int> combination in items.Combinations(r))
foreach(int item in combination)
Assert.IsTrue(items.Contains(item),$"Not an item in original pool of items: {item}");
string combStr = string.Join(",", combination);
var combSet = new HashSet<int>(combination);
Assert.IsTrue(combination.Count() == r,$"Number of items in the combination is different that the expected: |{combStr}| != {r}");
Assert.IsFalse(allCombinations.Contains(combSet),$"Duplicate combination created: {combStr}");
int numElements = allCombinations.Count();
Assert.IsTrue(numElements == nCr,$"Nmber of combination generated is not the same as the expected amount: {numElements} (actual) != {nCr} (expected)");
public void PermutationTest(int n, int r, int nPr)
int[] items = Enumerable.Range(0, n).ToArray();
var allPermutations = new HashSet<List<int>>();
foreach(List<int> permutation in items.Permutations(r))
foreach(int item in permutation)
Assert.IsTrue(items.Contains(item),$"Not an item in original pool of items: {item}");
string permStr = string.Join(",", permutation);
Assert.IsTrue(permutation.Count() == r,$"Number of items in the permutation is different that the expected: |{permStr}| != {r}");
Assert.IsFalse(allPermutations.Contains(permutation),$"Duplicate permutation created: {permStr}");
int numElements = allPermutations.Count();
Assert.IsTrue(numElements==nPr,$"Nmber of permutation generated is not the same as the expected amount: {numElements} (actual) != {nPr} (expected)");
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