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Created April 16, 2017 18:40
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A script used to solve sight reduction homework problems for navigation class.
Sight Reduction
Calculate position on 2000 June 21 2100 UTC
Star Observed Altitude
------- ----------- --------
Regulus 20h 39m 23s 37.4204
Antares 20h 45m 47s 20.3226
Kochab 21h 10m 34s 47.2050
Ship travelling at constant speed of 20 knots, heading 325.
Position known to nearest whole degree 32N, 15W.
NOTE: Change the class variables in the Star class for the specific problem.
from __future__ import division
import math
# Utility Functions
def dms2dec(degrees, minutes, seconds=0):
return degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/60/60
def dec2dms(_dec):
"""Takes in a decimal time and converts the number to hours, minutes and
seconds. Returns the result as a tuple in the form (hour, min, sec)
decimal = _dec % 1
hour = round(_dec - decimal)
_min = decimal * 60
minutes_decimal = _min % 1
minutes = round(_min - minutes_decimal)
_sec = minutes_decimal * 60
seconds_decimal = _min % 1
seconds = round(_sec - seconds_decimal)
return (hour, minutes, seconds)
def sind(a):
"""Returns the sine of angle, a, given in degrees."""
return math.sin(math.radians(a))
def cosd(a):
"""Returns the cosine of angle, a, given in degrees."""
return math.cos(math.radians(a))
def tand(a):
"""Returns the tangent of angle, a, given in degrees."""
return math.tan(math.radians(a))
def asind(a):
"""Returns the arcsine of a in degrees."""
return math.degrees(math.asin(a))
def acosd(a):
"""Returns the arccosine of a in degrees."""
return math.degrees(math.acos(a))
def atand(a):
"""Returns the arctangent of a in degrees."""
return math.degrees(math.atan(a))
# Utility Classes
class Time(object):
def __init__(self, hour, minute, second):
self.h = hour
self.m = minute
self.s = second
def __sub__(self, other):
"""TODO - Make this method more robust. It's fine for the HW problem."""
dms1 = dms2dec(self.h, self.m, self.s)
dms2 = dms2dec(other.h, other.m, other.s)
diff = dms1 - dms2
h, m, s = dec2dms(diff)
return diff
class Angle(object):
def __init__(self, angle):
def set(self, value):
tmp = value
while tmp > 360:
tmp -= 360
while tmp < 0:
tmp += 360
self.value = tmp
def get(self):
return self.value
# Star Class - This is where the bulk of the work happens
class Star(object):
The Star class is used to define an individual star's data as well
as class data common to all stars for the given problem.
Class Variables:
REF_TIME - The time for which we want to know our position.
GHA - A dictionary containing GHA Aries lookup data surrounding
the reference time.
REF_TIME = Time(21, 0, 0)
# GHA Aries lookup table for date
GHA = {
20: dms2dec(223, 1),
21: dms2dec(238, 3.4),
22: dms2dec(253, 5.9)
def __init__(self, name=''): = name
self.sha = None
self.dec = None
self.time = None # Time observed
self.Ho = None
def look(self, _lat, _lon):
# Time
t = self.time - Star.REF_TIME
self.t = t
# Estimate lat, lon
_lon = _lon + t*(V/60)*sind(T)/cosd(_lat)
_lat = _lat + t*(V/60)*cosd(T) = _lat
self.lon = _lon
# Interpolation factor - fraction of an hour
interp_factor = dms2dec(0, self.time.m, self.time.s) / dms2dec(0, 60)
self.interp_factor = interp_factor
# Last and next whole hour
prev_hour = self.time.h
next_hour = self.time.h + 1 # TODO (jk) - won't work after 11pm, go to be early.
# Interpolate GHA Aries
hourly_diff = Star.GHA[next_hour] - Star.GHA[prev_hour]
GHA_Aries = Star.GHA[prev_hour] + interp_factor*(hourly_diff)
self.GHA_Aries = GHA_Aries
#GHA_Aries = Star.GHA[_gha_hour]
GHA = GHA_Aries + self.sha
LHA = Angle(GHA + _lon).get()
# Elevation Angle
S = sind(self.dec);
C = cosd(self.dec)*cosd(LHA);
Hc = asind(S*sind(_lat) + C*cosd(_lat));
# Azimuth
X = (S*cosd(_lat) - C*sind(_lat)) / cosd(Hc);
if X > 1:
X = 1
elif X < -1:
X = -1
A = acosd(X)
if (LHA > 180):
Z = A
Z = 360 - A
self.azimuth = Angle(Z).get()
self.Hc = Hc
def p(self):
return self.Ho - self.Hc
def Z(self):
return self.azimuth
# Main - Iterative sight reduction
if __name__ == '__main__':
########## Given ##########
Lf = -15 # Ship position - estimated longitude
Bf = 32 # Ship position - estimated latitude
V = 20 # Ship course - velocity
T = 325 # Ship course - heading
# Regulus
regulus = Star('Regulus')
regulus.sha = dms2dec(207, 40.9)
regulus.dec = dms2dec(11, 52.9)
regulus.time = Time(20, 39, 23)
regulus.Ho = 26.8543
# Antares
antares = Star('Antares')
antares.sha = dms2dec(112, 22.6)
antares.dec = dms2dec(-26, -28.1)
antares.time = Time(20, 45, 47)
antares.Ho = 26.0611
# Kochab
kochab = Star('Kochab')
kochab.sha = dms2dec(137, 19.6)
kochab.dec = dms2dec(74, 5.5)
kochab.time = Time(21, 10, 34)
kochab.Ho = 47.5292
for i in range(1, MAX_ITERS + 1):
# Calculate Az/Alt of each star
regulus.look(Bf, Lf)
antares.look(Bf, Lf)
kochab.look(Bf, Lf)
## Intercepts -> p = Ho - Hc
p1 = regulus.p;
p2 = antares.p;
p3 = kochab.p;
# Azimuth
Z1 = regulus.Z;
Z2 = antares.Z;
Z3 = kochab.Z;
# A, B, C ...
A = cosd(Z1)**2 + cosd(Z2)**2 + cosd(Z3)**2
B = cosd(Z1)*sind(Z1) + cosd(Z2)*sind(Z2) + cosd(Z3)*sind(Z3)
C = sind(Z1)**2 + sind(Z2)**2 + sind(Z3)**2
D = p1*cosd(Z1) + p2*cosd(Z2) + p3*cosd(Z3)
E = p1*sind(Z1) + p2*sind(Z2) + p3*sind(Z3)
G = A*C - B**2
# New lat/lon estimates
Li = Lf + (A*E - B*D) / (G*cosd(Bf)) # Longitude
Bi = Bf + (C*D - B*E)/G # Latitude
# Distance between estimates
d = 60 * math.sqrt( (Li-Lf)**2 * cosd(Bf)**2 + (Bi - Bf)**2 )
# If dist is close enough, break
# Prepare for next iteration
Bf = Bi
Lf = Li
print 'Number of iterations: %3d' % i
print 'Tolerance: %10.2e Nm' % TOLERANCE
print 'Distance Error: %10.2e Nm' % d
print 'Latitude: %6.2f deg' % Bf
print 'Longitude: %6.2f deg' % Lf
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