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Created April 29, 2017 21:53
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Sight Reduction
Similar to the last sight reduction one, but modified to use geostationary satellites.
from __future__ import division
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
# Utility Functions
def deg2rad(x):
return math.radians(x)
def rad2deg(x):
return math.degrees(x)
def dms2dec(degrees, minutes, seconds=0):
return degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/60/60
def dec2dms(_dec):
"""Takes in a decimal time and converts the number to hours, minutes and
seconds. Returns the result as a tuple in the form (hour, min, sec)
decimal = _dec % 1
hour = round(_dec - decimal)
_min = decimal * 60
minutes_decimal = _min % 1
minutes = round(_min - minutes_decimal)
_sec = minutes_decimal * 60
seconds_decimal = _min % 1
seconds = round(_sec - seconds_decimal)
return (hour, minutes, seconds)
def sind(a):
"""Returns the sine of angle, a, given in degrees."""
return math.sin(math.radians(a))
def cosd(a):
"""Returns the cosine of angle, a, given in degrees."""
return math.cos(math.radians(a))
def tand(a):
"""Returns the tangent of angle, a, given in degrees."""
return math.tan(math.radians(a))
def asind(a):
"""Returns the arcsine of a in degrees."""
return math.degrees(math.asin(a))
def acosd(a):
"""Returns the arccosine of a in degrees."""
return math.degrees(math.acos(a))
def atand(a):
"""Returns the arctangent of a in degrees."""
return math.degrees(math.atan(a))
# Utility Classes
class Time(object):
def __init__(self, hour, minute, second):
self.h = hour
self.m = minute
self.s = second
def __sub__(self, other):
"""TODO - Make this method more robust. It's fine for the HW problem."""
dms1 = dms2dec(self.h, self.m, self.s)
dms2 = dms2dec(other.h, other.m, other.s)
diff = dms1 - dms2
h, m, s = dec2dms(diff)
return diff
class Angle(object):
def __init__(self, angle):
def set(self, value):
tmp = value
while tmp > 360:
tmp -= 360
while tmp < 0:
tmp += 360
self.value = tmp
def get(self):
return self.value
class Satellite(object):
The Satellite class is used to define an individual satellite.
def __init__(self, name='', ra=None): = name
self.ra = ra
self.dec = 0
self.Ho = None
def alt(self, _lat, _lon):
# Elevation Angle for Star
theta_e = deg2rad(_lat) # Earth station latitude [radians]
phi_e = deg2rad(_lon) # Earth station longitude [radians]
phi_s = deg2rad(self.ra) # Satellite longitude [radians]
phi_se = phi_s - phi_e # Difference in longitude [radians]
S = sind(self.dec)
C = cosd(self.dec)*cos(theta_e)
eta_s = asin(S*sin(theta_e) + C*cos(phi_se));
# Elevation Angle for Satellite
num = sin(eta_s) - R/r;
den = cos(eta_s);
eta = atand(num/den); # Elevation angle, eta [deg]
return eta
def az(self, _lat, _lon):
# Elevation Angle for Star
theta_e = deg2rad(_lat) # Earth station latitude [radians]
phi_e = deg2rad(_lon) # Earth station longitude [radians]
phi_s = deg2rad(self.ra) # Satellite longitude [radians]
phi_se = phi_s - phi_e # Difference in longitude [radians]
S = sind(self.dec)
C = cosd(self.dec)*cos(theta_e)
eta_s = asin(S*sin(theta_e) + C*cos(phi_se));
# Elevation Angle for Satellite
num = sin(eta_s) - R/r;
den = cos(eta_s);
eta = atand(num/den); # Elevation angle, eta [deg]
num = sin(phi_se);
den = cos(theta_e)*tand(self.dec) - sin(theta_e)*cos(phi_se);
Az = atand(num/den); # Azimuth [deg]
return 180 + Az
class Position(object):
def __init__(self, lat, lon): = lat
self.lon = lon
# Main - Iterative sight reduction
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Radius of Earth
R = 6378.1e3
# Positions
actual = Position(28.6024, -81.200)
ap = Position(28.6260,-80.6205)
# Satellites - 27W and 115 W
sat1 = Satellite('27W', ra=-27)
sat2 = Satellite('115W', ra=-115)
r = 42164e3
Bf =
Lf = ap.lon
for i in range(1, MAX_ITERS + 1):
## Intercepts -> p = Ho - Hc
p1 = sat1.alt(, actual.lon) - sat1.alt(, ap.lon)
p2 = sat2.alt(, actual.lon) - sat2.alt(, ap.lon)
# Azimuth
Z1 =, actual.lon)
Z2 =, actual.lon)
# A, B, C ...
A = cosd(Z1)**2 + cosd(Z2)**2
B = cosd(Z1)*sind(Z1) + cosd(Z2)*sind(Z2)
C = sind(Z1)**2 + sind(Z2)**2
D = p1*cosd(Z1) + p2*cosd(Z2)
E = p1*sind(Z1) + p2*sind(Z2)
G = A*C - B**2
# New lat/lon estimates
Li = Lf + (A*E - B*D) / (G*cosd(Bf)) # Longitude
Bi = Bf + (C*D - B*E)/G # Latitude
# Distance between estimates
d = 60 * math.sqrt( (Li-Lf)**2 * cosd(Bf)**2 + (Bi - Bf)**2 )
# If dist is close enough, break
# Prepare for next iteration
Bf = Bi
Lf = Li
print 'Number of iterations: %3d' % i
print 'Tolerance: %10.2e Nm' % TOLERANCE
print 'Distance Error: %10.2e Nm' % d
print 'Latitude: %6.4f deg' % Bf
print 'Longitude: %6.4f deg' % Lf
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