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Last active February 14, 2018 03:19
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Calculations for FESS 1 Problem Set #2, Problem #1
#!/usr/bin/env julia
# pset2-1.jl
# Josh Kaplan
# Computations for Problem Set #2, Problem #1.
#----------( Constants )----------#
R_E = 6378.1 # Radius of Earth [km]
µ_E = 3.986e5 # µ of Earth [km^3/s^2]
#----------( Functions )----------#
Computes the period in seconds given the semi-major axis. It assumes the
semi-major axis is given in km.
Source: Space Mission Engineering. Appendix C, Eq. C-19 (p. 964)
function period(a)
return 2*π * sqrt(a^3 / µ_E)
Computes the velocity for a given semi-major axis and radius. It assumes the
semi-major axis and radius are given km. The returned velocity is in km/s.
Source: Space Mission Engineering. Appendix C, Eq. C-64 (p. 967)
function velocity(a, r)
return sqrt(2*µ_E/r - µ_E/a)
Computes the maximum angular rate in deg/s as seen from the ground, given the
semi-major axis (in km).
Source: Space Mission Engineering. Appendix C, Eq. C-32 (p.964)
function max_angular_rate(a)
return a * 360 / (period(a) * (a - R_E))
Computes the maximum angular rate as seen from the ground for an elliptical
orbit, given the the velocity at apogee (km/s, radius at apogee (km), and a
radius. Alternatively, velocity at perigee and radius at perigee can be used
instead of those at apogee.
Source: Space Mission Engineering. Appendix C, Eq. C-82 (p.968)
function max_angular_rate_ellip(va, ra, r)
nu_dot = (360 / (2*π)) * true_anomaly_rate(va, ra, r)
return nu_dot * r / (r - R_E)
Computes the rate of change of true anomaly in radians per second. Assumes the
inputs are in compatible units.
Source: Space Mission Engineering. Appendix C, Eq. C-62 (p.966)
function true_anomaly_rate(va, ra, r)
nu_dot = va*ra / r^2
return nu_dot
Computes the maximum eclipse time (in seconds) for a given semi-major
axis (in km).
Source: Space Mission Engineering. Appendix C, Eq. C-37 (p.965)
function max_eclipse(a)
P = period(a)
return P * asind(R_E / a) / 180
Computes the maximum eclipse time (in seconds) for a given velocity at
apogee (km/s), radius at apogee (km), and a radius (km).
Source: Space Mission Engineering. Appendix C, Eq. C-88 (p.968)
function max_eclipse_ellip(va, ra, r)
nu_dot = true_anomaly_rate(va, ra, r)
return (2/nu_dot) * asin(R_E / r)
## Problem 1 ##
th = "Orbit Period Max Eclipse Velocity Max Angular Rate\n"
un = " [min] [min] [km/s] [deg/s] \n"
sp = "----- ------- ----------- -------- ----------------\n"
write(STDOUT, "\n")
write(STDOUT, th) # Print table headers
write(STDOUT, un) # Print units
write(STDOUT, sp) # Print separator
## Orbit #1 - Planet Labs ##
# Given:
a = R_E + 410 # Semi-major axis (circular) [km]
i = 51.7 # Inclination [deg]
P = 92.77*60 # Period [s]
v = 7.663 # Velocity [km/s]
# Compute remaining table items
eclipse = max_eclipse(a)
angular = max_angular_rate(a)
# Print results
@printf("%12.2f", P/60)
@printf("%12.2f", eclipse / 60)
@printf("%14.3f ", v)
@printf("%14.3f\n", angular)
## Orbit #2 - Skybox ##
a = R_E + 600 # Semi-major axis (circular) [km]
i = 97.6 # Inclination [deg]
P = 96.69*60 # Period [s]
v = 7.558 # Velocity [km/s]
# Compute remaining table items
eclipse = max_eclipse(a)
angular = max_angular_rate(a)
# Print Results
@printf("%12.2f", P/60)
@printf("%12.2f", eclipse / 60)
@printf("%14.3f ", v)
@printf("%14.3f\n", angular)
## Orbit #3 - Van Allen Probes ##
rp = R_E + 600 # Radius at apogee [km]
ra = R_E + 30000 # Radius at perigee [km]
a = (rp + ra)/2 # Semi-major axis [km]
i = 10 # Inclination [deg]
P = period(a) # Period [s]
vp = velocity(a, rp) # Velocity at perigee [km/s]
va = velocity(a, ra) # Velocity at apogee [km/s]
# Compute eclipse times
eclipse_per = max_eclipse_ellip(va, ra, rp)
eclipse_apo = max_eclipse_ellip(va, ra, ra)
# Compute angular rates
angular_per = max_angular_rate_ellip(va, ra, rp)
angular_apo = max_angular_rate_ellip(va, ra, ra)
# Print Results
@printf("%12.2f\n", P/60)
@printf(" per.")
@printf(" %19.2f", eclipse_per / 60)
@printf(" %12.3f", vp)
@printf(" %13.3f\n", angular_per)
@printf(" apo.")
@printf(" %19.2f", eclipse_per / 60)
@printf(" %12.3f", va)
@printf(" %13.3f\n", angular_per)
## Orbit #4 - GEO Telecom ##
a = R_E + 35786 # Semi-major axis (circular) [km]
i = 0 # Inclination [deg]
P = period(a) # Period [s]
v = velocity(a, a) # Velocity [km/s]
# Compute remaining table items
eclipse = max_eclipse(a)
angular = max_angular_rate(a)
@printf("%12.2f", period(a)/60)
@printf("%12.2f", eclipse / 60)
@printf("%14.3f ", v)
@printf("%14.3f\n", angular)
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