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Created May 17, 2013 21:49
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boss@cloudify-1:~/git-checkouts/hotel-cloudify/clouds/openstack$ cat openstack-cloud.groovy
* Cloud configuration file for the Amazon ec2 cloud. Uses the default jclouds-based cloud driver.
* See for more details.
* @author barakme
cloud {
// Mandatory. The name of the cloud, as it will appear in the Cloudify UI.
name = "openstack"
* General configuration information about the cloud driver implementation.
configuration {
// Optional. The cloud implementation class. Defaults to the build in jclouds-based provisioning driver.
className "org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.jclouds.DefaultProvisioningDriver"
storageClassName ""
// Optional. The template name for the management machines. Defaults to the first template in the templates section below.
managementMachineTemplate "XLARGE_MANAGEMENT_PUBLIC"
// Optional. Indicates whether internal cluster communications should use the machine private IP. Defaults to true.
connectToPrivateIp true
bootstrapManagementOnPublicIp true
// Optional. Path to folder where management state will be written. Null indicates state will not be written.
persistentStoragePath persistencePath
* Provider specific information.
provider {
// Mandatory. The name of the provider.
// When using the default cloud driver, maps to the Compute Service Context provider name.
provider "openstack-nova"
// Optional. The HTTP/S URL where cloudify can be downloaded from by newly started machines. Defaults to downloading the
// cloudify version matching that of the client from the cloudify CDN.
// Change this if your compute nodes do not have access to an internet connection, or if you prefer to use a
// different HTTP server instead.
// IMPORTANT: the default linux bootstrap script appends '.tar.gz' to the url whereas the default windows script appends '.zip'.
// Therefore, if setting a custom URL, make sure to leave out the suffix.
// cloudifyUrl ""
// Mandatory. The prefix for new machines started for servies.
machineNamePrefix "cloudify-agent-"
// Optional. Defaults to true. Specifies whether cloudify should try to deploy services on the management machine.
// Do not change this unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing.
managementOnlyFiles (["hotelboss.pem"])
// Optional. Logging level for the intenal cloud provider logger. Defaults to INFO.
sshLoggingLevel "WARNING"
// Mandatory. Name of the new machine/s started as cloudify management machines. Names are case-insensitive.
managementGroup "cloudify-manager"
// Mandatory. Number of management machines to start on bootstrap-cloud. In production, should be 2. Can be 1 for dev.
numberOfManagementMachines 1
reservedMemoryCapacityPerMachineInMB 1024
* Cloud authentication information
user {
// Optional. Identity used to access cloud.
// When used with the default driver, maps to the identity used to create the ComputeServiceContext.
//user user
user "${tenant}:${user}"
// Optional. Key used to access cloud.
// When used with the default driver, maps to the credential used to create the ComputeServiceContext.
apiKey apiKey
cloudStorage {
templates ([
BLOCK_16 : storageTemplate{
deleteOnExit false
size 16
path "storage"
namePrefix "cloudify-storage-"
deviceName "/dev/vdb"
fileSystemType "ext4"
custom (["": "nova"])
BLOCK_128 : storageTemplate{
deleteOnExit false
size 1
path "storage"
namePrefix "cloudify-storage-"
deviceName "/dev/vdb"
fileSystemType "ext4"
custom (["": "nova"])
BLOCK_512 : storageTemplate{
deleteOnExit false
size 512
path "storage"
namePrefix "cloudify-storage-"
deviceName "/dev/vdb"
fileSystemType "ext4"
custom (["": "nova"])
BLOCK_1024 : storageTemplate{
deleteOnExit false
size 1024
path "storage"
namePrefix "cloudify-storage-"
deviceName "/dev/vdb"
fileSystemType "ext4"
custom (["": "nova"])
cloudCompute {
* Cloud machine templates available with this cloud.
templates ([
// Mandatory. Template Name.
// Mandatory. Image ID.
imageId linuxImageId
// Mandatory. Files from the local directory will be copied to this directory on the remote machine.
remoteDirectory "/home/ubuntu/gs-files"
// Mandatory. Amount of RAM available to machine.
machineMemoryMB 16050
// Mandatory. Hardware ID.
hardwareId hardwareId
// Location ID.
locationId locationId
// Mandatory. All files from this LOCAL directory will be copied to the remote machine directory.
localDirectory "upload"
// Optional. Name of key file to use for authenticating to the remot machine. Remove this line if key files
// are not used.
keyFile keyFile
//username "root"
username "ubuntu"
// Additional template options.
// When used with the default driver, the option names are considered
// method names invoked on the TemplateOptions object with the value as the parameter.
options ([
"securityGroupNames" : ["cloudify-mgmt"]as String[],
"keyPairName" : keyPair,
"generateKeyPair": false,
"autoAssignFloatingIp": true
// Optional. Overrides to default cloud driver behavior.
// When used with the default driver, maps to the overrides properties passed to the ComputeServiceContext a
overrides ([
"jclouds.endpoint": openstackUrl
// enable sudo.
privileged true
// optional. A native command line to be executed before the cloudify agent is started.
// initializationCommand "echo Cloudify agent is about to start"
XLARGE_AGENTS_PUBLIC : computeTemplate{
// Mandatory. Image ID.
imageId linuxImageId
// Mandatory. Files from the local directory will be copied to this directory on the remote machine.
remoteDirectory "/home/ubuntu/gs-files"
// Mandatory. Amount of RAM available to machine.
machineMemoryMB 16050
// Mandatory. Hardware ID.
hardwareId hardwareId
// Location ID.
locationId locationId
// Mandatory. All files from this LOCAL directory will be copied to the remote machine directory.
localDirectory "upload"
// Optional. Name of key file to use for authenticating to the remot machine. Remove this line if key files
// are not used.
keyFile keyFile
//username "root"
username "ubuntu"
// Additional template options.
// When used with the default driver, the option names are considered
// method names invoked on the TemplateOptions object with the value as the parameter.
options ([
"securityGroupNames" : ["cloudify-agents-public"]as String[],
"keyPairName" : keyPair,
"generateKeyPair": false,
"autoAssignFloatingIp": true
// Optional. Overrides to default cloud driver behavior.
// When used with the default driver, maps to the overrides properties passed to the ComputeServiceContext a
overrides ([
"jclouds.endpoint": openstackUrl
// enable sudo.
privileged true
// optional. A native command line to be executed before the cloudify agent is started.
// initializationCommand "echo Cloudify agent is about to start"
XLARGE_AGENTS_PRIVATE : computeTemplate{
// Mandatory. Image ID.
imageId linuxImageId
// Mandatory. Files from the local directory will be copied to this directory on the remote machine.
remoteDirectory "/home/ubuntu/gs-files"
// Mandatory. Amount of RAM available to machine.
machineMemoryMB 16050
// Mandatory. Hardware ID.
hardwareId hardwareId
// Location ID.
locationId locationId
// Mandatory. All files from this LOCAL directory will be copied to the remote machine directory.
localDirectory "upload"
// Optional. Name of key file to use for authenticating to the remot machine. Remove this line if key files
// are not used.
keyFile keyFile
//username "root"
username "ubuntu"
// Additional template options.
// When used with the default driver, the option names are considered
// method names invoked on the TemplateOptions object with the value as the parameter.
options ([
"securityGroupNames" : ["cloudify-agents-private"]as String[],
"keyPairName" : keyPair,
"generateKeyPair": false,
"autoAssignFloatingIp": false
// Optional. Overrides to default cloud driver behavior.
// When used with the default driver, maps to the overrides properties passed to the ComputeServiceContext a
overrides ([
"jclouds.endpoint": openstackUrl
// enable sudo.
privileged true
// optional. A native command line to be executed before the cloudify agent is started.
// initializationCommand "echo Cloudify agent is about to start"
* Optional. Custom properties used to extend existing drivers or create new ones.
custom ([
"openstack.wireLog": "true"
boss@cloudify-1:~/git-checkouts/hotel-cloudify/clouds/openstack$ ls
openstack-cloud.groovy upload
boss@cloudify-1:~/git-checkouts/hotel-cloudify/clouds/openstack$ cat
// Credentials - Enter your cloud provider account credentials here
// For instance: "https://<IP>:5000/v2.0/"
// Management persistence configuration. Replace with a string path to activate. 'null' indicates no persistence.
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