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Created July 19, 2024 16:05
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Parse Markdown Front Matter with Terraform
# Helper module for parsing front matter from a markdown file and returning
# the front matter content as a map.
# Usage:
# module "frontmatter" {
# source = "./path/to/modules/frontmatter"
# content = file("path/to/markdown/")
# }
# output "title_from_front_matter" {
# value =
# }
variable "content" {
description = "The content of the markdown file with front matter"
type = string
locals {
# Replace newline characters with actual newlines for regex parsing
content_with_newlines = replace(var.content, "\\n", "\n")
# Use regex to match the front matter
front_matter_matches = regexall("(?s)^---\n(.*?)\n---", local.content_with_newlines)
# Extract the front matter content if found
front_matter = length(local.front_matter_matches) > 0 ? local.front_matter_matches[0] : null
# Debug: Output the raw front matter
front_matter_raw = local.front_matter
# Extract the front matter content without the delimiters if front matter is found
front_matter_content = local.front_matter != null ? local.front_matter[0] : ""
# Split the front matter into lines if content is not empty
front_matter_lines = local.front_matter_content != "" ? split("\n", local.front_matter_content) : []
# Parse each line into a map
front_matter_map = length(local.front_matter_lines) > 0 ? {
for line in local.front_matter_lines :
split(":", line)[0] => trimspace(split(":", line)[1])
if line != "" && can(split(":", line) && length(split(":", line)) > 1)
} : {}
# Output the parsed front matter map
output "map" {
value = local.front_matter_map
# Debug: Output the front matter content and lines
output "raw" {
value = local.front_matter_raw
description = "The raw front matter content (for debugging)"
output "matches" {
value = local.front_matter_matches
description = "The matches found in the content (for debugging)"
output "content" {
value = local.front_matter_content
description = "The content of the front matter (for debugging)"
output "lines" {
value = local.front_matter_lines
description = "The lines of the front matter content (for debugging)"
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