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Created May 6, 2014 18:12
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Marionette infinite scrolling rows
@PM.module 'Layouts', (Layouts, App, Backbone, Marionette) ->
class Layouts.FeedbackLayout extends Layouts.CompositeList
className: 'row feedback composite-list-wrapper max-container'
template: 'feedback/feedback'
historyIndex: 1
initialize: ->
productHistory: '.product-history-container'
#attaches scroll event to window triggering 'detect_scroll' and passing the 'this' context so it's not window
$(window).on('scroll', _.bind(@detect_scroll, @))
@historyCollection = @options.historyView.collection
@historyCollection.on 'fetch:start', @toggleSpinner, @
@historyCollection.on 'fetch:end', @renderProductHistory, @
@stageView = @options.stageView
console.log "recreating sidebar view", @
@sidebarView = new App.Views.FeedbackSidebar
collection: @options.sidebarCollection
detect_scroll: ->
$window = $ window
$document = $ document
if $window.scrollTop() >= $document.height() - $window.height() - 300
close: ->
#remove scroll event when FeedbackLayout is closed
toggleSpinner: ->
@historyView.$el.find('.loading').removeClass('hide') if @historyView
renderProductHistory: ->
#items = @historyCollection.models[0].get('items')
#if items from history are fetched back
# if @historyView
# @historyView.$el.append(new @itemView.itemView({ collection: @historyCollection }).render().el)
# else
# if @historyCollection.length > 0
# items = @historyCollection.models[0].get('items')
# @historyView = new App.Feedback.Views.History
# collection: @historyCollection
# @historyView
# @historyView.$el.find('.loading').addClass('hide')
#if historyView already exists we want to create a new row and append child elements
#we also want to group the collection by three for each row, if a row
#doesn't have 3 items add another child element else create a new row
if @historyView
#JSON response contains items and count we need to convert items array to a collection
#returns an array of three items
@collection = new Backbone.Collection( @historyCollection.models[0].get('items') )
return if @collection.length is 0
#cache view since it's reused a lot
historyView = @historyView
@collection.each (item, index) ->
row = historyView.$itemViewContainer.children().last()
if row.children().length isnt 3
row.append( new App.Feedback.Views.HistoryItemView( model: item ).render().el )
row = new App.Feedback.Views.HistoryRow( model: item, collection: [] )
row.addChildView(item, App.Feedback.Views.HistoryItemView)
historyView.$itemViewContainer.append( row.$el )
, @
@collection = new Backbone.Collection( @historyCollection.models[0].get('items') )
@historyView = new App.Feedback.Views.History
collection: @collection @historyView
$(window).on('scroll', _.bind(@detect_scroll, @))
onShow: ->
console.log "feedbackLayout", @
#@history.fetch reset: true if @history.length == 0
#will be empty if the collection is empty because a view is never created
@historyView = new App.Feedback.Views.History
collection: @historyCollection @historyView
if @sidebarView @sidebarView
if @stageView @stageView
# if stageView = @options.stageView
# @sidebarView.activate stageView.section
# @sidebarView.setListVisible stageView.pendingFeedbackVisible
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